How To Put The Subconscious Mind To Work
Right "Atmosphere"

Emerson says, "Enthusiasm will accomplish anything." When it comes to matters of health, it's a good thing to remember the
Sage of Concord's wise admonition. For us to remain lukewarm about our health, about right surroundings or environment, about
keeping well, after the healing has taken place, is to commit a sin against the laws of health.
Be sure to generate enthusiasm and wholesome thought, inoculated with fervor and pep, in relation to your health.
Why We "Revert"
F. W. Sears, who has had extended experience in healing others, writes:
Frequently a person says to me, "Why do I not get as good results today as I did when I first became a New Thoughter?'' That
is the history probably of almost every one. Why?
When we first become imbued with these truths; when we first learn these lessons, we are so enthusiastic, so vitalized, and
so inspired with them, that we believe nothing is impossible for us. The result is our vibrations are raised, we are lifted
up into the higher currents and nothing can withstand our enthusiasm.--In the old thought world this change is called "experiencing
religion,'—As long as we continue in these higher currents we are all right, but like a child with a new toy, we get tired
of living in them; they are too rapid for us, and so we begin to get down in our vibrations; we "backslide' as it were.
We try and expect to accomplish, the same things down in the lower currents, where we lack the interest, the enthusiasm and
the vitality we did when we were in the higher ones; we cannot do it, because it is impossible to manipulate these heavier
and slower vibrating currents in a way to get the constructive results to be obtained only in the more vital and rapidly vibrating
This we must emphasize. The very first condition for most people, if they would maintain, restore or keep their health, is
to live in a healthful mental atmosphere. This is one of the most important things we have to learn. Our thinking, our daily
thinking, must be done along lines which are wholesome and aspiring and uplifting. And it must, just as far as possible, ignore
and inhibit thought of disease and diseased conditions.
Here is the testimony of a physician:
In the maintenance of health and the cure of disease, cheerfulness is a most important factor. Its power to do trood like
a medicine is not an artificial stimulation of the tissues to be followed by reaction and greater waste, as is the ease with
many drugs; but the effect of cheerfulness is an actual life-giving influence through a normal channel the results of which
reach even- part of the system. It brightens the eye, makes ruddy the countenance, brings elasticity to the step, and promotes
nil the inner force by which life is sustained. The blood circulates more freely, the oxygen comes to its home in the tissues,
health is promoted and disease is banished.--Dr. A. J. Sanderson.
The "Atmosphere"
"Cultivate the positive emotional states of Fearlessness, Calmness, Poise, Cheerfulness,
Hope, Faith, Confidence in the Powers-that-be in Nature, or above and over Nature. Form the habit of expecting and looking
forward to the normal, natural conditions of Health, not to the state of Disease. Trust the Life Forces and Nature to "pull
you through," even when you may happen to 'slip'."
It has been proved that the mind can give tone to the various cells of the body, as we have else- where shown, so a cheerful,
optimistic mental attitude filled with Enthusiasm about Mental Healing will form fixed habits in the subjective mind, which
will produce in turn like character to the cells.
A man's physical health is largely a matter of his self-suggestion. If he maintains a mental attitude of health, strength
and fearlessness, he manifests accordingly. And if he goes about with a mind filled with ideas and thoughts of a depressing
nature his body will likewise respond.
"Think" Health
Christian D. Larson, who has spent a lifetime helping others be well, and succeed, expresses it like this:
Learn to think health. Give every thought the idea of health, and impress your most perfect conception of health upon every
thought or mental state that you entertain. Think of yourself constantly as perfectly well. Think of yourself as strong, and
think of yourself as gaining in health and strength constantly.
Whenever you are reminded of pain, illness or disorder, turn your attention positively upon the highest and best thought of
health, life and harmony that you can form in your mind.
Think Wholesome Thoughts:--Train the mind to think and entertain only such thoughts as are conducive to health, harmony and
well-being. Think of the good, the true and the perfect; think of the larger, the greater and the better; think of the worthy,
the strong and the superior; think of the pure, the beautiful and the ideal. Give attention to those things that build, that
elevate, that make for a richer state of existence, and create only such thoughts as have a rising, growing and expanding
tendency. Give health and wholeness to every thought, by thinking health into every thought. Use the power of thought to produce
health and direct every mental action to add to the quality and the measure of health.
While Zimmer says:
The universe pays every man in his own coin; if you smile, it smiles upon you in return; if you frown, you will be frowned
at; if you sing, you will be invited into gay company; if you think, you will be entertained by thinkers; if you love the
world, and earnestly seek for the good therein, you will be surrounded by loving friends, and nature will pour into your lap
the treasures of the earth.
