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Manifest Your Dreams Effortlessly

Are you sick and tired of endless reality creation courses, videos, books and teachers promising you the life of your dreams if you follow their instant 'secret' manifesting method - but they don't ultimately work?

The Manifesting Lab shows you how to systematically turn your mind into a Law of Attraction deliberate manifesting machine that will steadily attract your most-wanted desires into your reality ...forever.

Take a look around and see for yourself.

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The Manifesting Lab

Three Easy Steps To A Longer, Healthier And Happier Life

This book will help you live life to the fullest in spite of how destroyed, polluted, or shattered the real world you're living in seems to be right now.

Living a longer, healthier and happier life is really not that complicated. But you may be making it seem complicated for yourself. This book will get you back on track.

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How To Command And Master Your Emotions

This book will help you defeat those self-inflicted destructive emotions that hinder you from attaining success and freedom in life.

You will learn how to convert these negative emotions into positive ones using the incredible power of your mind.

Applying this knowledge will propel you to reach any goal you pursue in life.

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The Path Of Prosperity

In The Path of Prosperity author James Allen, one of the forefathers of the power of positive thinking, guides you towards finding peace and prosperity by changing your attitude towards life's challenges.

Along the lines of his other masterful work As A Man Thinketh, Allen demonstrates how to transform your life by simply changing the thoughts that you allow yourself to think.

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Assertiveness: The Art of Getting Your Way Nicely

Assertiveness is the ability to express yourself and your rights clearly without necessarily violating anyone else's rights.

It means that you get to have your way without offending anyone else.

If you feel the people around you have been manipulating and controlling you and it's now time to stand up for yourself, then this is the book for you.

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Blueprints For Living

If you were going to build a house, you wouldn't just start building immediately.

You would first get a well-designed set of blueprints to guide the construction and ensure the house was built well.

Similarly, if you want to build your life well, you would be wise to first study a set of Blueprints For Living.

This book contains those blueprints.

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How To Defeat Procrastination

You know the need to get something done.

You have no choice but to get it done. But you keep making excuses and creating artificial delays to put off doing it. Why?

This book examines the causes of procrastination in our lives, and then goes on to suggest solutions to eliminate the problem for good.

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The Inner Consciousness

The basis of The Inner Consciousness is that human beings have access to higher levels of consciousness and spiritual meaning by tuning into them through meditation and concentration.

The book begins by describing the different centers of the mind and uses imagery to help readers understand how to reach their own inner consciousness and use it to its full potential.

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Set Your Motivation On Fire

Motivation is not just something you feel. Instead, it is more of an attitude that you can deliberately learn.

It is all about responding to external and internal factors in order to successfully realize your goals.

In Set Your Motivation on Fire, you will learn how to develop fiery motivation and use it effectively in your day-to-day life.

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The Great Within

Metaphysical author Christian D Larson explains in a practical way how to consciously create what you want using the power of thought

He shows how the human mind, through thoughts and feelings, creates the exact circumstances of every person's life.

The book is a refreshing and lucid exploration of the conscious and subconscious, the Law of Attraction, and the internal and external aspects of the human mind.

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The Wonderful Power Of Charisma

Have you ever felt that you were invisible? Have you ever thought people don't give you the attention you deserve? Do you just seem to get overlooked by others?

Isn't it better when other people recognize you and pay attention, not because of any negative qualities about you, but because of your natural magnetic personal charm?

That, my friend, is The Wonderful Power of Charisma!

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The Power Of Silence

For thousands of years, men and women have come to the realization that the key to personal and spiritual growth is to be found within themselves when they surrender to the power of silence.

If you have ever been interested in practising silence-based methods like meditation or prayer, or even just want to find out more about them, then this book is for you.

It explains ancient techniques in an easy-to-understand way and also goes on to tackle some of the biggest questions regarding human existence.

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The Laugh Factor

Though it is not often emphasized, a sense of humor is one of the most essential ingredients for a successful and happy life.

It is the secret sauce of many of the world's highest achievers and most-admired leaders.

This book will help you discover your inner sense of humor and develop it into an appealing part of your personality.

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Be Good To Yourself

If you want to reach your potential and stay there, there's one thing you absolutely must do - think well of yourself.

Those who believe they don't deserve much from life ultimately discover that they don't get much from life.

