How to Stay Well
Realizing The Perfect Health Within

From whatever point of view we may approach the subject, from that of pure reason, from that of experience, or from that of
higher consciousness, we must conclude that there is something in man that is always well. Whatever may happen, this something
will positively never get sick; and the reason is that this something contains the principle of absolute health.
Principles never change; therefore, the principle of health being health, will never be anything else but health, and nothing
can cause it to change from its perfect and original state. This principle of health permeates every atom in the being of
man, and so long as everything in the human system acts in perfect harmony with this principle, there will be perfect health
throughout the being of man.
The secret of perfect health is to train the elements and forces of the system to act in harmony with the principle of health,
and this training may be promoted by growing into the consciousness of the real nature of the principle of health. The elements
and forces of the human system are governed by the actions of the subconscious; therefore to train these elements to act in
harmony with the principle of health the mind must steadily grow into a subconscious realization of health.
Whatever is deeply realized in the mind will become an active force in the subconscious, and this force will express itself
through the elements and forces of the body, reproducing its own nature in the body. When the mind grows in the realization
of health, the force of health will become active in the subconscious, and conditions of health will in consequence be produced
in every part of the body.
To cause the mind to grow into the realization of health the principle of continuous advancement should be applied in the
attainment of health; that is, the mind should advance constantly in the conscious realization of the real nature of the principle
of absolute health. Conscious advancement into the realization of absolute health will eliminate every form of disease, because
to advance into health is to enter more perfectly into the nature, the conditions and the domains of health.
To enter into health is to be IN health, and there can be no disease in the human system when every part of the system is
IN health. Every part of the system will be in health when all of the elements and the forces of the system act in perfect
harmony with the principle of health; and these will act in harmony with that principle when the subconscious is permeated
with the realization of health. To establish more and more perfectly in the subconscious the realization of health, the mind
must continue to grow into the consciousness of absolute health. This growth in health must be continuous, for to live is
to live more, and the more life lives, the greater will necessarily be the capacity of the health required. To retain perfect
health it is absolutely necessary to grow steadily into the conscious possession of more and more health.
Continuous advancement is the purpose of life, and everything, to be in harmony with life, must advance in like manner. To
promote continuous and conscious advancement into the realization of health, attention should be concentrated frequently upon
the inner world of health, harmony, and wholeness, or the principle of absolute health.
We grow into the conscious realization and possession of those states, conditions or qualities that we think of the most;
that is, when such thinking has feeling and depth. It is therefore evident that by keeping your mental eye single upon the
inner principle of perfect health, the mind will steadily grow into perfect health, and thus gain conscious possession of
that perfect health. When the mind gains conscious possession of health the subconscious life of the system becomes thoroughly
healthful, and as is the subconscious life of the system, so is also the system itself.
When attention is being concentrated upon the inner principle of health, the mind should deeply feel that this principle permeates
every atom in one's being, because this feeling of health in every part of the system will impress the subconscious with the
life of health; and when the life of perfect health becomes active in the subconscious no form of disease can exist any more
in the human system.
Whatever you become conscious of, that you will manifest or express throughout your mental or physical system. In other words,
whatever is involved in consciousness will be evolved through the personality. This is one of the greatest of all metaphysical
laws, because it places the entire personality in the hands of individual consciousness. Through this law we can bring forth
any quality or condition desired by simply becoming conscious of its interior or potential existence.
What consciousness perceives the mind creates, and what the mind creates will be expressed in every part of the human personality.
The present conditions of the body, be they health or disease, harmony or discord, strength or weakness, are the results of
the recent thought of the individual, with possibly a few exceptions in some instances; while the character is the result
of all that the individual has thought and all that he may have inherited from the race. The same is true of talents, tendencies
and desires.
The entire personality, including character and mentality, is but an effect of what the mind has been creating up to the present
moment; and what the conditions of the personality are to be in the future will be determined by what new creations the mind
may produce. When new creations come forth from the mind the old ones disappear. For this reason it is possible to largely
modify physical appearance and change bodily conditions, mental tendencies and desires, while the character can in most instances
be transformed absolutely.
