I Can, Therefore I Will

I Can, Therefore I Will

   Book Contents

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Has there ever been a time in your life when you refused to do something, say entering a beauty contest or singing in a talent show in front of a crowd, because you thought you couldn't do it?

Too bad…even though you didn't enter the competition yet, you already lost. The worst thing about this kind of losing is not that you didn't win; it's that you didn't even try. The moment you say 'no' to something because of doubts about yourself, it's just as bad as giving up and accepting your failure.

I Can, Therefore I Will will change all that. Inside you will discover :

How to make new friends.
How to find out if your glass of water is half-full or half-empty.
What percentage of the brain do humans use in their daily activities.
What power is responsible for things to happen.
Why positive and negative are always in conflict.
Why the mind is like a super-computer.
Why we should forgive and forget.
What is common among you, me, and superheroes like Superman and the X-men.
How Christina Aguillera exudes the qualities of a positive thinker.



1. Introduction

2. The Nature of the Human Mind

3. Thoughts Generated by the Mind

4. The Mind as an Empowering Agent

5. Training the Mind

6. Mind Power Implies Will Power

7. Summary and Conclusion