The Art And Science Of Personal Magnetism
The Magnetic Duel

The laws of personal magnetism are in accord with the other laws of nature in recognizing the universal fact that there are
various degrees of power, and that, all else being equal, the stronger power will prevail over the weaker. But, it is likewise
true that the individual, by a superior knowledge of the art of science of defense and offense, may often triumph over a superior
degree of strength in the other person. This fact is as true of personal magnetism as it is of physical strength. The skilled
magnetic individual may overcome his stronger adversary, just as the skilled boxer may overcome a stronger man, or a skilled
fencer may disarm and defeat a much stronger opponent.
The conflict between the opposing magnetism of individuals is to be seen on all hands everyday. In fact, it has been well
said that two persons never meet but that there is at least a preliminary trial of magnetic strength. At any rate, no two
persons ever meet, whose interests are in the least opposed, but that there occurs a little tilt of magnetic strength – sometimes
a quite strenuous test, in fact. And in these tests there always is one triumphant and one defeated. It is true that the circumstances
of the case sometimes affect the result, and the defeated today may be the victor tomorrow, but the fact remains, that for
the time being, at least, there is always one on top and the other underneath at the finish of the magnetic duel, be it slight
or serious. One has but to recall incidents in their own experience to recognize this fact.
Oliver Wendell Holmes recognized this magnetic duel, in one of his books, when he speaks of "that deadly Indian hug in which
men wrestle with their eyes, over in five seconds, but which breaks one of their two backs, and is good for three score years
and ten, one trial enough – settles the whole matter – just as when two feathered songsters of the barnyard, game and dunghill,
come together. After a jump or two, and a few sharp kicks, there is an end of it; and it is ‘After you, monsieur’ with the
beaten party in all the social relations for all the rest of his days."
Dr. Fothergill, a well-known English Physician, now deceased, once wrote a little book upon the subject of the will. The
good doctor was a close student of personal magnetism, although he did not choose to use the term itself in his writings,
because of the narrow code of professional ethics then imposed upon the medical profession in Great Britain. I have personal
magnetism, in theory and practice. I therefore take great pleasure in quoting from him on the particular subject now before
us, as follows:
"The conflict of will, the power to command others, has been spoken of frequently. Yet what is this will power, which influences
others? What is it that makes us accept, and adopt too, the advice of one person, while precisely the same advice from another
has been rejected? Is it the weight or force of will, which insensibly influences us, the force of will behind the advice?
That is what it is! The person who thus forces his or her advice upon us has no more power to enforce it than others; but
all the same we do as requested. We accept from one what we reject from another. One person says of something contemplated,
‘Oh, but you must not,’ yet we do it all the same, though that person may be in a position to make us regret the rejection
of that counsel. Another person says, ‘Oh, but you mustn’t,’ and we desist, though we may, if so disposed, set this latter
person’s opinion t defiance with impunity. It is not the fear of consequences, nor of giving offence, which determines the
adoption of the latter person’s advice, while it has been rejected when given by the first. It depends upon the character
or willpower of the individual advising whether we accept the advice, or reject it. This character often depends little, if
at all, in some cases, upon the intellect, or even on the moral qualities, the goodness or badness, of the individual. It
is itself an imponderable something; yet it carries weight with it.
There may be abler men, cleverer men; but it is the one possessed of will who rises to the surface at these times – the
one who can by some subtle power make other men obey him
The will-struggle goes on universally. In the young aristocrat, who gets his tailor to make another advance in defiance of
his conviction that he will never get his money back? It goes on between lawyer and client; betwixt doctor and patient; between
banker and borrower; betwixt buyer and seller. It is not tact, which enables the person behind the counter to induce customers
to buy what they did not intend to buy, and which when bought, gives them no satisfaction, though it is linked therewith for
the effort to be successful.
Whenever two persons meet in business, or in any other relation in life, up to lovemaking, there is this will-fight going
on, commonly enough without any consciousness of the struggle. There is a dim consciousness of the result, but none of the
processes. It often takes years of the intimacy of married life to find out with whom of the pair the mastery really lays.
