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The Ideal Made Real
The Ideal And The Real Made One

When the elements of the ideal are blended harmoniously with the elements of the real the two become one; the ideal becomes
real and the real gives expression to the qualities of the ideal. To be in harmony with everything at all times and under
all circumstances is therefore one of the great essentials in the living of that life that is constantly making real a larger
and larger measure of the ideal; and so extremely important is continuous harmony that nothing should be permitted to produce
confusion or discord for the slightest moment.
Discord wastes energy, while harmony accumulates energy. If we wish to be strong in mind and body and do the best possible
work, harmony is absolutely necessary and we must be in the best possible condition to make real the ideal. The person who
lives in perpetual harmony with everything will accomplish from ten to one hundred per cent more than the average during any
given period of time; a fact that gives the elements of harmony a most important place in life. When harmony is absent there
is always a great deal of mental confusion, and a confused mind can never think clearly, therefore makes mistakes constantly.
To establish complete and continuous mental harmony will reduce mistakes to a minimum in any mind; another fact that makes
the attainment of harmony one of the great attainments.
The mind that is living in continuous harmony is realizing a great measure of heaven upon earth regardless of his personal
attainments or external possessions. He has made real that ideal something that makes existence thoroughly worthwhile, and
he is rich indeed. To live in harmony is to gain the joy everlasting, the contentment that is based upon the real value of
life, and that satisfaction that grows larger and better for every day that passes by. On the other hand, to live in discord
is to live in perpetual torment, even though our personal attainments may be great and our personal possessions as large as
any mind could wish.
To live the good life, the ideal life, the beautiful life, we must be at peace with all things, including ourselves, and every
thought, word and deed must be harmonious. Whatever we wish to do or be it is wisdom to make any sacrifice necessary for the
sake of harmony, although that which we sacrifice for the sake of harmony is not a sacrifice. When we enter into harmony we
will regain everything that we were willing to lose in order that we might possess harmony.
When we establish ourselves in perfect harmony we shall be reunited with everything that we hold near and dear and the new
unity will be far sweeter, far more beautiful than the one we had before. "My own shall come to me" is a favorite expression
among all those who believe that every ideal can be made real, and many of these are waiting and watching for their own to
come, wondering in the meantime what can be done to hasten that coming. There are many things to be done, however, but one
of the most important is the attainment of harmony. No person who lives in perpetual harmony will be deprived very long of
his own, whatever that own may be. Whatever you deserve, whatever you are entitled to, whatever belongs to you will soon appear
in your world, if you are living in perfect harmony.
To enter harmony is to enter a new world where everything is better, where opportunities are greater and more numerous, and
where persons, conditions and things are more agreeable. You will not only enter a better world, however, but the attitude
of harmony will relate your life so perfectly to the good things in all worlds that may exist about you, that the best from
every source will naturally gravitate towards your sphere of existence. But harmony will not only cause the good things of
life to gravitate towards you; it will also cause you to radiate the good qualities in your own being and thus become a perpetual
benediction to everybody.
To be in the presence of a person who dwells serenely in the beautiful calm is, indeed, a privilege, especially to those who
can appreciate the finer elements of a truly harmonious life. Whenever we are in touch with real harmony, whether it comes
from the music of human life, the music of nature or the music of the spheres, we are one step nearer the Beautiful. We can
therefore realize the great value of being able to actually live in perfect harmony at all times. The life of harmony is the
foundation of happiness and health and is one of the greatest essentials to achievement and real success. When we look into
the past we can always find that our failures originated in confusion; likewise our troubles and ills. On the other hand,
all the good things that have happened to us in the past, or that are happening in the present, had their origin and their
growth in the elements of continuous harmony; the ideal and the real were made one, and we consequently reached the goals
we had in view.
The mind that works in perpetual harmony does more work and far better work than is possible in any other condition; besides,
harmonious work is invariably conducive to higher development and growth. To work in harmony is to promote increase and development
in all the qualities and powers of the personality; while to work in confusion is to weaken the entire system and thus originate
causes that will terminate in failure. The majority state that they have no time for self development, but to live in harmony
and work in harmony is to promote self development every moment, and this development will not be confined simply to those
muscles or faculties that we use directly, but will express itself throughout the entire system; and the mind especially will,
under such conditions, steadily gain both in power and in worth.
