How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work

Another very important element in maintaining our health after we have been healed, or to keep health, is this apparently
simple business of breathing. Too much emphasis cannot be put upon the importance of right breathing. The author has written
extensively on this topic and has presented a system of breathing in Volume 3 of this series. It must not, however, be assumed
from what I say about the vital importance of breathing properly that I intend to gloss over other digressions from physical
and mental laws. I merely wish to make my position entirely plain that to become and remain well we must breathe properly.
The importance of deep breathing is well given by Hereward Carrington, in "Higher Psychical Development," referring to deep
breathing as taught by the Yogis:
Deep breathing and the regulation of breath are taught. (This is known as Pranayama.) The process of breathing is in three
parts--inhalation, retention and exhalation. The time taken to perform each action is proportionate. The Yogis have discovered
the proportion, and its apprentices are taught to breathe accordingly. Gradually the aim is retention, then suspension of
breath. Any one who will try the experiment will find that the brain works with dizzy celerity when the breath is held in
the body. This, then, is the object. Another object it has--namely by suspending the breath, life--it is said --may be prolonged
How well Yogis have succeeded in this wonderful art may be gathered from various accounts which narrate the interment of Yogis
in sealed, air-tight coffins for periods varying from seven to forty days. The experiment was tried on a Yogi, with his consent,
by some well-known British officers, who testified to the incident on their word of honor, and also signed a paper giving
an account of the whole experiment in all its details.
Nowadays it seems hardly necessary to tell of the effects of deep breathing. It is known to everybody that deep breathing
makes the blood pure, the eyes so bright that they dazzle, the complexion clear and clean, the skin smooth, and that it fills
the body with the exhilaration of health; but few know that it makes the body glow--actually glow. For many decades the occidental
scientists laughed at the idea that the human body glowed and gave forth light; but lately, within the last few years, a series
of experiments on chemicals and other substances sensitive to light, undertaken by French and also American scientists, have
proved clearly that the human body does emit a form of light. Youth radiates more light than the aged, and the so-called '"beauty
of youth" is said to be largely due to this glow.
Deep breathing produces more glow than most ordinary youths have--and brings new life, youth and beauty to age. It is a most
noticeable and remarkable fact that Yogis, however old they may be-- and some of them are said to live three and four times
the span of 70 years, an ordinary man's life--always look young, some positively handsome: all have brilliant eyes, and all
are strong and healthy.
An advanced position taken by many investigators, which I have proved to my own satisfaction to be right, is that we do not
get our nourishment so much from what we eat, as we do from what we breathe, and from sleep.
So, besides your regimen of wholesome living, of right thinking, eating, drinking, breathing and sleep, get an abundance of
fresh air at night while you sleep, so that when you awaken in the morning, you will have a feeling of refreshment, vigor
and optimism. Remember that the blues, mental depression and worry go with impure air and poor breathing.
Worry and bad breathing go together. All sick people are bad breathers.
Poor breathing leaves the blood filled with car- bon-dioxide, which makes the brain sluggish, reduces its power and lowers
the vitality of the whole system. Breathe deeply of plenty of fresh air. By all means have your bedroom windows open while
you sleep. Do not permit your house to be overheated in winter. Get fresh air and plenty of it and breathe deeply.
After healing what? See that you add deep breathing to your program of health.