Be Good To Yourself effortlessly blends self-confidence, self-help and spirituality into a fascinating and motivating exploration of self-empowering attitudes.

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How To Be A Genius

Geniuses have the upper edge in life. They can handle any challenge in life because of their superior mental capacity.

There's no restriction to their talents and abilities, and other people are simply amazed at their potential.

This book shows you the shortest route to become a genius. Why be just an ordinary person when you can excel at the things that you really want?

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Thoughts Are Things

Many years before the current surge of interest in the Law of Attraction, author Prentice Mulford was already writing about it.

He wrote how what we think about is what we attract to ourselves in our lives. And he discussed in detail, for example, how people who talk about suffering eventually bring suffering to themselves in some form

While there are many who are now familiar with these metaphysical ideas, Mulford discusses many thought-power topics that are less widely known, even today.

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Learn While You Sleep

Can you actually learn while you lie fast asleep in your bed?

At first glance, such a thing sounds completely impossible. Surely it is some kind of joke?

But think again. There is plenty of evidence and research that demonstrates that not only is learning while you sleep completely possible, but it is totally practical to achieve.

This book Learn While You Sleep reveals the principles and secrets that lie behind this fascinating subject.

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Detoxify Your Life: Eliminating Bad Habits Effectively

Do you feel paralyzed by your bad habits. Are they making you feel trapped and unable to move?

Well, it's time for a change. These habits have to go. Now is the time to take hold of your life

Your bad habits won't go away by themselves if you don't do something about them. Reading this book is the first step towards a more gratifying existence.

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Amazing Secrets To Organizing Time And Space

Have you stopped inviting people to your house because it's such a mess? Afraid they'll discover your dirty little secret?

You long to have that perfect environment - clean, neat, and tidy, a place for everything, and everything in its place. But that type of home exists only in movies and in magazines, right? If you think so, think again.

This book reveals powerful methods you have always wanted to know about skillfully and cleverly organizing your entire life.

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Overcoming Addiction

Are you addicted to a damaging substance, activity, or emotion? Do you desperately want to break free from it but don't know where to start?

Your life is worth living fully. Being addicted to something won't take you forward. Instead, it will break you apart until there's nothing else left in your life but you and your addiction.

Change your life today. Learn to conquer your addictions using the information in this free book.

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Get Lean The Lazy Way

How long have you been trying to get slim? Do you want be leaner and sexier without exerting too much effort? Are you too lazy to exercise?

Couch potato or not, there's still hope for you. You can still lose those pounds away. You can shed inches off your waist while watching your favorite TV show. You can build muscles while sitting at your desk at work.

Give yourself a nice gift this year - a slimmer, slender body. Start your "lean & lazy" fitness lessons right now.

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How To Exploit Your Brain's Unlimited Power

You have billions of brain cells at your disposal but are you using them effectively? Despite the fact that any human brain is vastly more powerful than any computer, most of us rarely tap into that latent power.

This book shows you how to optimize your brain's potential.

Doing this will enable you to easily learn and remember facts, figures, data, and information. You will have greater accuracy in solving mental problems like never before. And your creativity will be enhanced, allowing you to find new solutions to any problem at hand.

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Wipeout Stress In Record Time

Stress can do a lot of damage. It can consume your body and put it into a permanent state of anxiety. It can take over your mind and eat away at your emotions. It even has the capacity to completely change how you think and feel - for the worse.

This book reveals powerful methods of managing and eliminating stress in the fastest possible time, before it starts ruining your life and endangering your health.

You will be presented with step-by-step guidelines on how to fully equip yourself with the physical, mental, and emotional arsenal required to win the battle against stress.

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Grow Rich While You Sleep

95% of all human problems stem from a negative mind. This figure includes such traits as timidity, domestic discord, business failure, bad memory, tenseness, unhappiness and worry. But you can do something about it...and you can do it while you sleep!

But you can do something about it...and you can do it while you sleep!

This book shows how to use the deepest thinking part of you, while you sleep, to get whatever you want out of life... money, personal influence, love, respect and admiration.

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Energy Unlimited

In a world where stress, anxieties, and work overload abound, having enough energy to last the day is easier said than done. And if that's not enough, negative emotions like anger, denial, and resistance can definitely take substantial stamina away from you.