In the presence of these facts we can realize readily that no person can afford to permit discord, disturbance or confusion
at any time. The many declare, however, that they cannot help it, but we must help it and we can. There is no reason why our
minds should be excited or our nerves upset at any time. We can prevent this just as easily as we can refuse to eat what we
do not want.
To proceed, we must apply exact reason to this great subject. We should learn to understand that no wrong will be righted
because we permit ourselves to "fly to pieces;" also that the act of becoming nervous over a trouble will never drive that
trouble away. To live in a constant strain will not promote our purpose nor arrange matters the way we want them. This is
a fact that we should impress deeply upon our minds, and then impress our minds to take another and a better course. The average
person feels that it is a religious duty to be as excited as possible, and to string up all his nerves as high as possible,
whenever he is passing through some exceptional event; in consequence, he spoils all or practically all of that which might
have been gained; besides, he places his system in a condition where all sorts of ills may gain a foothold.
There are many reasons why such a large number of undertakings fail, but one of the principal reasons is found in the fact
that few people have learned to retain perfect harmony under all kinds of circumstances. Discord and confusion are usually
present to a great degree, and in consequence, something almost invariably goes wrong. But when a person is in perfect harmony
and does his very best, he will succeed at least in a measure every time, and he will thus prepare himself for the greater
opportunities that are sure to follow: To believe that intelligent, well educated people almost daily break down over mere
trifles is not mere simplicity, but the fact that it is the truth leads us to question why. Intelligence and education should
give those who possess it the power to know better.
Modern education, however, does not teach us how to use ourselves. We have learned how to mix material substances so as to
satisfy every imaginable taste, and we have learned how to use the tangible forces of nature so as to construct almost anything
we like in the physical world, but we have not learned how to combine the elements of mind so as to produce health, happiness,
strength, brilliancy and harmony whenever we may so desire. A few, however, have made the attempt, but the elements of the
mind will not combine for greater efficiency and higher states of expression unless the mind is in perfect harmony.
We have all learned to remember, but few have learned to think. To repeat verbatim what others have thought and said is counted
knowledge and with such borrowed knowledge the majority imagine they are satisfied, the reason being they have not discovered
the art of thinking thoughts of their own. This is an art that every person must learn; the sooner the better, if the ideal
is to be made real. Original thinking is the secret of all greatness, all high attainments, all extraordinary achievements
and all superior states of being; but no mind can create original thought until a high state of mental harmony is attained.
To produce mental harmony we must first bear in mind the great fact that it is not what happens that disturbs us, but the
way we think about that which happens; and our thought about anything depends upon our point of view. The way we look at things
will determine whether the experience will produce discord or harmony, and it is in our power to look at things in any way
that we may desire. When we are face to face with those things that usually upset the mind we should immediately turn our
attention upon the life and the power that is back of the disturbing element, having the desire to find the better side of
that life and power constantly in view. Everything has its better side, its ideal side, its calm and undisturbed side, and
a mere desire to gain a glimpse of that better side will turn the mind away from confusion and cause attention to be centered
upon that calm state that is being sought.
This will decrease discord at once, and if applied the very moment we are aware of confusion we will entirely prevent any
mental disturbance whatever. To meet all circumstances and events in this way is to develop in ourselves a harmonious attitude
towards all things, and when we are established in this harmonious attitude nothing whatever disturbs us; no matter what may
happen we will continue to remain in harmony, and will consequently be able to deal properly with whatever may happen.
The mind that is upset by confused circumstances will lose ground and fail, but the mind that continues calmly in harmony
with everything, no matter what the circumstances may be, will master every occasion and steadily rise in the scale. He will
continue to make real the ideal, because he is living in that harmonious state of being where the ideal and the real are harmoniously
blended into one.
