How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work
How To Give Treatments

All the treatments should as far as possible be given amidst surroundings that do not distract the patient's attention. All
sights and sounds which may disturb the patient should be removed. Close the windows and pull down the blinds of the room
so that neither sight nor hearing will be disturbed.
It is a known fact that few people can concentrate in the open where even a delicate breeze is blowing. In order to reach
the inner consciousness of the patient and help the suggestion to have its best effect, the milieu should be as near ideal
as possible.
All surroundings should conduce to impress upon the patient that something is about to happen. Thus, will his mind become
the more receptive and the more completely will suggestion take effect.
Passivity being sought, relaxation of the body should be urged and neutral environment be provided. The patient must be comfortable
and forget his body if possible.
The Healer should either sit or stand beside the patient or else behind him. Since there is no hard and fast rule, let your
little monitor (the hunch) act for you in these matters.
There is a force more subtle than that of the spoken word or affirmation, especially if the Healer is able to throw himself
into the subjective state of deep concentration. Whatever the healer thinks or formulates in his mind for the good of the
patient will invariably be transferred to the patient telepathically. Many successful Healers never speak out loud, but quietly
hold the thought which performs wonders.
The influence of the spoken word is of course very great. And merely by the vibrations of sound and carefully chosen words
the healing is often effected. In nearly every campaign I conduct, I ask those, who have been healed by the tones of my voice
to hold up their hands. There is always a response that represents a large percentage of the audience.
In a positive, convincing manner backed up by your own faith and belief, tell the patient that his pains will cease, his strength
return, and all of his inharmonies and difficulties be smoothed away. This gives an added faith and confidence to the patient.
One may alternate his treatments by audible instructions and exhortations of comfort with silently holding the thought. There
is something deeper and more far-reaching in thought than in the spoken word. Very often there is an interchange of vibrations
between the healer's mind (which is in a state of poise) and that of the patient so that thoughts of disease, failure, lack,
unhappiness are eliminated and new hope transferred, by some invisible psychic process, into the very heart and soul of the
You cannot help the patient until he is in a passive state and will follow your specific directions. To accomplish this the
patient should be taught to relax his muscles; to allow his hands to be limp, to fall at the side and then to be raised high
above the head. Repeat this a few times.
The practitioner may set a good example by seating himself in a chair and telling the patient to let go in his own way. This
may be helped by using such an affirmation as this: "Now, make yourself perfectly comfortable, easy, restful, quiet. Easy,
comfortable, restful, quiet; easy, comfortable, restful, quiet." This suggestion will pro- mote physical as well as mental
ease and relaxation, and will draw attention from the nerves.
Study your patient and converse with him according to his particular requirements, speaking only things which will produce
quietness and calmness of mind. Be careful to avoid subjects that will bring about argument or arouse antagonism. The main
object of the wise practitioner will be not to convert his patient to any particular belief or faith but to cure him.
Other Things to Do
The practitioner must firmly impress upon the patient the necessity of proper nutrition and proper elimination. This instruction
must be given not only before healing may be expected, but must be pursued if the healing is to "stay put." An instantaneous
healing by the strongest psychic force is no guaranty of a permanent cure if the primary, physical laws of life are neglected.
Theron Q. Dumont, in "Mental Therapeutics" expresses this at great length. We quote briefly
By proper treatment it may be encouraged to resume normal and natural functioning; but the patient should be told to treat
it properly in return. In treating the stomach, address yourself not only to it in itself, but also to the glands manufacturing
the gastric juice--it is astonishing how these glands will respond to an earnest appeal, and will manufacture a sufficient
amount of gastric juice with a sufficient amount of pepsin in it to do the work properly. Treatment of this kind just before
a meal will often give the patient a keen appetite, and will result in perfect digestion of that meal. The experiment is most
interesting and instructive.
After the food-mass has been treated by and in the stomach as I have just described, it is passed on and out of the stomach
on the right-hand side, and enters into what is known as the Small Intestine. The Small Intestine is a long tube, entrail
or gut, which is from twenty to thirty feet in length, but which is so ingeniously coiled upon itself as to occupy but a comparatively
small space in the body --this intestine must not be confused with the Colon or large intestine which carries away the refuse
or garbage of the system to be discharged from the body. The Small Intestine is an important part of the main organs of nutrition.
Its surface is lined with a velvety substance which brushes against the food-mass which passes along it, and acts to absorb
the fluid food-substance when properly digested.