Unstoppable energy is lying dormant inside you, just waiting to be unleashed. It's time to discover the amazing ways on how you can use both your body and your mind to maximize your energy reserve and wake up the energy juggernaut within you.

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Hold That Thought

Do you know that you have about 50,000 thoughts everyday? Just imagine how many of those thoughts keep you distracted from your goal.

Assuming you have a single thought to accomplish a particular task, there are 49,999 other thoughts swimming in your head telling you to do otherwise.

Hold That Thought will teach you the secrets of Focus and Concentration.

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Above Life's Turmoil

If you can't change the world around you, you can at least change yourself - your desires, passions and thoughts - to better fit in with it.

Though you might not be able to overcome the emotional turmoil of the outer world around you, you can still find ways to bring peace to your inner world.

The twenty chapters making up Above Life's Turmoil point the reader towards reaching those heights of self-knowledge and self-conquest that ultimately lead to inner peace, even in a turbulent world..

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Above Life's Turmoil

Revolutionary Positive Thinking

Revolutionary Positive Thinking actually delves into your subconscious to show you why you're not living the positive, abundant, and joyful life you deserve.

When you learn these secrets, you'll be able to improve your overall health, get rid of your fears and that infamous "defeatist attitude," and bounce back faster after a loss or a traumatic event.

In this book, you will discover a new source of energy that will allow you to enjoy more loving, happy relationships and eliminate the obstacles that are keeping you from attaining all the abundance you'll ever need.

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Revolutionary Positive Thinking

Mind Power

Some describe it as a masterpiece, some describe it as an encyclopedia of the mind, some describe it as containing the secrets of mental magic.

However you describe it, there is no doubt that Mind Power is vast and exhaustive, both in scope and content. With many practical exercises, this is an excellent resource for anyone looking to maximize their mental abilities.

Covering everything from The Law of Attraction to Personal Magnetism to Mental Suggestion and the influence of others, Mind Power is a goldmine of wisdom and knowledge.

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Mind Power

Your Forces And How To Use Them

It is commonplace these days to hear about the power of positive thinking. But rarely is a book so practical in teaching how to refine your thoughts as Your Forces And How To Use Them.

Author Christian D Larson challenges readers to apply his methods to use thought as a transformational force and thereby become "greater and richer and more worthy as individuals".

The book combines time-honored spiritual wisdom to explain the influence of the subconscious mind on everything you do.

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Your Forces And How To Use Them

Dynamic Thought

Dynamic Thought is a powerful 12 week course in applying The Law of Attraction to transform your life.

Though the course was originally produced in the early 1900s, the techniques still form the basis of the teachings of many of today's Success "Gurus" as they reveal supposedly "new" secrets to getting what you want in life.

The truth is that the Universal Laws are exactly the same now as they were at the dawn of consciousness - and so, the systematic approach used in Dynamic Thought is as relevant and timeless now as it was a century ago.

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Dynamic Thought

The Creative Process In The Individual

How did the universe come into existence? How does it work the way that it does?

These were just a few of the questions that intrigued Judge Thomas Troward. And the result was The Creative Process in the Individual - considered by many to be a metaphysical masterpiece.

Thomas Troward's unusual legal background gave him an interesting slant on reality creation ideas and there are priceless gems of wisdom waiting for you within this multi-layered and fascinating volume.

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The Creative Process In The Individual

Ensure Your Dream Life With The Law Of Attraction

You're about to discover a universal force so powerful, that it can give you anything you've ever wanted in life...if you learn how to use it properly.

Achieving your dreams entails more than just doing the right things and saying the right words. It has a lot to do with your thoughts, and the feelings associated with them.

Any thought you project into the world will bring about a specific result. That's the power of the Law of Attraction.

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Ensure Your Dream Life With The Law Of Attraction

The Science of Being Well

The big problem with being born into a physical body is that you don't get an instruction manual with it.

Many people spend their entire lives not really knowing how to treat the body they have been entrusted with, or what to do when things go wrong. Most approaches to health completely miss the fact that there are two aspects to being well - the physical and the metaphysical.

The Science of Being Well changes all that. The truth is that everlasting health and vitality is not difficult to achieve if you understand a few basic principles about how the body operates.

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The Science of Being Well

How To Find True Happiness

Happiness is intangible and abstract. It cannot be seen nor touched. It can only be felt and experienced.

