How to Stay Well
How To Maintain Perfect Health

There is intelligence in every atom in your body; every organ in your physical system is governed by a mind of its own, and
this mind has the power to produce any change in its own organ, within the sphere of natural law, that you may direct. To
place yourself in such close connection with the intelligence in your body that you can readily direct it as you may desire,
train yourself to think of every organ, every muscle, every nerve, every cell in your body, as possessing intelligence.
Then speak the truth to this intelligence. When you are giving a metaphysical treatment to any organ, do not think of the
physical organ, but address yourself to the intelligence that is in that organ. Tell this intelligence that it has the power
to keep its own organ well, and that you expect it to do so. The response will be immediate, and the results you desire will,
in nearly every instance, be secured instantaneously.
Do not think of your body as dead matter, but as living substance, and mentally speak to every atom in your system accordingly.
When you think of your body as mere matter, you separate, to a degree, the life of your mind from the life of your body; in
consequence, your mind and body do not work in harmony; the body fails to respond to the direction of the mind, and you frequently
feel as if the body were a burden instead of a perfectly tuned instrument, as it is intended to be. But when you think of
every atom in your system as possessing intelligence, you place mind and body in perfect harmony; and as your conscious realization
of this intelligence in every atom develops, your body will respond perfectly to almost anything your mind may direct.
When there is something wrong in any organ in your body, begin at once to give instructions to the intelligence that is in
that organ. Speak the truth to that intelligence; give it good, strong, positive suggestions, and proceed in the faith that
this intelligence can carry out your suggestions. It is perfectly in accord with exact science to speak to this intelligence
as you would to any conscious mind. Science has positively demonstrated that there IS intelligence in every atom; also, that
this intelligence will respond to the directions of the human mind, and carry out any instructions that may be given by that
mind. You are therefore acting upon sound principles when you proceed to educate the intelligence in every organ in your body
as you would educate your own children.
To speak the truth to the intelligence of any organ is not to call its attention to the presence of sickness, weakness or
inharmony, but to tell this intelligence what it has the power to do. Use words to this effect: "You know that you have the
power to keep your own organ well; you can so govern your organ that it will perform its function perfectly; you know that
you can do this; I expect you to do it, and I know that you will carry out my wishes to the letter; you are a part of universal
intelligence; you are a perfect expression of infinite intelligence; and infinite intelligence is always well; therefore you
are, in yourself, always well; you know perfect health; you have within yourself the power of perfect health; accordingly,
you can produce perfect health; you can produce perfect health in your own organ now; and I know that you will; I have perfect
faith in you; I know what you can do, and I know that you want to do everything that you can do; this means that you will
produce perfect health in your own organ at once; I leave the rest to you, knowing that you will be perfectly true to your
Whenever you think of any organ in your body, think of the intelligence within that organ, and always give it the best instructions
you can think of. You thus not only arouse the mind of every atom to greater effort, but you also train this mind to work
in harmony with your purpose. The minds of all the atoms in your body will thus become a well-drilled army -an army of workers,
working with you for better health, for more harmony, for greater strength, for higher attainments in brief, for everything
that you wish to realize to make your dreams of the ideal come true.
To retain perfect health, one of the great essentials is to cause all the organs of your system to perform their functions
perfectly, and this the intelligence of these organs can readily do if so directed. Think of your stomach as an organ of intelligence,
and say to this intelligent organ that you expect a perfect digestion at all times. Speak firmly, but in love, as you would
to a trusted servant, and speak in the tone you would employ when you fully expect your wishes to be carried out. Eliminate
all doubt from those instructions and give a deep ring of supreme faith to the silent tone of your mental speech. Encourage
your stomach to do its best, as you would encourage a horse or a child or some other intelligent being that is under your
Intelligent encouragement, to whomsoever given, always increases results, and especially so when your words have a positive
ring of confidence, trust and faith. Speak to your eyes as if they were intelligent beings, and tell them that they can see
perfectly speak to your ears as if they were intelligent beings, and tell them that they can hear perfectly; speak to your
heart as if it were an intelligent being, and tell it that it can perform its function calmly, harmoniously and perfectly,
and that it can give a full circulation to every cell in your body without any exertion whatever. Speak to your nerves as
if they were intelligent beings, and tell them that they have the power to be always serene, well poised, in perfect harmony,
and in the highest state of efficiency.
Speak to all the organs in your body as if they were intelligent beings, and tell them that they can do their work right;
encourage them all to do their best; tell them that you expect to get the best from them all and that you know that you will
get it. Look upon all the organs in your body as constituting one great family, all working together in perfect harmony; take
them into your confidence; tell them what you wish to accomplish; tell them that you need their help -their very best help
in all your undertakings, and that you know they will respond as one man. Speak to all the organs in your body as if they
were intelligent beings, and know that they all are intelligent beings.
Every atom is intelligent, and every organ is a being of intelligence; it should therefore be treated as such and spoken to
as such. Do not think of the organs in your body as so many physical organs, but as so many minds, because that is what they
really are. The idealist is right, though he does not always make himself clear. Reduce anything to its last analysis, and
you will find it to be MIND. Even iron, when reduced to its last analysis, becomes a MENTAL FORCE in nature; and many scientists
believe if they could reduce still further they would find it to be absolute spirit.
What we speak of as matter is simply mind vibrating in the scale of tangibility. Matter does exist, but it does not exist
apart from mind. Matter is mind in tangible expression. It is therefore strictly scientific to think of the body as visible
mind, and to think of all the organs in the body as being centers of intelligence. And we shall find that when we take this
view of the body, the physical system will no longer be a chunk of clay, but will become a more and more highly organized
instrument, responding perfectly to every desire of the ruling mind -the conscious mind, the "I Am" in man.