Often the far stronger character, to all appearances, has to yield; it is this will-element, which underlies the statement.
‘The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong.’ In ‘Middlemarch’ we find in Lydgate a grand aggregation
of qualities, yet shallow, hard, selfish Rosamond masters him thoroughly in the end. He was not deficient in will power, possessed
more than an average share of character; but in the fight he went down at last under the onslaught of the intense, stubborn
will of his narrow-minded spouse. Their will-contest was the collision of a large, warm nature, like a capable human hand,
with a hard, narrow, selfish nature, like a steel button; the hand only bruised itself while the button remained unaffected."
If you will substitute the term "magnetic force," for "will," "will power," etc., in the good doctor’s words, you will see
how perfectly he was in accord with the teachings contained in this book.
The student who has carefully studied the foregoing pages will have acquired sufficient knowledge of the theory and practice,
the method and the technique, of personal magnetism, to be able to carry himself or herself though a "magnetic duel" with
credit to himself or herself, and credit to myself, the teacher. But remember, that there is as much in adroitness, and skill,
as there is in mere strength of magnetism. Carry in mind the tactics of the good boxer, or good fencer – try to reproduce
(in the magnetic duel) the guards, the feints, the unexpected stroke, the rushes, the overpowering stroke, etc. It will not
hurt you to purposely engage in some of these conflicts, as good practice preparing for the day of a real test of power on
some important point. Assert your will a little, and strive to have your own way in small matters, particularly if you are
opposed therein by others. The skill and practice, together with the self-confidence you will gain will prove useful to you
in the hour or need.
In addition to the general and special instruction regarding the use of positive magnetism in relation to other persons,
I now offer for your consideration the following special "flashes," for use on special occasions, especially in cases of the
"magnetic duel." You will find these flashes of great use to you on such occasions, particularly (as is generally the case)
where the opponent does not know the secret of his own natural power of magnetism, and is not versed in the art and science
of using it. Study over these carefully – for they are valuable, and represent the result of years of experience and practice.
Here follows the list just spoken of: "My magnetism is stronger than yours – it is overpowering you."
"My magnetism is beating down your guard – you are weakening."
"I am more positive than you – you are negative and are beginning to retreat and give in to me."
"You are beginning to feel afraid of me, afraid, afraid, afraid of me."
"Retreat, retreat, retreat, I tell you – I am forcing you backward."
"I am scattering your forces – I am dissipating your energy – I am breaking your magnetism to bits, by the power of my own
"I am standing on the solid rock of power – your feet are on sand, and are slipping way from you."
"I am crowding you back, off your feet; move back, I tell you - BACK, out of my way, I tell you!"
You may get the spirit of the above by carefully reading them, repeating them to your image in the mirror, throwing full fore
into the words, and the expression into your eyes. Then you will be able to flash them out to others when the occasion arises,
with ease, power and effect. You need not be bound by the precise words that I have given you, providing you catch the spirit
behind them. You may use your own words – the very words that you would like to actually utter to the other person, if you
prefer. The thing to do is to get the feeling and meaning into his mind.
In a succeeding chapter, entitled "Magnetic Self-Defense," you will find full instruction for defensive flashes, and "guards,"
which are to be used in connection with the above offensive ones, in the magnetic duel. Beat the opponent off by neutralizing
his magnetism, according to the advice given in the next chapter, and then plunge in your own mental weapons of attack. The
following constitutes a broad-sword mental weapon, which may often be used with the greatest effect:
"I am pouring into you a strong concentrated current of magnetic power. Which is overpowering you and conquering you, and
bending you to my will. My magnetism is far stronger than is yours, and I know how to use it to better advantage than do you.
I am overpowering you – I am conquering you – I am bending you to my will. I am MASTERING you, steadily and completely. I
shall command you to do as I will. You MUST do it, and do it now. Surrender, I tell you – surrender now – SURRENDER to me
at once. You MUST, and you SHALL. I am breaking down your resistance. You are giving up – SURRENDER NOW – SURRENDER AT ONCE."