How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work

The very great advance made in the science of mental healing during the last half of the nineteenth and the beginning of the
twentieth century must be self-evident to the most superficial observer. However, both in conducting classes and in giving
private counsel all authorities come sooner or later face to face with what I believe impresses every unprejudiced person
in the line of mental healing, namely, the wide variety of cults and the large number of teachers and organizations, each
one thinking he or it has discovered the one and only true method of mind healing. To my mind this condition is one of the
biggest obstacles the whole movement of the power of the mind to heal has yet to overcome.
There can be no single person, no single organization which has sequestered all of the healing truth. To think otherwise is
to be circumscribed by one's own narrow prejudices.
Anything is true that works. Call it what you may. Tabulate its manifestations in what fashion you will, designate it what
you choose. It matters not what name you give it--if it works it is true.
On every side we see cults, organizations and teachers who claim they draw from the only fount of mental healing truth. This,
alas, is reverting to type, going back to the prejudiced, bigoted, circumscribed methods of the dark ages.
That there may be made available to the public a set of books on mental healing which demonstrates the power of mind from
every angle--showing that one method may be true for Smith, another for Jones, and a third for Brown-- is my object in presenting
herewith various successful methods of healing. The desideratum, to my mind, in all healing, study and experience, is the
development of a breadth of mind which will be nothing short of cosmic consciousness. In such a domain all will be able to
worship at one shrine, enjoy peace of mind, fraternize with their fellows or commune with God in any manner they choose, free
from the dictates of any powers that be, untrammeled by the chains of prejudice of their own or others' forging.
Never will the world come into a cosmic consciousness-- the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man—until we are willing
to acknowledge the good which is to be found in realms other than our own whether it be in mental healing, in religion or
in the life of practical experience.
Hence, in dealing with the power of mind to heal, the purpose of this series is to present, all told, some twenty- eight different
methods of healing as operated by different cults, teachers, religions, organizations and psychological centers, all of which
have proved variously successful as they have been employed to meet the needs of various individuals.
David V. Bush