In all our efforts to produce any desired change in ourselves, physically or mentally, we should always remember the law that
whatever we become conscious of, that we will express through ourselves; and what we express, gradually becomes a part of
ourselves. Whatever you constantly see in the great within, the vast field of consciousness, that the mind will create and
express in the personality. This is a law that never fails. Whatever you continue to see yourself become that you will gradually
and surely become, and no obstacle in the world can prevent it.
The mind is constantly creating. It cannot cease to create so long as life continues. To live is to think. All thinking is
creative in some sense or form, and all that the mind creates will come forth sooner or later unless it is recreated before
expression takes place.
Personally you become what you mentally create, provided your creations are completed and permitted to come forth undisturbed;
and the secret in this connection is to keep the eye of consciousness single upon the ideal which you realize, create and
express, and continue to keep it there until you get what you want, no matter how many obstacles will come in your way. If
you continue thus you will positively succeed.
What you continue to see in the within becomes a mental image. All such images act as models for thinking, and the mind will
create thoughts, states, conditions and actions that correspond exactly with those images. Every idea that comes into the
mind becomes an image, and while it lasts millions of mental creations may be formed in the likeness of this idea. All these
creations will appear in the person unless they are recreated before expression takes place. We therefore understand why it
is so extremely important to have the right idea about everything and why our ideals should be kept before mind constantly.
The more deeply an idea or belief is impressed upon consciousness, that is, the more thoroughly it is felt, the longer it
remains as a model for the mental creative processes. Consequently, the more thoughts will be reproduced in its likeness,
and the greater will be its effect upon the person. This is the reason why the life of a person is ruled by his predominant
ideas, and why the person who has simply a few small ideas becomes narrow, one-sided, fanatical, and finally superficial.
Whatever you continue to feel deeply in the within, that will positively come true in the without, for what is inwardly felt
in consciousness will, according to law, be created and expressed. To become conscious of truth is to deeply feel the very
soul of truth, and consequently to express only true states and conditions in the personality.
When you become conscious of truth you establish a true state of affairs throughout your entire system. Everything will be
right and well and all the functions of your being will work together for your highest welfare. The remarkable changes for
the better that have taken place in the lives of those who have entered, even to a slight degree, the conscious realization
of truth are due wholly to this fact.
To become conscious of health is to feel the existence of health in the within, to realize that there is a source of unbounded
health in the inner life, and to come into perfect touch with this source. Every effect must have a cause, and, since health
is expressed more or less in every person, it must, like other expressions, come from some source. Health does not come to
some by mere accident and depart from others in the same way. Health comes through a definite law and departs through the
violation of that law.
The universe is based upon law. Everything that appears appears through law. It has a definite source and there are definite
methods through which various degrees of expression may be secured. The leading minds of every age, those minds that have
understood the inner principles of real life, have been aware of the great truth that there is an abundance of health in the
interior life of every personal being; that there is actually a fountain of unbounded life and wholeness in the soul of every
man; and that by placing the mind in perfect touch with this inner source of health an abundance of health will constantly
flow into the personality.
To place the mind in more perfect touch with the inner source of health we must become conscious of this interior health;
that is, we must deeply feel the perfect health that is within us -the health and wholeness that permeates every atom in existence.
The consciousness of health is attained by keeping the mental eye single upon the real life of the soul. Know that the soul
is the very essence of health, that it not only contains health, but that it is health. The soul is health and wholeness.
The soul is power and purity. The soul is love and wisdom. The soul is everything that is in the supreme. Turn consciousness,
mind, thought and attention upon the perfect health of the soul and enter more deeply, and ever more deeply, into the spirit
of this perfect health.
Gradually you will feel more and more keenly the real life and power of this absolute health, and what you feel will be expressed
through every fiber of your being. Think only about the perfect health that is within you. Refuse absolutely to talk about
disease or to think about disease. Keep the mental eye single upon the wholeness of the spirit in which you live and move
and have your being, and realize that this same wholeness is in you. Before long you will know that it is. Then you will feel
it and express it with so much power that all disease must vanish from your system like darkness before a strong light.
Consciousness develops naturally and steadily along those lines to which we give the greatest amount of thought and attention.
Therefore, by thinking constantly about the perfect health and the unbounded health that is within us, we shall soon feel
and become conscious of that health; and what we consciously feel, that we shall invariably express through every fiber of
our being.
The real life of everything is in a state of health. Everything is in a healthful condition when in a normal condition, and
the inner cause of the normal always is normal. In other words, the law that produces normal conditions must always be normal.