When the food-mass enters the Small Intestine it is met with a strong, peculiar fluid called Bile, which becomes thoroughly
mixed up with it and worked into it. The Bile is manufactured by the Liver to the extent of about two quarts a day, and is
stored up for future use in what is called the Gall-Bladder. There is also poured into the food in this stage another strong
fluid, called the Pancreatic Juice, which is manufactured to the extent of about one and one-half pints daily by the Pancreas,
or '"sweetbread," an organ situated just behind the stomach. The work of the Bile and the Pancreatic Juice is to act upon
the fatty portions of the food-mass so as to render it capable of being absorbed into the blood; the Bile also acts to prevent
decomposition and putrefaction of the food as it passes through the intestine, and also to neutralize the gastric juice which
has already performed its work and is no longer needed by the system.
In cases of digestive trouble, the practitioner should always treat the Small Intestine, the Pancreas, and the Liver. The
first two organs are, like the stomach, quite receptive and responsive to mental treatment--in fact, they are rather more
gentle than even that organ, and rather resemble the intelligent well-bred hunting-dog in their mental character. The Liver,
on the contrary, as I have said before, is stubborn, rather stupid, and "heavy" in its mentality--it is like the pig or the
mule, and must be treated vigorously, firmly, and positively, and emphatically told that it must get to work properly and
The food-mass in the Small Intestine is a soft, semi- liquid substance produced by the process of digestion of the food originally
taken into the mouth. It reaches the Small Intestine from the stomach in the form of a pasty substance called Chyme. This
Chyme is transformed by the intestinal juices and Bile into three derivative substances, namely: (1) Peptone, derived from
the digestion of albuminous substances; (2) Chyle, derived from the emulsion of the fatty substances; and (3) Glucose, derived
from the transformation of the starchy substances. It should be noted, however, that the fluids taken into the stomach as
drink, as well as the fluids liberated from the solids in the process of digestion in the stomach, do not reach the Small
Intestine at all--instead, they are rapidly taken up by the absorbent apparatus of the stomach and carried into the blood,
and thence to the kidneys and bladder, and finally voided from the system in the urine. Some of the fluids, of course, are
retained in the body to perform necessary work therein.
It is always well to be supplied with plenty of mental ammunition relative to the power of the mind over the body to heal.
This can be obtained by reading books, attending lectures, by meditation and prayer.
It is always best to begin treatment of the patient by pointing out to him what you aspire to accomplish; explaining to him
how the mind heals; assuring him that countless others have been healed; and forecasting the probability of his own healing,
Do not let yourself be drawn into an argument with the patient. Stick to the effects to be produced and do not dwell too much
upon theory. There are plenty of facts and actual demonstrations for you to dwell upon. In giving treatment you do not have
to repeat our exact words or our formulae unless you so desire. No doubt you have memorized a number of affirmations which
you will string together like a necklace of pearls while you talk to your patient about the power of the mind to heal or to
bring about success, prosperity and happiness.
Getting Down to Treatment
You have already spoken to him about the power of the mind to heal and the necessity ot nutrition, elimination, fresh air,
and water, so the following suggestive treatments may now be considered.
Sample Treatment No. 18
After establishing the patient in proper surroundings as recommended above, relaxed, in a reclining position or prone; exhort
him in some such way as this:
"Mr. Doe, you are resting; you are quiet and peaceful. Your body is relaxed and your mind at ease. Your nervous system is
calm. Your heart beats normally and all the organs of your body perform aright their natural functions.
"While I speak, you feel more restful and quiet. As you listen to my voice your muscles become more relaxed, your nerves less
tense and you are more at peace in your mind.
"You are feeling more quiet, comfortable, easy, and serene. You are at rest in Infinite Love. You now feel a spirit of peace
and poise creep into your being that gives you strength and courage, hope and health.
"We will now proceed to give strength and harmony to various organs of your body. First, your stomach and organs of nutrition
are all restful, harmonious and strong. My suggestion will cause your stomach to digest your food easily; will cause your
body to derive nourishment there- from; and the process of elimination to be per- formed normally. This nutrition is giving
strength and power to your body, courage and power to your will. It is carrying to all the cells of your body, strength and
harmony for natural functioning. You need perfect nourishment and I am now going to cause your organs of nutrition to give
it to you.
"Your stomach is strong, strong, well, well, whole and complete, whole and complete. Your stomach is able and willing to perform
its natural functioning with ease and strength. It can digest the food necessary for your nourishment, and begins right now
to manifest strength, power, so that it will digest your food properly and naturally.