Happiness encompasses the feeling of completion and inner peace. And this is everyone’s goal - to attain ecstasy for eternity. As a person who is focused in living life fully, you still might wonder why happiness seems to be so elusive.

Read this book today and learn how to live in contentment and bliss...forever.

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How To Find True Happiness And Keep It Forever

The Science of Being Great

An undersung personal growth classic, The Science of Being Great is Wallace D. Wattles final word in self mastery.

Meant to be used in conjunction with Wattles' other classic, The Science of Getting Rich, this book is a summary of the wisdom that the author culled after studying the wisdom of the world's religious leaders and great philosophers.

As Wattles himself says: "This book is for the men and women, young or old, who wish to make the most of life by making the most of themselves; I know that the system herein set forth will work; it cannot fail."

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The Science of Being Great

How To Fill Your Life With Unlimited Abundance

What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word "Abundance"? Wealth, maybe? Material possessions? Well, all of that is only a very small part of real abundance.

Abundance is so much more than just money or things. It also encompasses mental clarity, emotional stability, optimum health, and spiritual well-being.

Reclaim your natural prosperity - it's time to stop existing and start living. Read this free book today.

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How To Fill Your Life With Unlimited Abundance

How To Live Life And Love It

How To Live Life And Love It is a series of lessons in the form of a discussion between a Master and a Student who together explore the nature of reality.

Through a series of questions and answers, they show us in a clear, concise way exactly how the circumstances and events of our lives are precisely connected with the thoughts that we think.

Full of insightful knowledge and practical techniques, How To Live Life And Love It will guide you gently towards the life you’ve always wanted to lead.

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How To Live Life And Love It

Jesus Taught It Too
(The Early Roots Of The Law Of Attraction)

The teachings of Jesus form the basis of the Christian religion.

But many of his sayings and stories have been so well-known across the world for so long that rarely does the average person look closely at what Jesus was really trying to explain.

In a unique and insightful book, author Philip Harris re-examines many of these famous, ancient quotes and suggests that Jesus actually had a precise and clear understanding of The Law of Attraction.

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Jesus Taught It Too

The Mental Highway

The Mental Highway is a collection of lectures given in the early 1900s and intended to serve as an introduction to academic and applied psychology.

The author, Thomas Parker Boyd, felt that an underlying appreciation of the workings of the Universal Laws and their relationship to the subconscious mind was an absolutely essential part of the subject.

Contrast that approach with mainstream psychology today and you are perhaps left wondering if our understanding of the mind has really advanced that much in 100 years.

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The Mental Highway

Attaining Your Desires

Attaining Your Desires is considered to be one of the clearest, most comprehensive, most practical, most do-able explanations of how the Creative Process works.

This is a book for the more advanced reader of knowledge about the application of mind power to achieve whatever you want in life.

If you have understood the fundamentals of how the subconscious mind works and would like to know more, this is the book for you.

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Attaining Your Desires

The Law of Financial Success

What everybody wants in life is success - and that often, if not always, includes financial independence.

No matter what a person wants to achieve, a lack of money will be a constant obstacle.

Is there really a fundamental and natural law of wealth which, once discovered, understood and practiced, will enable you to prosper in financial abundance beyond your wildest dreams?

Read The Law of Financial Success and find out for yourself.

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The Law of Financial Success

How The Mind Works

The main reason why the average person never fulfills their potential is because they never make an effort to truly understand the depths of their real being.

They only try to use what appears on the surface, but remain unconscious of the enormous powers they have waiting for their command. These powers are dormant simply because they have not been called into action.

And they will continue to lie dormant until that person develops their greatest power; that is, the power to discern what really exists within.

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How The Mind Works


Everything in the universe vibrates...yes, everything.

All force, all matter, all energy - even your life itself - is then a vibratory activity that conforms to precise natural laws.

So if you really want to understand why the universe is the way it is, you must come to an understanding of how vibrations operate and manifest...and this is an insightful book to get you started.

You will serve as a reference guide that you will return to again and again as a source of answers to many of life's puzzling mysteries

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You by Charles F Haanel

The Hidden Power of Universal Laws

Hidden behind our existence are the most potent forces that govern us all - the laws of the universe, the most powerful of which is called The Law of Attraction.

