How to Stay Well
Statements Of Truth And Selected Affirmations

Wrong thought is the root of all evil. Right thought is the cause of all good. The art of right thinking, therefore, becomes
one of the highest arts in existence, and its attainment one of the noblest aims of the human soul. To think right is to think
the truth. Accordingly, the art of right thinking is cultivated by training the mind to think the truth. The average mind
has been thinking wrong thoughts so long that wrong thinking has become a habit, and a very undesirable habit, as we all know.
This habit we must overcome if we would have perfect health; and the only way to overcome bad habits is to cultivate good
Therefore, if we would overcome the habit of wrong thinking, we must cultivate the habit of right thinking; and for this purpose
there is no method that is superior to that of concentrating the mind upon positive affirmations and constructive statements
of truth. Everybody is advised to use this method extensively, whether in perfect health or not, and if used properly no one
can fail to obtain most excellent results. We shall present herewith a number of these statements that may be employed with
great profit whenever the elimination of the wrong and the attainment of the right is desired.
To proceed, concentrate the mind upon each statement for a brief period of time, say several minutes if possible, and during
this concentration repeat the statement mentally over and over again for a number of times. These repetitions or affirmations
should be made slowly, quietly and with deeply felt conviction. You will find it profitable to spend from fifteen to thirty
minutes two or three times a day at this practice, but do not permit the practice to become merely mechanical.
No results will be secured unless the whole heart, the whole mind and the whole soul are in the work; and while affirming
these statements realize by all means that they are absolutely true absolutely true about the soul, the true self, the real
man, which is you yourself. A few of these statements are as follows. You can form and employ others as you desire:
I am strong and well. I am a soul. I have a body. I am master over myself. I can be what I will to be. I will be what I will
to be. All good things are within me. I am one with the Infinite. I am pure spirit, and spirit is perfect. I am filled with
the fullness of life. I am filled with the spirit of health. I am perfectly free and always shall be. I have perfect health
in abundance. I have life and power in abundance. I am well, I am well, I am well.
I am strong, I am strong, I am strong. I am perfect in being, through and through. I am peace, I am joy, I am harmony. Nothing
but the good shall come to me. I desire nothing but that which is good. I am pure and clean in thought and speech. I shall
seek only the right in every action.
My life is filled with the beautiful and the true. I love everybody and desire everybody to love me. I am in harmony with
every creature in existence. Spirit is in perfect health, and I am a spiritual being. I am always happy, for I am living the
life beautiful. Peace, power and plenty are my constant companions. My body is real and good, and all its functions are good.
The blessings of health, happiness and harmony are forever mine. I am the real man, and the real man is always well. I know
the truth and the truth has made me free. I am strong in the spirit, for invincible power is mine. Infinite power is in me,
for I am one with the Supreme. I can do what I will to do, for my life is my own. I am living the life of the spirit, the
life of infinite good.
Every thought that I think, I think in oneness with divine wisdom. Every word that I speak, I speak in oneness with divine
truth. I live and move and have my being in the infinite sea of divine spirit. The future is mine. I have the power to determine
what it shall be. I have faith in God, I have faith in man, I have faith in myself. My whole life is in my own hands; I can
do with it whatsoever I will. Within me dwell infinite possibilities. My future is wonderful.
I rejoice eternally that I am blessed with the precious gift of existence. I am filled with the fullness of health and shall
always be perfectly well. I am living the one life and that life is infinite, perfect, divine. With God all things are possible,
and I am eternally one with God. I live and move and have my being in the infinite sea of omnipresent good. I am filled and
surrounded with infinite power, infinite wisdom, infinite love.
I have found the true life, and I have learned how to live. I am able to do whatsoever I will to do, for I am spirit, and
spirit is above limitations. I am loving, tender and sympathetic; just, truthful and sincere; patient, gentle and kind. Whatsoever
I will is good, for my will is divine will, and divine will is infinite will. Whatsoever belongs to God belongs to me, for
I am a child of the Supreme and heir to His Kingdom.
Whatsoever is in God is in me, for I am created in His image and likeness. All good is in the spirit, and the spirit is in
me; therefore all good is in me. I now realize the perfect health that is in me, and in that health I shall ever live.
