The Power of Concentration
Mental Control through Creation

I attended a banquet of inventors recently. Each inventor gave a short talk on something he thought would be accomplished
in the future. Many very much-needed things were spoken of. One inventor spoke of the possibilities of wireless telephone.
Distance, he said, would shortly be annihilated. He thought we would soon be able to talk to the man in the submarine forty
fathoms below the surface and a thousand miles away. When he got through he asked if there were any that doubted what he said.
No one spoke up. This was not a case of tactful politeness, as inventors like to argue, but a case where no one present really
doubted that the inventor's vision would, in the future, materialize.
These shrewd men, some real geniuses, all thought we would in time be able to talk to those a thousand miles away without
media. Now, if we can make an instrument so wonderful that we can send wireless messages a thousand miles, is there any reason
why we should not through mental control transmit messages from one person to another? The wireless message should not be
as easy to send as the projected thought.
The day will come when all business will employ highly developed persons to send out influences. These influences will be
so dominating that employees will be partly controlled by them and so you will profit more and more by your mental powers
and depend on them to draw to you all forces of a helpful nature. You will be constantly sending out suggestions to your employees
and friends. They will receive these unconsciously, but in case yours is the stronger personality they will carry them out
the same as if you had spoken them.
This is being done even today. A finely organized company secures the combined effort of all its men. They may be each doing
a different kind of work, but all work to bring about the very best results. The whole atmosphere is impregnated with a high
standard of workmanship. Everyone feels he must do his best. He could not be in such surroundings and be satisfied to do anything
but his best work.
A business will succeed only to the extent that the efforts of all are coordinated towards one result. At least one person
is needed to direct all toward the desired end. The person at the head does not have to exactly outline to the others what
steps to take, but he must possess the mental power of control over others.
An up-to-date business letter is not written in a casual, commonplace way today. The writer tries to convey something he
thinks the receiver will be interested to know. In this way he awakens a responsive spirit. Sometimes just the addition of
a word or two will change a letter of the matter-of-fact style to one that compels a response. It is not always what is actually
in a letter, but the spirit which it breathes that brings results. That intangible something that defies analysis is the projected
thought of the master that brings back the harvest that it claims.
But we should not always claim success for ourselves only. If you are anxious that some friend or relative should succeed,
think of this person as becoming successful. Picture him in the position you would like to see him in. If he has a weakness,
desire and command that it be strengthened; think of his shortcomings which belong to his negative nature as being replaced
by positive qualities. Take a certain part of the day to send him thoughts of an up-building nature. You can in this way arouse
his mental powers into activity, and once aroused, they will assert themselves and claim their own.
We can accomplish a great deal more than many of us are ready to believe by sending to another our direct, positive and
controlling suggestions of leadership, but whether a man is a success or not is greatly determined by the way he acts on the
suggestions he receives.
We either advance or decline. We never stand still. Every time we accomplish something it gives us ability to do greater
things. The bigger the attempt undertaken, the greater the things accomplished in the future. As a business grows, the head
of the business also has to grow. He must advance and be ever the guiding influence. By his power to control, he inspires
confidence in those associated with him. Often employees are superior to their employers in some qualities, and, if they had
studied, instead of neglected their development, they could have been employers of more commanding influence than those whom
they serve.
Through your mental power you can generate in another enthusiasm and the spirit of success, which somehow furnishes an impetus
to do something worthwhile.
In concentrated mental control, there is a latent power more potent than physical force. The person becomes aware that the
attitude of the mind has a power of controlling, directing and governing other forces. He has been placed in an attitude capable
of acquiring that which he desires.
All of us no matter how strong we are, are affected by the mental forces of our environment. There is no one that can remain
neutral to influences. The mind cannot be freed from the forces of a place. If the environment of your place of business is
not helpful, it will be harmful. That is why a change of position will often do a person a great deal of good.
No person was ever intended to live alone. If you are shut up with only your own thoughts you suffer from mental starvation.
The mind becomes narrow; the mental powers weaken. Living alone often causes some of the milder forms of insanity. If children
do not play with those their own age, but associate with only older people, they will take on the actions of the older people.
The same is true of older persons if they associate with people younger than they are. They take on the spirit of youth. If
you wish to retain your youth you need the influences of youth. Like attracts like all over the world.
The thought element plays a great part in our lives. Every business must not only command physical effort but it must also
command thought effort. There must be co-ordination of thought. All employers should aim to secure employees that think along
similar lines. They will work in fuller sympathy with each other. They will better understand each other. This enables them
to help each other, which would be utterly impossible if they were not in sympathy with each other. It is this that goes to
make up a perfect organization, which directs and influences them toward the one end. Instead of each person being a separate
unit, each one is like a spoke in a big wheel. Each member carries his own load, and he would not think of shirking. Anyone
working in such an atmosphere could not help turning out his best work.
All great leaders must be able to inspire this co-operative spirit. They first secure assistance through their mental control.
They then make their assistants realize the value of mental control. Soon there is a close bond between them; they are working
toward a single purpose. They profit by their combined effort. The result is that they accomplish much.
If your business is conducted in the right spirit, you can instill your thoughts and your ideas into your employees. Your
methods and ideas become theirs. They don't know it, but your mental forces are shaping their work. They are just as certain
to produce results as any physical force in nature.
The up-to-date businessman of the future is going to take pains to get his employees to think and reason better. He will
not want them to become depressed or discouraged. There is time that instead of being wasted he will endeavor to have them
use in concentrated effort that will be profitable to both employer and employed. There must be more of the spirit of justice
enter into the business of the future.
There is a firm I know that will not hire an employee until he has filled out an application blank. No doubt those that
fill it out think it is foolishness, but it is not. A capable manager can look over this application blank and pretty nearly
tell if this person will fit into his management. The main thing he wants to know is the applicant's capacity for efficient
co-operative effort. He wants persons that have faith in themselves. He wants them to realize that when they talk of misfortunes
and become blue they are likely to communicate the same depressing influence to others. The up-to-date manager wants to guard
against hiring employees who will obstruct his success.
You must realize that every moment spent in thinking of your difficulties of the past, every moment spent in bad company
is attracting to you all that is bad; is attracting influences that must be shaken off before you can advance.
Many firms prefer to hire employees that never worked before so that they have nothing to unlearn. They are then not trained,
but have no bad business habits to overcome. They are more easily guided and grasp the new methods more effectively because
they are not contrary to what they have already learned. They are at once started on the right road, and as they co-operate
readily they receive the mental support of the management in learning the methods that have been perfected. This inspires
confidence in themselves and they soon become efficient and, finally, skilled workers.
Most big business firms today employ efficiency experts. Each day or week they are in a different department. They earn
their money because they familiarize persons with very little business experience with plans that has taken the "expert" years
of training and much money to perfect.
The attitude we take has a great deal more to do with our success than most of us realize. We must be able to generate those
forces that are helpful. There is a wonderful power in the thought rightly controlled and projected and we must through concentration
develop this power to the fullest possible extent.
We are surrounded by many forces of which we know but little at present. Our knowledge of these is to be wonderfully increased.
Each year we learn more about these psychic forces which are full of possibilities of which we are not even dimly conscious.
We must believe in mental control, learn more about it, and use it, if we want to command these higher powers and forces which
will unquestionably direct the lives of countless future generations.