The universal laws are real. These laws are the unlisted, unstated, and underestimated powers that govern humankind. All people, regardless of their race, age, gender, or nationality instinctively follow them, whether or not they are even aware these laws exist.

What if you knew exactly what these laws were and how they worked? Perhaps, you could become rich, famous, and totally satisfied with every part of your life?

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The Hidden Power of Universal Laws

Mastery of Fate

To change yourself, you must change your thought, because each person becomes what they think.

The Mastery of Fate, just as the title suggests, gives you the understanding, principles and the application to become the master of your own destiny.

If you are serious about wanting to get control over your own fate, this book will show you exactly how to do it.

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Mastery of Fate

How To Get What You Want

How To Get What You Want explains the fundamentals of transforming your life to be more fulfilling and successful by applying the dynamic laws of success and prosperity.

As author Orison Swett Marden says "Most of our obstacles would melt away if, instead of cowering before them, we should make up our minds to walk boldly through them!"

Rid yourself of the disease of discouragement and walk boldly forwards in life to get what you want. If you don't, then who will?

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How To Get What You Want

Discover And Unleash Your Power

Have you ever noticed that sometimes, you are thinking of a person you haven't seen in a long time; then in a few minutes, you received a call from them?

That is not merely coincidence. It is the power of your thoughts showing themselves to you.

Your thoughts influence your reality, so if you learn how to turn all your positive thoughts into something real, do you realize what amazing things can happen to you?

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Discover And Unleash Your Power

The Master Mind

Are you a mental slave? Is your mind at the mercy of outside forces?

Wouldn't you rather be a mental master, where your thoughts take charge not only of your mind and body, but also your destiny?

Here is practical, step-by-step instruction on mastering control of not only the conscious mind but, more importantly, "those marvelous faculties which operate on the subconscious planes."

This is a supreme how-to book for any person of any era that is ready to finally take charge of his or her life.

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The Master Mind

I Can, Therefore I Will

Has there ever been a time in your life when you refused to do something, say entering a beauty contest or singing in a talent show in front of a crowd, because you thought you couldn't do it?

Too bad…even though you didn't enter the competition yet, you already lost. The worst thing about this kind of losing is not that you didn't win; it's that you didn't even try. The moment you say 'no' to something because of doubts about yourself, it's just as bad as giving up and accepting your failure.

I Can, Therefore I Will will change all that.

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I Can, Therefore I Will

Practical Mind Reading

Mind Reading is not a magic trick, it's a fact - and this book teaches you exactly how to do it.

Practical Mind Reading deals with all aspects of mind reading, thought transference, telepathy, mind currents from one person to another, mental rapport between individuals and much, much more.

Throughout there is an underscoring of practical application. Even if you are not interested in the practical aspects, mind reading and thought transference are still fascinating subjects to read about.

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Practical Mind Reading

The Money Magnet

Did you know that every year the number of self-made millionaires and billionaires is on the rise?

Amazingly, this is not just true in affluent regions of the world like the European nations and the United States, but it is also true in all the developing countries too. So how do people who literally start off with nothing go from rags to riches?

It's not about how much education you have. It's not about what job you do. And it's definitely not about how much money you have to start with.

Read The Money Magnet and discover the secret for yourself.

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The Money Magnet

Creative Visualization

How can you turn your thoughts into reality?

This is the million-dollar question everybody wants an answer for. This is what Creative Visualization aims to teach you.

Creative visualization can be applied anywhere, everywhere, from something so simple to anything complex. You can use it in your day-to-day life, but you may want to use its power to its full advantage so you can be ensured of a better and brighter future ahead. You can even make your life as wonderful as you imagine it to be. All you have to do is to learn the techniques.

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Creative Visualization

Joy Philosophy

Intelligence is not confined in bodies or brains - it fills the universe. All this space between us is pure intelligence in which we live and move, and through which we think.

But we are conscious only of that small portion of our intelligence represented by our bodies. This great sea of intelligence is infinitely the larger part of us, but it acts subconsciously , or super-consciously.

Joy Philosophy provides a message of hope and upliftment and teaches that resisting life only cuts off your real life.

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Joy Philosophy

Subconscious Programming For Maximum Results

We are all made for a purpose, yet many fail to recognize that truth because their minds are filled with negative thoughts and their hearts are filled with negative feelings.