To promote the highest and most perfect state of continuous harmony we must learn to meet those persons, things and events,
with which we come in daily contact, in the right mental attitude. The result of such an attitude is determined directly by
the nature of our own attitude of mind, and as we can express ourselves through any attitude we desire, it is in our power
either to spoil the most promising prospects, or convert the most unpromising conditions into the greatest success. We should
train ourselves to meet everything in that attitude of mind that expects all things to work out right. When we deeply and
continually expect all things to work out right we relate ourselves more perfectly with that with which we come in contact;
we take things, so to speak, the way they ought to be taken, and we thereby promote harmony and cooperation among all things
Though this be extremely important, it is insignificant, however, in comparison with another great fact in this connection;
that is, the way things respond to the leading desires of the ruling mind; whether it is the exercise of the mysteries of
mental force or the application of a mental law not generally understood, does not concern us just now; but it is a fact that
things will do, as a rule what we persistently expect them to do. To understand why this is so may require some study of the
great laws of mind and body, and everybody should seek to understand these laws perfectly; but in the meantime anyone can
demonstrate the fact that things will work out right if we constantly expect them to do so.
No matter what may happen we should continue in the faith that all things will come right, and as our faith is so it shall
be. To place ourselves in perfect harmony with all things, the domineering attitude of mind must be eliminated completely.
The mind that tries to domineer over things will not only lose control of things, but will lose control of its own faculties
and forces. At first it may seem that the domineering mind gains ground, but the gain is only temporary. When the reaction
comes, as it will, the loss will be far greater than the temporary gain. When you try to domineer over persons and things
you gain possession and control of those things only that are too weak to control themselves. That is, you gain a temporary
control over negatives, and negatives have no permanent value in your life; in fact, they soon prove themselves to be wholly
Occasionally a domineering mind may attract the attention of better things, but as soon as his domineering qualities are discovered
those better things will part company with him at once. The law of attraction is at the foundation of all natural constructive
processes; therefore, to promote construction, growth, advancement and real success we must work in harmony with that law.
If we wish to attain the superior, we must become superior, because it is only like that attracts like. If we wish to gain
the ideal, we must become ideal. If we wish to make real the ideal, we must live the ideal in the real. When you want good
things, make yourself better, and better things will naturally be attracted to you; but good things do not submit to force.
Therefore, to try to secure better things through forceful methods, or through the domineering attitude can only result in
failure; such methods gain only the inferior, those things that can add neither to the welfare nor the happiness of any one.
This fact holds good, not only among individuals, but also among nations and institutions. The more domineering an institution
is the more inferior are its members, and the more autocratic the nation the weaker its subjects. On the other hand, we find
the best minds where the individual is left free to govern himself and where he is expected to act wisely, to be true to the
best that is within him. In order that the individual may advance he must steadily grow in the mastery of himself, and must
so relate himself to the best things in life that he will naturally attract the best things; but these two essentials are
wholly interfered with by the domineering attitude.
Such an attitude repels everything and everybody that has any worth. It spoils the forces of mind, thus weakening all the
mental faculties, and it steadily undermines whatever self-control a person might possess. Never try to control anything or
domineer over anything, but aim to live in perpetual harmony with the highest, the truest and the best that is in everything.
Whatever happens we should approach that event in that attitude that believes it is all right. We should never permit the
attitude that condemns, not even when the things concerned have proved themselves to be wrong. The attitude that condemns
is detrimental to our own minds, because it invariably produces discord. When you meet all things in the expectation of finding
them right, you always find something about them that is right. This something you may appropriate and thus gain good from
everything that happens.
That person, however, who expects to find most things wrong will fail to see the good that may exist among the things that
come his way; therefore, he gains far less from life than his wiser neighbor. But what is equally important, the man who expects
to find everything right wherever he may go, will gradually gravitate towards those people and circumstances that are right.
The man who expects to find everything wrong usually finds what he expects. The effect of these two attitudes upon mind and
character is even more important, because the man is as his mind and character, and as the man is so is his destiny. The man
who expects to find most things wrong and meets the world in that attitude is constantly impressing the wrong upon his mind,
and as we gradually grow into the likeness of that which we think of the most, he is building upon sinking sand. The mind
that is constantly looking for the wrong cannot be wholesome.
Such a mind is not in harmony with the law of growth, power, and ability; therefore, can never do its best. Unwholesome thoughts
will steadily undermine the finest character and mind, and the world is full of illustrations. There is always something wrong
in the life of that person who constantly expects to find things wrong, and the reason why is simple. His own expectations
are reacting upon himself; by thinking about the wrong he is creating the wrong and thus bringing forth the wrong in every
part of his life.