"In order to be well you must have proper nourishment, therefore we begin with the stomach and the organs of nutrition. They
are strong, strong, strong. They are willing to perform their task with ease, ease, ease. As I slowly speak, you perceive
a feeling of rest, quiet, calm, and poise permeate your being, and you are strong, strong, strong.
"You are going to help nature perform its natural functioning, by maintaining a cheerful mind, an optimistic outlook, and
the spirit of faith. Bright, cheerful thoughts are going to help your organs of nutrition. Eight now, you are at peace and
rest in Infinite Love. Right now you are bright, cheerful, and happy. While I silently think these words, repeat a number
of times to yourself, I am bright, cheerful, and happy. I am optimistic, courageous and faithful.
"We are now going to equalize, energize, and stimulate your circulation. There is no organ of the body that works with more
cheer than the heart. It delights in healthful pulsation, in sending the blood received clean and pure from the lungs back
to all parts of the body in life-giving fluid, re-energize and re-vitalize. The heart responds wonderfully well to a little
thought from the patient.
"The blood will course freely and cheerfully through your body, vitalizing, energizing, yielding health and power.
"Your lungs are co-operating with the heart, inhaling fresh air, supplying oxygen and strength to the blood received from
the heart. The heart sends out fresh blood and pumps the impure to the lungs which burn up the waste-matter of the cells and
other organs of the body, and replace worn out poisonous tissue with fresh and good material in the blood.
"Now, breath deeply a few times and while doing so feel the live-giving energizing power as you inhale it from the circumambient.
You are breathing in health, you are breathing out impurities. You are inhaling strength, you are exhaling waste matter. You
are breathing in health and strength. The sub-conscious mind is taking up my suggestion that you are breathing in health and
strength. You are feeling stronger and stronger. You are feeling better and better.
"Remember, Mr. Doe, you are going to help nature in the process of nutrition and elimination by being careful what you eat
and by drinking plenty of pure water. You must increase your supply of fluids. You must drink water often during the day,
and as you drink, take a thought such as this: 'I quaff this water to cleanse my system from impurities and to bring about
new, normal, and healthy conditions.' Every living thing depends upon water, needs water, must have water, Indeed, much of
our illness is due to the fact that we have formed the habit of drinking too little water. So help nature and God by par-
taking of more of the necessary fluids.
"This increased fluid supply will cause your bowels to move regularly every day, thus carrying off the waste matter of the
system. Your bowels will begin tomorrow morning to move naturally and normally and will soon form a regular habit. You must
hold this thought yourself several times during the rest of the day, and as you drop off to sleep at night, you must repeat
to yourself, 'My bowels are functioning normally, easily, and will function naturally in the morning.'
"Now, Mr. Doe, rest a few moments. Be quiet and reposed as possible. (Here the practitioner pauses and holds a silent thought).
Mr. Doe, you are feeling stronger than you did. Your nerves have relaxed and the tension of your body has 'let go.' Your mind
is at peace, and you feel much stronger and better than you did when you came. You are going to continue to feel this way
You will be better tomorrow than you are now. You will feel stronger and better day by day. You feel stronger now. You feel
better now. You ARE stronger and better now. You are at rest in Infinite Love. The Spirit of the good God goes before you,
making easy and prosperous all your ways. You may rise and go your way in peace, filled with the Infinite Spirit of health,
success and happiness.''
The foregoing is a general treatment which may be modified or lengthened by the Healer. The same kind of treatment may be
given for success, and prosperity. In the place, however, of speaking directly to the organs of the body, speak directly to
the man's mind and soul assuring him that he is prosperous and successful; that he is feeling stronger and more courageous;
that he believes in himself now as he never did before; that his old time strength is coming back; that the ambition of yesterday
is again aroused. The desire to achieve, stimulates him into action. He feels certain that nothing but courage, and faith,
and power, and achievement, will be entertained in his consciousness; that things he dreams about will be realized; that the
desires of his heart will become actualities; that his castles in Spain will be built of material things; that he will come
into his own.
The reader may add to the treatment for success and prosperity suggested above, according to the dictates of sound judgment,
but the way to give this treatment, the position, the surroundings, the conditions, the tone of the voice, etc., are identical
whether in giving the treatments for prosperity, for success, for happiness, or for physical healing.
All of the other organs of the body can be treated in the self same way--headaches, reproductive complaints, nervous troubles,
in fact any physical or nervous trouble. Self treatment, likewise, can be carried out in the same way.