This causes their belief system to become deteriorated, thus making them bitter in life and in the way they perceive the world.

But there's a way for you to avoid being one of them. All you have to do is know what subconscious programming is all about, and how it can help you reach your stars and be in tune with the universe.

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Subconscious Programming For Maximum Results

Subconscious Magic

Why do so few people seem to have most of the world’s resources and riches while the rest toil and struggle just to survive?

Have you ever wondered why some people just seem to magically attract and attain their dreams effortlessly, while others try so hard only to eventually fail?

Just what is this mysterious magic that they know? It's all revealed here in clear, simple, easy-to-understand language.

You are welcome to share this free, downloadable book with your family, friends and colleagues or even put it on your own website.

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This Mystical Life Of Ours

Nothing in the universe operates in a random way - there is a divine order running throughout everything.

But in order to experience this, we need to come into harmony with it. And thereby into harmony with all the Universal Laws and Forces that exist. When we do this we can work in conjunction with these forces and makes our lives whatever we want.

This is the secret of all success and it is here for you to discover for yourself...for free.

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This Mystical Life Of Ours

Powerful Ways To Sharpen Your Memory

Contrary to the belief of many people that sharpening your memory takes a lot of time and effort, you don't have to be a genius to quickly know, understand, and recall what you have read or learned.

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you had a strong, powerful memory? So many things would become much easier for you.

Read Powerful Ways To Sharpen Your Memory and make that life come true.

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The Message of A Master

The Message of A Master clearly shows us how we can harness the forces within to achieve health, vitality and prosperity.

This is the story of a miraculous change that takes place in a man after he meets a true master of life.

He learns - and shares with us - secret teachings that allow him to develop his powers so that he can accomplish anything he desires.

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The Amazing Super Powers of Blue Water

Blue water is just plain ordinary water to which you add something special. And when you add this one special thing, the water takes on miracle healing properties.

It is as though the ordinary water has been granted super-powers. This special thing that you need to add is abundant and freely available. And there is even a limitless supply that anyone can use.

So what is this mysterious, special thing that we can add to ordinary water? Read this book and find out.

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The Law of Psychic Phenomena

This book explores all areas of the metaphysical world from early philosophies to hypnotism and mesmerism, clairvoyance, visions, right through an overview of the psycho-therapeutic practices.

The phenomena of spiritism is covered in all its forms including contact with the spirit world as well as case histories of witchcraft, hauntings and possession.

The Law of Psychic Phenomena   remains as fascinating and informative today as it was when it was first published.

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How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work

You know those people who seem to have everything always go their way?

You know the ones – they make more money than you, they get promoted over you, they do well in relationships, they are able to buy nice things, they just seem happier and more fulfilled tha n you.

What makes them so successful? Simply put, these lucky people have a natural ability to control their subconscious minds. Now with How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work, you can be like them.

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How To Stay Well

There are no incurable diseases.

Read that again...there are NO incurable diseases.

Hard to believe isn't it? Perhaps that demonstrates just how much medical information we are bombarded with these days telling us the exact opposite.

In How To Stay Well, author Christian D Larson argues that any disease comes from the violation of one or more of the laws of life. And he presents a system that will enable anyone to get well and stay well no matter what their physical or mental condition may be at the present time.

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The Power Of Thought

The power of thought is an amazing energy which mankind has at its disposal.

The world today is in its present state simply as a result of mankind's collective thinking; each nation is in its present state of either peace and prosperity, poverty, murder and anarchy, simply as a result of its thinking as a nation; and each individual's quality of life is the result of their thinking

In this book, Henry Thomas Hamblin shares his experience and insights into the nature of thought.


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Your Invisible Power

The great mental scientist Thomas Troward (1847- 1916) imparted his personal insight to only one pupil, Genevieve Behrend, who could perpetuate this knowledge and share it with the world.

Your Invisible Power was her first book and remains her most powerful and popular work.

Behrend says, "These pages have been written with the purpose and hope that their suggestions may furnish you a key to open up the way to the attainment of your desires."


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In Tune With The Infinite

This is a must-read for all who’d like to strengthen their connection to the Infinite Mind in order to enjoy a free-flow of abundance, personal blessings, intuitive knowledge and the strong sense of well-being that results from a solid connection.

