How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work - David V Bush

   Book Contents

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You know those people who seem to have everything always go their way?

You know the ones – they make more money than you, they get promoted over you, they do well in relationships, they are able to buy nice things, they just seem happier and more fulfilled than you.

You know who these people are. Well, have you ever wondered what makes them the way they are? What makes them so successful?

They’re not smarter than you.

They’re not more talented.

So what is it?

Simply put, these lucky people have a natural ability to control their subconscious minds.

Now with How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work, you can be like them.

Here are just a few of the things you will learn from this book:·      

  • The four reasons why most people get sick and how to use your subconscious mind to quickly feel better than you have in years 
  • How to replace negative thoughts with positive ones and dramatically improve the quality of your life 
  • How to heal injuries and illnesses and cure diseases with nothing more than your thoughts 
  • How to purge your subconscious mind of bad thoughts and immediately begin living a happier, more rewarding existence 
  • How to think about yourself so that your dreams come true 
  • How to meditate, as well as daily affirmations that you can say to get yourself in the right frame of mind for success
  • How to “hold a thought” so that you are always thinking positively and never negatively
  • How to empty your mind from all negative thinking 
  • How to use the power of your subconscious mind to improve your relationships with others 
  • Simple exercises that you can do anytime, anywhere to improve your ability to control and tap into the power of your subconscious mind 
  • How to use autosuggestion to obtain your most ardent desires 
  • How to calm yourself and avoid stress in times of great turmoil 
  • How to use your subconscious mind to dramatically improve your memory 
  • How to use the subconscious mind to influence others and get them to agree with you 
  • How to give and receive healing treatments on the subconscious level 
  • And much, much more


1. Preface

2. Subconscious Mind

3. Unfriendly Suggestion

4. Cure All

5. Organic And Functional Diseases

6. Constructive Suggestion

7. Suggestion

8. The "Present"

9. Autosuggestion

10. Semi-Negative

11. Hetero Suggestion

12. Larvated – Placebos - (Masked) Suggestion

13. Healing Children

14. How To Give Treatments

15. How To Treat And Give Treatments - Continued

16. How To Give Treatments - Continued

17. After The Healing - What?

18. Breathing

19. Keeping Fit

20. Eating And Mind

21. Rest

22. Work – Service - Hobby

23. Right "Atmosphere"

24. Mental Indolence