It must be changeless, as all other laws in nature, and the principle from which health proceeds must always be in perfect
health. We, therefore, conclude once more that there is a state within us that is always well, and that there is a law in
the human system that is always ready to produce health if applied.
No matter how much sickness or weakness may appear in the body or in the outer mind, there is a state in the deeper life within
that is always well and strong. The fountain of health and life and power is always in action in the great within. The inner
source of health and strength is constantly giving health and strength to every part of mind and body, and sickness or weakness
can begin only when the force of health and strength is misdirected or wasted.
The inner source of health is constantly producing health throughout the system; therefore, if the force of health were never
misused or wasted the entire system would always be in health. To prevent the misdirection of the force of health the mind
should live constantly in the realization of the inner source of perfect health.
To be conscious of real health is to express real health, and if this consciousness is perpetual, the expression of health
in every part of the system will be perpetual. To produce this realization, all thinking should be trained to work in perfect
touch with this inner state that is always well, and the mind should always live so near to this state that it should constantly
be aware of its existence.
When the body is in a condition of ill health the first step towards healing is to recognize the existence of that absolute
state within that is always well. The second step is to impress upon every thought the fact that this state does exist, and
that it has its being in every atom throughout your entire system.
To continue to impress upon the mind the fact that the entire system is now, and always, filled through and through with a
state that is well, always well, is to develop the realization of health; and as this realization is developed the force of
health will begin to express itself in every part of mind and body.
When the mind gains a full realization of this state of health you will feel that you are in health, and when you are in health
you are well, absolutely well, through and through. When you are in the realization of health every thought that you think
and every word that you speak will also be in that same realization. Such words and thoughts will be permeated with the life
of health and will consequently have healing on their wings.
Every thought that is formed in the mind while the mind feels the state of absolute health will be a health producing thought.
It will be as natural for such thought to produce health, wherever it may go in the system, as it is for fire to produce heat,
or for a sunbeam to produce light. Herein may be found the secret power of affirmations and constructive suggestions. To suggest
health to one's self, or to affirm a statement of health, while the mind is in touch with the inner source of absolute health,
is to give that statement the power of health, and the thought or the word that proceeds from that statement will produce
health just as surely as the sunbeam will produce light.
However, those affirmations that are made while the mind is not in touch with this state of absolute health will be powerless
to produce health, no matter how determined or sincere we may be at the time. The more superficial the mind is while making
affirmations, the weaker and the more deficient in health producing elements will those thoughts be that are formed at the
time, while the more deeply the mind enters into the state of absolute health the more power will every thought contain that
is formed during such a realization.
The secret of metaphysical methods in all their phases, is found in this law, and the same is true of the power of the mind
over the body. Any mind that gains a perfect realization of that state of absolute health that permeates every part of the
system will give the power of health to its thoughts; and by concentrating the power of those thoughts upon the body, health
will be produced in the physical system.
The power to cure yourself or prevent disease in this manner may be steadily developed by training the mind to live more and
more deeply in the realization of that state in the being of man that is always well; and to train the mind in this respect
think constantly of this inner state of absolute health, and think with deep feeling. When thinking of this state impress
upon the mind the fact that absolute health permeates every part of the system.
Know that you are actually filled through and through with a life and power that is well, always well, and that you literally
live and move and have your being in a living sea of perpetual health. Should your mind form tendencies to doubt this truth,
know that this truth can be conclusively demonstrated by anyone; then impress upon your mind the fact that it is so. After
a time your mind will know that it is so, and will at the same time discover that sickness and weakness have mysteriously
The mind that is superficial has very little power over the body; but as consciousness deepens into the realization of the
fact that there is extraordinary power in the mind -limitless power in fact the mind finds that the body will respond almost
instantly to any desire that may be expressed. When the mind lives in perfect touch with the inner source of power, every
thought will be given more power, and will consequently have the power to produce any cause or change in the body that is
desired. Such thoughts will actually be power, because they were created while the mind was IN power; and the thought that
is power can produce in the system any effect that would naturally come from that power.
It is therefore evident that when the mind lives in the realization of the inner state of absolute power, the power of the
mind over the body will be complete; and the desire of the mind to produce perfect health in the body will invariably be followed
by the realization of perfect health.