The man, however, who expects to find everything right and meets the world in that attitude is daily nourishing his mind with
right thoughts, wholesome thoughts and constructive thoughts; he thinks the most of that which is right, and is therefore
steadily growing more and more into the likeness of that which is right, perfect, worthy and good; he is daily changing for
the better, and through this constant change he steadily rises in the scale and thereby meets the better and the better at
every turn. By expecting to find everything right he finds more and more of that which is right, and as he is becoming stronger
in mind, character and soul, he is affected less and less by those few things that may not be as they should be.
When you meet a disappointment meet it in the conviction that it is all right, because through this attitude you enter into
harmony with the power that is back of the event at hand, and you thus convert the disappointment into a channel through which
greater good may be secured. Those who doubt this should try it.; they will find that it is based upon exact scientific facts
Transcend disappointment, and all the powers of adversity will begin to rise with you and will begin to work with you and
help you reach the goal you have in view. You will thus find that, it is all for the best, because through the right mental
attitude you made everything work out in such a way that the best transpired as a final result.
To live in what may be termed the "all right" attitude, that is, in that attitude that expects to find everything all right
and that constantly affirms that everything is all right, is to press on to the realization and the possession of those things
that are as you wish them to be. Disappointments and failures, when met in this attitude, simply become open doors to new
worlds where you find better opportunities and greater possibilities than you ever knew before. When the average person meets
disappointment he usually declares, "Just my luck;" in other words, he enters that mental attitude that faces ill luck; he
thus fails to see anything else but misfortune in that which has happened; and so long as that person, consciously or unconsciously
expects misfortune, into more and more misfortune he will go.
He who believes that he is fated to have bad luck will have bad luck in abundance. The reason is he lives in that mental attitude
that places his mind in constant contact with those confused elements in the world that never create anything else but bad
luck. That person, however, who thoroughly believes that everything that happens is simply a step to greater good, higher
attainments and greater achievements, will steadily rise into those greater things that he expects to realize; the reason
being that he is living in that mental attitude that places his mind in contact with the building power of life. Those powers
will always build for greater things to those with whom they are in harmony, and we all can place ourselves in harmony with
those powers; therefore, we can all move upward and onward forever, eternally making real more and more of that which is ideal.
What we expect comes if our expectation is filled with all the power of life and soul, and what we believe our fate to be,
that is the kind of a fate we will create for ourselves. To meet ill luck in the belief that it is your luck, your particular
kind of luck, and that it is natural for you to have that kind of luck is to stamp your own mind as an unlucky mind. This
will produce chaotic thinking, which will cause you to do everything at the wrong time, and all your energies will be more
or less misdirected; in consequence, bad luck and misfortune must necessarily follow.
Bad luck comes from doing the wrong thing, or from being your worst; while good luck comes from being your best and from doing
the right thing at the right time. It is therefore mere simplicity to create good luck at any time and in the measure that
we may desire. The person that fears misfortune or expects misfortune and faces life in that attitude is concentrating attention
upon misfortune; he thereby creates a world of misfortune in his own mind; and he who lives in mental misfortune will produce
misfortune in his external life. Like causes produce like effects; and this explains why the things we fear always come upon
us. We create mental causes for those things, and corresponding tangible effects always follow.
Train the mind to expect the right and the best, regardless of present circumstances, conditions or events. Call everything
good that is met. Declare that everything that happens, happens for the best. Meet everything in that frame of mind, and no
matter how wrong or adverse conditions seem to be, you cause them all to work out right.
When the mind expects the best, has the faith that the right will prevail, and constantly faces the superior, the true mental
attitude has been gained. Through that attitude all the forces of mind and all the powers of will become constructive, and
will build for man the very thing that he expects or desires while his mind is fixed upon the ideal. He relates himself harmoniously
to the best that is in all things and thus unites the ideal with the real in all things; and when the ideal becomes one with
the real, the ideal desired becomes an actual fact in the real; and this is the goal every true idealist has in view.
He takes those elements that have been revealed to him through the vision of the soul and blends them harmoniously with the
actions of daily life. He thus brings the ideal down to earth and causes the real of every day life to express the ideal in
everything that he may undertake to do. His life, his thought, his action, his attainments, his achievements, all contain
that happy state where the ideal and the real are made one. His dreams have become true. The visions of the soul are actually
realized, and the tangible is animated with that ideal something that makes personal existence all that any one could wish
it to be.