Set Your Motivation On Fire

Man basically acts and behaves on instinct with the initial purpose of surviving. He relies on the external factors set by
his environment in order to identify how much effort he should put in to perform according to the accepted standards.
These external factors motivate him to constantly regulate himself and gain control of the things that can lead to the achievement
of an expected goal. Stress is the initial motivator as man begins to satisfy his needs.
Fiery motivation is needed so that a person will be able to do more than just perform to survive. By allowing him to identify
the sources of his behavior and actions he can control the motivating factors needed to reach his goal.
Fiery motivation also allows him to recognize his potential thus giving him control over the situation when facing insurmountable
obstacles and challenges.
As he finds the means of overcoming difficult life situations, he will begin to internalize his behavior and learn to act
by will and passion over instinct.