Written more than a century ago, this classic work inspired a generation, selling more than two million copies.

It is thought to be the original work of inspirational writing that led to such best-sellers as Think and Grow Richand The Power of Positive Thinking.

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In Tune With The Infinite

Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion

We possess within us a force of incalculable power which can often work against us if we do not know how to use it.

If, on the other hand, we direct it in a conscious and wise manner, it gives us the mastery of ourselves.

It allows us not only to escape from physical and mental ills, but also to live in relative happiness, regardless of the conditions in which we may find ourselves.

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Prosperity Through Thought Force

This magical little book tells how one man, of less than average ability, and who had failed over and over again in all he did, discovered and began using Universal Principles.

By doing so he was able to totally turn his life around.

The author shares the secrets of how to use Universal Principles in your own life.

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Prosperity Through Thought Force

Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted (also known as What's In A Dream?)

Dreams are a window to your future – so imagine the life-altering possibilities that would accompany being able to understand what they mean

This comprehensive book interprets over 10,000 common dreams – while providing you with all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to know to remember, understand and even control your dreams, so that you can take full advantage of the life-changing benefits dreams have to offer.

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How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash

It’s time to discover how you can overcome negative thinking, maximize your natural-born ability and earn more cold hard cash than you ever dreamed possible.

Written by master salesman and successful author, Earl Prevette, How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash contains step-by-step instructions for controlling negative thoughts, getting the most out of your abilities and achieving your dreams.

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How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality

We all have desires and dreams. But few of us make them materialize in our lives the way we would like.

In his masterful work, How To Turn Your Desires And Ideals Into Reality, author Brown Landone reveals the secrets to making your dreams come true.

He teaches the simple process of bringing your heart's desire into manifestation with the certainty of always being able to do so.

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Mental Chemistry

In Mental Chemistry you will discover exactly how you and your thoughts and perceptions shape the world around you and how you can use your mental faculties to control what happens in your life.

In the tradition of his best-selling book The Master Key System, Charles Haanel delivers to us more insight into life and the ways and means to live it to the fullest.

Originally published in 1922, Mental Chemistry continues to be pertinent and poignant today.

With his unique way of making the complex understandable and the arcane graspable, Mr. Haanel supplies you with the knowledge you need for your continuing success and attainment.


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Mental Chemistry - Charles F Haanel - graphic

Concentration and the Acquirement of Personal Magnetism

Personal Magnetism means health, happiness, power and success.

This is a course of lessons fully illustrating the action of thought, explaining its composition, and the correct method of using it, especially with regard to increasing and controlling your Personal Magnetism.

But along with the power to influence others, the development of Personal Magnetism also brings with it the ability to heal.

And the author, O. Hashnu Hara, shows you in step-by-step detail, the secret processes of Magnetic Healing for curing ailments and illnesses.


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Just How To Wake The Solar Plexus

In every human being there is a great potential which is seldom awakened.

Just How To Wake The Solar Plexus shows you the secret in a nutshell.

The nerves are tubes for the conveyance of life to all parts of the body. Contract the Solar Plexus and you withdraw life from the body. You diminish the outflow which often results in a chronic state of nervous collapse.

Learn to expand the flow of life with this book and transform your world.

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Mental Efficiency And Other Hints To Men And Women

Mental efficiency is a state of mind.

It can’t be bought in a store and it doesn’t come from a bottle of pills. It is a strength that must be developed from within.

Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Womenis the roadmap you need to follow to develop that strength and begin to make positive changes in your life.


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Dialogues - Conversations With My Higher Self

If you ask questions directly to your "Higher Self", will it answer back?

That's what freelance writer Ken MacLean wanted to find out - and the answers he received back were nothing short of spectacular.

Published in 2002, Dialogues - Conversations With My Higher Selfis already being hailed as one of the great metaphysical classics.


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Influence - How To Exert It

In these twelve lessons drawn from the writings of Yoritomo-Tashi, the methods by which Influence may be exerted and exercised are considered.

Topics include the increase and expansion of our psychic forces to awaken the dormant energies within us, how influence may be exerted by persuasion and suggestion and how to develop the magnetic influence of the human eye.


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Right And Wrong Thinking And Their Results

Have you ever wondered why some people – who are no more qualified than you – are successful in this life while you continue to fail?

