Discover And Unleash Your Power
Magical Tip #4: Believe

“Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.”
- Mary Kay Ash
A sorcerer has belief in himself, in the spell he casts and the magic from the universe from where he draws energy. The true
sorcerer knows, even before he casts the spell, that it will materialize.
A sorcerer trusts the universe, the power of magic, and his own power.
The same principle applies to you. To make your thoughts materialize, you have to believe – really believe – in these three things: 1) the universe, which overflows in abundance to give you what you want, 2) the power of the mind,
and 3) yourself.
1. Believe in the abundance of the universe.
Everything you ask for is yours for the taking if you just believe that the universe can give it to you. Everything you can
want – everything anyone can want – the universe can provide.
Maybe you are feeling doubtful upon reading this. Has not the world always suffered from lack, from scarcity? And, on a personal
level, maybe you have suffered from bad things or unfortunate circumstances. Or maybe you have been settling for just good
But the truth is, the universe can give more than enough for everyone. The mindset of lack and disbelief in abundance is the
poison that prevents you and other people from living in abundance. At one point or another, in one form or another, you may
have heard some or all of these limiting beliefs from your family, teachers, elders, and peers:
“Life is difficult.”
“You must work hard and make a lot of sacrifices to get what you want.”
“There is not enough for everyone. You have to compete or take from others to get what you want.”
“Be satisfied. What you've already got is good enough.”
“It is selfish to ask for a lot.”
Variation: “It is selfish to ask for more when others are suffering and don’t have much.”
But no matter how much these ideas have been impressed on your mind, you can begin to change your circumstances right now.
Begin to believe that the universe is overflowing with abundance.
Here are two exercises to help you start believing in the universe’s abundance:
Exercise # 1
Write down all the good things in your life or things you are thankful for right now. Focus on the general as well as the
specific aspects of your life – your family, friendships, school or work, extracurricular activities, etc. It could be something
permanent or something in the moment, like an event or an experience. Recall briefly the good feelings you had – or still
have – for each item.
Do not stop until you cannot think of anything else. Review your list and realize just how much the universe has already given
you even though you may not have consciously believed in its abundance. And how much, much more it can give you.
Exercise # 2
Sit down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply until you feel you are fully relaxed.
Imagine that you are in a beautiful natural place – like a forest, mountaintop, waterfall, or anything that suits your fancy.
Walk around the place and bask in its beauty – breathe in the air, smell the flowers and touch the living creatures there.
Feel how all living things there live in harmony – the animals getting more than enough to eat and drink, the plants and trees
getting enough sun and water. Repeat this process in as many beautiful places you would like.
Then let the images of nature slowly fade in your mind’s eye. Now, picture yourself walking towards a huge feast. The table
is very long, heaped with all kinds of delicious food. All the people, dressed in fine clothes, are eating and dancing to
very lively, upbeat music. You look down at yourself and realize that you are also dressed in finery. You join in the festivities
and marvel how the food never seems to run out and how all the people are very happy.
You can do variations of this exercise. Use your imagination to create a world where everyone is living fully and abundantly.
You can also make affirmations, especially when you feel your old beliefs surfacing. Below are a few examples. You can also
create ones of your own.
“The universe has more than enough for me and everyone.”
“I am living in abundance right here, right now!”
“I was born to live in abundance!”
“Life is getting better and better for me everyday.”
Continue to believe in the universe’s overflowing abundance and see for yourself more and more good things coming into your
2. Believe in mind power.
As mentioned in the introduction, you were born with the power to turn your thoughts into reality. This may be difficult to
grasp at first, and you may even be tempted to think that such things are only the stuff of fantasy. But this power is very
natural, much like how we learn to walk and how birds learn to fly.
Acknowledging this fact will help you believe that what you want will actually be yours. Set a goal, focus passionately on
it, visualize and believe it will happen and nothing can go wrong. Belief is essential, as no matter how focused you are and how clear your visualization
is, any kind of doubt can seriously prevent your goal from materializing.
Doubt blocks your power and the manifestation of your goals. Worse, if you put your energy into visualizing the opposite of what you want, then it will most likely happen.
Again, in one way or another, in some form or other, you may have heard any of these statements expressing doubt:
“That’s impossible!”
“That has never been done before.”
“Persons A, B & C were only able to [accomplishment]. How can you go beyond that?”
Believing in these statements would only prevent you from living the life you want. If you believe in the power of the mind,
nothing is impossible. In fact, it is the people who refused to accept these statements who did the impossible. And some did it not only for themselves but for the world.
Imagine the early humans. The concept of fire or heat must have been impossible at first. They were used to eating raw food,
and kept themselves warm through animal furs and other means. But someone discovered fire, to the convenience of all.
Thomas Alva Edison also believed the impossible. He knew that there was a way to make a fully functional light bulb. Each time he failed, he knew he had just found another way of not making a light bulb, and he believed he would find the right way soon enough. It is thanks to him that we now enjoy light
at night.
The Wright brothers knew that there was a way for people to travel on air – and they found it, to the convenience of people
even a century later.
In fact, the seed of every greatness – an invention, discovery, wealth, success – is mind power.
To help you create a mindset of belief, you can use the following affirmations daily. Or, you can create your own.
“Anything is possible.”
“There is always a way.”
“Everything I want is now materializing.”
These affirmations will generally help you assume a more open, believing attitude. Meanwhile, to ensure that your specific
goals will materialize, make specific affirmations after your visualization. You can say something like, “I believe this is
now materializing,” and feel the feeling associated with that belief.
3. Believe in yourself.
This is an essential condition for your goals to be realized. Not believing in yourself considerably diminishes the power,
or energy, of your goals. At some times in your life, you may have expressed these or other similar apprehensions:
“I can’t do it.”
“I am too young / old to do this.”
“But I’m not good at [skill]!”
“I don’t know anything about this!”
Now, if you find yourself thinking along these lines, recall your belief in the universe and in mind power – that anything
is possible through the mind. If you believe this, why should you not believe in yourself? After all, you were born with mind
Vincent van Gogh said it well: “If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that
voice will be silenced.”
Realize that the only limits you have are the limits you set for yourself. Other than that, you are a human being with powerful,
unlimited potential.
You may also find the following affirmations useful:
“I have a special, amazing power to make my dreams come true.”
“I can do anything through mind power.”
“I can accomplish anything I want right now.”
“I can easily learn [skill] to get what I want.”
Feeling more powerful now? Yes, anything is indeed possible. But even as you are fired up now with your dreams and the possibilities,
read on and find out how you can conquer more obstacles which might stand in the way of your goals.