When the body responds perfectly to the mind, the body will be perfectly well as long as thinking is wholesome; and the stronger
the mind becomes the stronger will the body become. To keep the mind wholesome at all times, however, is not difficult; nor
is it difficult to perpetually increase the strength of the mind. These are things any one can do; therefore, any one can
stay well, and continue to grow into more and more life and power for an indefinite period.
Know that there is no dead matter to deal with in your body; know that every cell in your body is living intelligence, and
that this intelligence will readily comply with your desires for better health, greater strength and higher efficiency. It
is only necessary to think of this intelligence as actually being intelligence, and then to give your instructions in the
faith that every one of them will be carried out to the letter.
Have faith in your body. Expect your body to be well at all times, and make the power of this expectation so deep and so strong
that it enters into the very life of every atom in your system. What you constantly expect your body to become, you give it
the power to become; in brief, by constantly expecting certain results you awaken and develop the power that can produce those
results. There is nothing that will help you so much to prevent all sickness as to constantly and subconsciously expect your
body to be well at all times. Dwell on this expectation as much as possible, and make it a permanent part of your conscious
Expect every organ in your body to perform its function perfectly; do not expect anything to the contrary, nor even think
for a moment that anything to the contrary could happen. Impress this expectation upon the intelligence of every organ in
your body, and expect that intelligence to carry out your wishes. Expect your physical strength to hold out under every circumstance;
never expect to feel weak or tired at any time; expect your strength to increase perpetually, and make that expectation a
living power in every thought you think.
Expect your body to stay well, to stay strong, to stay young, and to continue in health, youth and vigor as long as you live.
Expect your eyes to have perfect sight as long as you live; never expect to have to wear glasses; do not think of such a thing
for a moment. What you always expect, you get; therefore expect only what you want: Expect your ears to hear perfectly as
long as you live; expect your lungs to be sound as long as you live; expect your liver to be thoroughly alive as long as you
live. Expect your stomach to digest anything. (But give your stomach nothing but that which is wholesome.) Eat moderately;
eat anything you like, so it is wholesome, nourishing and properly prepared. Then expect to digest anything. You will never
know that you have a stomach, so perfect and thorough will your digestion become.
Expect your physical endurance to be equal to any occasion, and expect to stand anything. Never say that you can't stand "this"
or "that"; say that you can stand anything, and expect your system to "make good." But in all things use moderation. Be ready
for anything; expect to be equal to any extreme that may be met, and do not hesitate to comply with any demand that emergency
may call forth; however, in the ruling of your own life, let moderation be your keynote in all things. Whatever you may do
or partake of, aim to secure or bring forth the best, and just enough of the best; no more and no less than enough; and let
your idea of "enough" correspond with actual need properly harmonized with actual capacity. In the actual, all increase should
be gradual, but in your thought, expect everything now.
Think well of your body, no matter what its present conditions may be. Speak well of your body and compliment your body at
every opportunity. Never say that your stomach is "no account." One of these days it will make your evil words come true.
Thousands of people die every year because they have condemned, vilified and slandered their body -this beautiful temple of
the soul. But it is just as easy to speak well of the body, and there is nothing that pays better. Praise your body and every
organ in your body, and you will add many, many years to your personal life, while your days of sickness will be reduced to
almost nothing.
Say that your stomach is all right; not only once, but any number of times, and mean it; your stomach will appreciate the
compliment by making a special effort to be all right. Speak of every organ in the body in the same way, and they will do
their very best to "make good." Say that you have the best eyes in the world, the best lungs in the world, the best digestive
system in the world. Say it to yourself and mean it; say it to others when you are approached as to your good health. If people
think you are only "talking," never mind; continue to praise your body and it will positively prove worthy of more and more
praise; continue to stand by all the organs in your system, and they will continue to stand by you.
Never say that your lungs are weak, that your heart is bad, that your nerves are all shattered, or that your system is not
much good any more. Refuse to use such talk and refuse to listen to such talk; it is better to lose a friend than to lose
your respect for your whole physical system. Friends that are worth keeping will think far more of you if you positively and
uncompromisingly stand up for everything that is wholesome in thought and speech.
We are now in a new age; it is no longer good form to find fault with anything. To look for the best in everything, and to
emphasize the virtues of that "best" in all thought and speech is becoming the "correct thing" among a rapidly increasing
number; you may therefore adopt the new method without any danger of isolation, no matter where you may go in the world.
Do not underrate any organ or faculty in your possession; believe thoroughly in every fiber in your being; to underrate is
to weaken, and weakness leads to disease. To think of an organ as inferior or unimportant is to decrease the life and the
working capacity of that organ; and to continue to expect an organ to fail, or fall short of its functions, is to depress
the life of that organ so that it actually becomes crippled in everything that it may be called upon to do.
On the other hand, to continue perpetually to expect an organ to do its best, and to believe that it can do better, is to
awaken more and more life in that organ. Accordingly, there will be a continual increase of strength; and more strength leads
to better health invariably. To habitually underrate your body is to decrease your strength and shorten your years; but to
praise your body, encourage your body, and expect more and more of your body, is to increase your strength and lengthen your
Think of your entire system as being fully competent to comply with every requirement that you may meet in life; think so
well of your body that you expect it to be more than equal to every demand; then make that thought a living power during every
moment of your existence; in consequence, your body will serve you better and better; it will develop in health, strength
and vigor, and will daily come up, nearer and nearer, to your highest expectations.