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have success with everything they do while you just can’t seem to catch a break? Could the answer be something as simple as how you think?

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Secrets Of Mental Supremacy

This book will provide you with all the tips, tricks and techniques you need to dramatically improve your memory and concentration, sharpen your mental focus, and increase your mental energy and alertness.

In fact, this book contains all the simple, step-by-step instructions and exercises you need to achieve “mental supremacy”.

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The Ideal Made Real

The purpose of this work is to present practical methods through which anyone, the beginner in particular, may realize his ideals, cause his cherished dreams to come true, and cause the visions of the soul to become tangible realities in everyday life.

You will find all the methods to be practical; you will find that every one will work and produce the results you desire. You will, not only make real the ideal in your present sphere of life, but you will also develop within yourself that Greater Life, the power of which has no limit, the joy of which has no end.

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Think And Grow Rich

Think And Grow Rich is arguably the most famous success book of all time. It has changed the lives of millions of people through the years.

And it contains the money-making secrets that can change your life too if you use them. Inspired by Andrew Carnegie's magic formula for success, this book will teach you the secrets that will bring you a fortune.

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Think and Grow Rich


The Master Key System

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel is the only clear, concise, comprehensive, definitive, distinctive, cogent, and scientific presentation of the Creative Power of Thought ever formulated by any one person at any one time.

Unlock your power and potential by learning The Master Key System. Use the Law of Attraction to attain your goals and solve all of your problems...personal, financial, and business.

Read what others are saying about The Master Key System

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The Master Key System by Charles F Haanel graphic

The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

A belief in the existence of a personal power, influence, or atmosphere, on the part of certain individuals, which enables the possessor to attract, influence, dominate or control others, has been held by the race from the earliest days of written history.

This book teaches how to exert a powerful, irresistible influence upon the reason or will of another.

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The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism

The Secret of Success

A course of nine lessons on the subject of the application of the latent powers of the individual towards attainment of success in life.

There is, besides the mere recital of a list of Good Qualities Leading to Success - a list with which every schoolboy is acquainted - a Something Else...

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The Secret of Success

Thought Vibration

The Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law.It is called the Law of Attraction.

We are familiar with some of its manifestations, but are almost totally ignorant of certain others. Still we are learning a little more every day - the veil is being gradually lifted.

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Thought Vibration

The Power of Concentration

We all know that in order to accomplish a certain thing we must concentrate. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate.

To make a success of anything you must be able to concentrate your entire thought upon the idea you are working out.

If you will just practice a few concentration exercises each day you will find you will soon develop this wonderful power.

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The Power of Concentration

Thought Force in Business & Everyday Life

Success in life depends very materially upon the possession of the quality of attracting and influencing the people around us.

No matter what other qualities you may possess, you are handicapped by a lack of that subtle force which we are in the habit of calling Personal Magnetism.

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Thought Force In Business And Everyday Life

As A Man Thinketh

As a Man Thinketh is a classic in the truest sense: few books have been so widely read, have stood the test of time so well, have had such an impact on generations of readers, and have carried such a simple, profound message: You are what you think.

Og Mandino counted "As a Man Thinketh" among the top ten success books of all time - read it today and put its wisdom to work for you.

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As A Man Thinketh

The Science of Getting Rich

This book is first and foremost a guide to acquiring wealth. However there is more to life than achieving financial success, and that is why the author also treats the successful life in general.

After making the fundamental claim that everyone has the right to be rich, he puts forward his principles for practical action, aimed to "make the most of yourself."

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The Science of Getting Rich

The Magic Story

An immediate worldwide sensation was created after The Magic Story first made its appearance in 1900 in the original Success Magazine. After dozens of reprints, it is finally available in e-book form so that you may benefit from its powerful message.

It is claimed that many who read or hear this story almost immediately begin to have good fortune so it is worth a few minutes of your time to find out if it works for you.

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Practical Mental Influence

Students of history find a continuous chain of reference to the mysterious influence of one human mind over that of others.

In the earliest records, traditions and legends may be found reference to the general belief that it was possible for an individual to exert some weird uncanny power over the minds of other persons, which would influence the latter for good or evil.

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Character-Building Thought Power

Unconsciously, we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature.

Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at times much loss, much pain and anguish.

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