The real substance of my being is always wholesome, always clean, always in health, strength and harmony.
I am perfectly well through and through, for I am made of that substance that is always in perfect health.
I am living forever in the kingdom of good. Therefore I shall always have abundance of everything that is good. Limitless
supply is mine.
I am a spiritual being. The spirit is the everlasting home of joy. Therefore my ways are ways of pleasantness and all my paths
are peace.
I am free from all disease, all misfortune, all sorrow, all want, all ignorance, all evil. I am living in the truth and am
perfectly free.
I forgive everybody to the utmost for what they might have done against me, and ask everybody to forgive me for what I might
have done against them.
All the souls of the universe are my brothers and sisters; we are all children of the one God; we are all rays of the one
Great Light; and in this spiritual unity I shall ever live.
Peace is mine, freedom is mine, health is mine, power is mine, strength is mine, abundance is mine, wisdom is mine, joy is
mine, love is mine -all good things are mine.
I think the good, speak the good, act the good. I seek the good and find only the good. I attract the good and radiate the
good. I am surrounded by the good and live the good. Nothing but the good can proceed from me or come to me.
I am created of pure, spiritual substance, and in spiritual substance there can be no evil. Therefore neither disease, poverty,
tribulation, weariness, misfortune nor distress can enter my real being; neither can sad or dreary days appear in the luminous
pathway of my soul.
The violent storms of anguish can never rage upon the crystal sea of spirit, neither can the turbulent billows of passion
beat upon its fair, eternal shore. And I am living in the spirit, now and forevermore.
My life is full of beauty and bliss. I am eternally basking in the celestial sunshine of divine love, and forever surrounded
by the balmy atmosphere of peace. The holy book of divine wisdom is ever before me, and the radiant light of truth leads me
wherever I may choose to go.
The magic wand of divine power is ever in my hand, and at my command all the elements of nature arise with pleasure to fulfill
my desire. My life is overflowing with supreme joy, speechless ecstasy and ceaseless delight. I have found the true life.
I have learned how to live. All is beautiful, and all is well.
The foregoing statements of truth are truths indeed. They are truths about you, the real you, the soul, the spirit, the real
man that is always well. From the standpoint of the body these statements will of course appear to be untrue, but here we
should remember that the truth, when viewed from the false standpoint, always seems false. When we affirm these statements,
however, we are not speaking of the body.
We are speaking of the soul, the spirit, the real you, the "I Am," and if you will analyze the nature of the soul or the "I
Am," you will find that the above statements, when applied to the soul, are absolutely true. Always remember that you are
the soul.
The body is your instrument. The body is therefore dependent upon you, the soul, for all its conditions; and the conditions
of the body, be they health or disease, happiness or distress, power or weakness -all are results of what you think. As long
as you think the untruth, evil and wrong conditions will appear in your body.
There will be disease, poverty, distress, misfortune, and the like; but as soon as you learn to think the truth, those conditions
will disappear and good conditions will manifest in the body instead. There will be health, happiness, plenty, peace, comfort,
harmony, wisdom and power.
The soul, or the "I Am," already has within itself everything that is good, and if you would have all of these good things
from within express themselves in your personality, you must think and live right. You must think the truth and think it constantly.
Before there can be action in the without there must be thought in the within, and as is the thought within so will be the
action without.
Most minds in their present state are thinking too much of the untruth; therefore adverse conditions are constantly appearing
in their personalities; but when all such minds proceed to train themselves to think the truth, there will soon be a change
for the better.
To train the mind to think the truth, begin by affirming the above statements of truth as previously indicated. Read them,
think them, and repeat them with power, earnestness and conviction. Commit them to memory, if possible, and make them a part
of your conscious thinking. Say these things to yourself mentally at frequent intervals and deeply believe that they are all
When you employ these affirmations, or others that convey the same constructive thought, know that you are speaking the truth
about your real self, that something within you that is always well, and to speak and think the truth about your real self
is to cause those same true conditions that are in the real self to come forth into the personal self. In brief, when you
recognize the light of truth and health that is in you, you turn on that light in your entire domain; and when the light of
truth and health is turned on in your life, the darkness of weakness, disorder and illness will disappear.