Trouble Seekers
Look around you anywhere, and you will see there are specializers in trouble seeking. There are thousands of people regularly
looking for disease. They keep on hand antidotes for all kinds of maladies under the heavens and medicine for every possible
ailment. They are sure they are going to need these things almost any time. When they take a trip they carry a young drug-store
with them. They are ready for every kind of a disease they are likely to bump into and, of course, they bump into lots of
them. Possibly the only chance they have to use their medicine is just before the journey's over but they are always feeling
ill, having colds and catching contagious diseases because they are expecting to
Real trouble hunters and sickness detectives
Others, who don't anticipate sickness don't take any medicine along with them, and don't have any trouble.
Some people always have their nose in the air, scenting some impurity, sniffing sewer gas or foul air, looking for asthma
or something worse. Their locality is too high, or too low, too wet or too dry, too hot or too cold, too sunny or too shady.
If they have any kind of ache or pain, they are sure it is asthma. They are looking for it, and they get it.
Above everything else, make for yourself and surround yourself with the right "atmosphere."
"Poor Stomachs"
Others fix their attention upon their poor stomachs. It is their storm center for all kinds of ailments. They have charts
to tell them what agrees with them, and what doesn't. . . How many calories of this, that and the other things they should
take to make up a balanced meal. And while they are charting their stomach and "balancing" their food, they get all kinds
of trouble with their stomach. All kinds of trouble everywhere. Gas in the sewer pipes, gas in the atmosphere, gas in their
If you charge your whole nature with the health ideal; if you think health, dream health, talk health; if you believe that
you are going to be strong and healthy, because this is your birthright, your very magnetism will be healing to others. You
will be a living illustration of the power of divine mind over all sickness and disease.
The time is rapidly coming when disease, sickness, will not be mentioned in the home; when all physical defects and weaknesses
will be tabooed; when, instead of being saturated with illness and disease thoughts, children's lives will be permeated with
the health thought, the thought of wholeness, of completeness, physical and mental vigor, hearty, grace; when joy, gladness,
optimism will take the place of the old discouraged, sickness and disease thought and conversation in the home.
The words of a famous writer who healed herself are very apropos here:
Do Something
Any condition is perpetuated by recognition--by continually thinking about it. If I had sat around after treating myself I
would have held the old condition. But I got up and forgot it all in my effort to make up for lost time. This gave the health-statements
a chance to work.
After treating myself for ANY condition, of mind or body, I get up and throw myself soul and body into some active, physical
work. In proportion as I succeed in losing myself in that, in that proportion do I succeed in healing myself thoroughly and
We should think of health, not of disease; of life and not of death; of freedom, not of bondage; of physical strength, not
weakness; of an ultimate achievement--never anything less. The mind should be kept even, steady, in repose that every- thing
may be as favorable as possible for nature's restorative processes.
Lay aside all fear and doubt. Trust in fullest measure. Let yourself rest in the everlasting arms, in the bosom of that tender
love, believe in its power, give all problems into its care. Believe that you will be perfectly well. Then give the new power
an opportunity to work and be not concerned if there are fluctuations of consciousness. Your spiritual consciousness will
triumph in the end.
Have faith that the same power which healed you can keep you well. Have faith that the same force and laws which healed you
can keep you healed. Have faith in yourself, have faith in man, have faith in God.
It is well for a person who has been healed by mental therapeutics to continue taking treatments of some kind or to some extent
for three or four weeks or months after the healing has been affected. It prevents relapses.
Every psycho-analyst and mental therapeutist who uses the analytical method, has, I am sure, noticed that certain patients
after being completely healed, have almost periodical relapses accompanied by states of mental and spiritual depression. Sometimes
the depressed state is not pronounced; sometimes the old idea of returning sickness may not recur until long after the usual
interval has elapsed; sometimes this will be a period of three weeks, again it will lengthen out to months. This condition
is what the psychologist refers to when he uses the word, "reflex." A patient who undergoes this or a like experience should,
of course, visit the healer for a more or less prolonged mental training in order to combat successfully these unorganized
and unconscious partial impulses.
As a matter of sensible precaution anyone who has been healed should continue to treat himself for three months at least after
the healing—by suggestion, upon going to bed and during the day, as outlined in another section of this book.
How to Treat
The following treatment given as an example by F. W. Southworth, M. D., in his book on "True Metaphysical Science and its
Practical Application through the Law of Suggestion," furnishes an excellent illustration of the form of suggestive treatment
favored by this particular school. The patient is addressed as follows:
As thoughts are not only things, but forces and act upon our mental and physical life for good or ill, we must be careful
to always keep ourselves in that condition of thought which builds up and strengthens, to constantly think thoughts of health,
of happiness, of good, to be cheerful, hopeful, confident and fearless.
Each day look forward to the morrow for progress and advancement. Think health--talk it and nothing else. Be cheerful, hopeful,
confident and fearless always, and you will be happy and healthy. Eat, drink, breathe and be merry.
After Healing What? Right mental atmosphere.