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How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work

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Hetero Suggestion

Manifest Your Desires Effortlessly

Different Methods

Hetero-suggestion is that which is given by one or more persons to another; it may be given verbally or mentally.

This is simply another way of saying that'' two heads are better than one" or "let us put our heads together."

The world is so filled with fear, and our heritage thereof through the centuries is so heavy that our conscious mind very often unconsciously and al- most automatically plants seeds of doubt in our subconscious when we try to demonstrate for ourselves. Hence, it is necessary for a second person to give the suggestions to others. This helps to produce the passivity of mind and create the subjective expectancy which is necessary before a demonstration may be completed.

When any doubt exists about the results, make a strong auto-suggestion without becoming impatient or allowing yourself to examine the progress you have made, such as "I do believe and know that I can do it. It will be done!''

There is a power, far beyond the usual reader's expectations, is such an oft repeated statement.

Some people again are like a sensitive hothouse plant or flower. It is of little avail for them to make the usual affirmations or formulae for success, health or happiness. They have relied so much upon other people and others have ministered so much to their wants that they feel unequal to the task of holding thoughts to help themselves. Such patients will secure beneficial results from having others demonstrate with or for them. This is called Hetero Suggestion.

The great Master said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them." Psychologically speaking, Jesus understood and tried to impress upon his followers that man is a social being, that while we are dependent upon God, the Infinite, yet we are "members one of another" and are so constituted that we feel better when in company with others. We feel stronger when groups gather, when clans- men and tribes federate, when states are made one. Our dependence is not only upon God but we rely one upon the other. There are few hermits, few recluses and mighty few Robinson Crusoes--and then, even Robinson had his Man Friday.

Man a Social Being

So we feel stronger and better when we have human support. It helps us have a greater confidence and a greater faith in God. In learning, therefore, how to take our counter suggestions for health, success or happiness, if two people sit down together, the one desiring help and the other longing to give it, the result is sure to be beneficial.

Then, if the suggestion for health, success or happiness is not strong enough, when given by one to help the other, if we add two or three or four or five or six or seven more people in hetero suggestions, usually a more speedy demonstration takes place.

So, in taking our opposite or counter suggestion, many people find they are not able to heal themselves. They try the various methods we have already outlined here and elsewhere. They find their mental kink; they put their finger on the cause. They know the reason. They have tried to suggest to themselves by using one formula or another, one affirmation or more, and yet find they are not much better than before they attempted treatment.

At this point the patient needs the help of some- one else or of many. Therefore, that person should have two, three or more persons suggest to his subconscious mind thoughts counter to those which he himself is holding.

To induce some individual or a number of people to help get these truths anchored into the subconscious mind is of utmost importance when one cannot do it himself by auto-suggestion.

If a person is not getting the results from auto- suggestion he thinks he should have let him secure the help of some other person or persons.

This of course he gets, when treatment is given by a practitioner, but results would perhaps be better if more than the practitioner were to help give the suggestion. Four minds are stronger than one mind, three minds are stronger than two. Let three or four or even more suggest to the patient giving the same affirmations and results may accrue that have not been noticed before.

Anyone may be invited or commandeered to help in hetero-suggestion, the only requirement being that whoever makes a suggestion in the presence of another will enter into co-operation and sympathetic relation with the subject to whom the suggestion is made.

When auto-suggestion does not bring about results try a healer.

When results from the healer seem to be slow, try hetero-suggestion--having several persons suggest to you.

Subjects may become electromagnetic, which is the greatest power that one can possess. Let a circle represent a great ocean of mind, holding in itself all power, wisdom, etc., and if a dot in the center of that circle represents a living person all that belongs to that ocean may be poured into that person to his fullest capacity because he lives in that ocean. Being also a center of force all the energy about him can be used. This will make him electromagnetic and very powerful in his life. It will be surprising to the operator how the subject will be able to help him- self and others if he gets these truths anchored in his mind and graphically sees these things.

In all cases of normality it is necessary for whoever makes a suggestion to another to enter into co-operative and sympathetic relations with the subject to whom the suggestion is made.

Scripture tells us in effect that if two or three are agreed upon a certain thing it shall be given unto them.

This is another way of saying that where two or more people center their minds upon a given object, the result which they desire may be expected.

As an example: If two or three are agreed together that pain shall leave a stricken body and perfect physical harmony be restored, or if two or three are agreed that success, prosperity and new channels for vocational success shall come to one, the result will be effected, much more quickly as a rule, than when a person works alone.

This is what we call hetero-suggestion. That is the reason why we recommend and indeed strongly urge that patients call upon practitioners to help them and why, immediate personal treatment not being available, we recommend absent treatment.