How to Stay Well
The Greater Powers In Man

Whatever the methods may be that we employ in any system of metaphysical, mental or spiritual healing, the power of thought
is the power that heals. The great essential, therefore, in metaphysical therapeutics is to apply every conceivable process
through which the power of thought may become as strong as possible, as wholesome as possible, and as conducive as possible
both to the production of health and the maintenance of health.
To increase the power of thought, live in the realization of the fact that there is any amount of power within you that has
never been used before; and impress, more and more deeply, upon your inner convictions the idea that you can draw upon this
power for as much as you may require, no matter how great the occasion or how extensive the needs may be. To live constantly
in the conviction that you have within yourself all the power that you may require for any purpose whatever, will in itself
increase the power of your thought to a remarkable degree because you will constantly be thinking more power, and to think
more power is to charge every thought with more power.
Place the mind in the closest possible touch with this inner power; try to feel the real living expression of this power,
and try to feel that every thought you think is created in the very life of this power. Live mentally in the consciousness
of all the power that you can imagine as existing within you, and desire, from the very deepest depths of your being, to appropriate
more and more of this power according to the ever-growing needs of your advancing life.
The more you think of the greater power within you the more power you think into your thought, provided you think with feeling,
faith, and deep soul conviction. This law works on the same principle as the well-known law -the more you believe in yourself,
the more you develop in yourself, and the more you become accordingly. To continue to give full, conscious attention to that
vast realm of life, energy and power that is within you, is therefore most important. You not only charge your every thought
with more and more power in this manner, but you also enlarge perpetually your own life, you own capacity and your own permanent
possession of an ever-increasing measure of power. But your thinking must have depth; you must believe in the greater power
within, and live so close to the great interior world of power that you can feel its supreme existence every moment.
Realize more and more that the supreme life within you is greater by far than any disease in existence, and that this life,
when aroused can remove absolutely every disease that can possibly enter your system. The more this great truth is realized
the stronger becomes your thought, and the more effectively you can apply the power of your thought, either in healing yourself
or in building up within yourself a greater measure of health, life and energy.
When you are thoroughly convinced of the fact that the supreme life within you is greater than any disease that you can possibly
meet, you charge all your thought with this supreme life; and, therefore, in like manner, the power of your thought becomes
greater than any disease that you can possibly meet. That which is born in supreme life will possess the power of supreme
life; and all your thoughts will be born in supreme life so long as you live in the deep soul-consciousness of such a life.
To consciously and continuously live in harmony with the Infinite will increase the power of thought to a greater degree than
anything else that we can do. To learn how to connect with the life and the power of the Supreme is one of the greatest of
secrets, not only in the healing of disease with mental and spiritual means, but also in the living of a greater and a greater
life. To establish this sublime unity between the human mind and the Infinite mind, the first essential is to continue to
think, under every circumstance, that we are with the Infinite and the Infinite is with us. And as we enter more and more
deeply into the inner conscious of this supreme thought, we should place ourselves in perfect harmony with the spirit of that
thought; that is, we should inwardly feel that we are in harmony with the very spirit of the Supreme.
When we feel that our minds are connected with the life and the power of the Infinite, we can feel supreme power in every
thought; in fact, every thought becomes the vehicle of supreme power, transmitting that power to every atom in the system.
Any disease can be removed at once, or almost at once, with the power of thought, provided this power is sufficiently strong;
and the power of thought always is sufficiently strong when we connect our minds with the Infinite before we begin to think.
This being true, and any one can prove it to be true, we should never proceed to use mind or thought for any purpose whatever
until this supreme harmony with the Infinite has first been established. Undertake nothing until you feel that you are with
the Infinite and that the Infinite is with you. This is the greatest secret in the world; and he who never fails to apply
the principle of this secret shall never fail in anything, no matter what may be his goal in view.
To have faith in the power of thought; to have faith in the greater power within; and to have faith in the power of the Supreme
working in man -this is most important. In fact, there is no increase in the power of thought unless there is an increase
of faith in every power that can enter into thought; and the more faith we have in every power that does enter thought, the
greater becomes the power of thought. The reason why is found in the fact that faith awakens the finer and the more powerful
forces of mind.
Faith breaks bounds; it expands the mind in every direction, and thus gives mind the possession of a greater world of life,
force and power. The more faith you have in everything that is within you, the more fully you arouse everything that is within
you; and, in consequence, the larger, the stronger and the more powerful you become in every state of your being. And the
more strength and power there is alive in you, the stronger becomes your thought.
The finer forces of mind -those forces that are awakened through faith -invariably give soul and spirit to thought, and, therefore,
not only cause the power of thought to become immensely strong, but also cause that power to become so penetrating in its
actions that it undermines completely every physical condition that is not in harmony with the true order of things. When
these finer and more penetrating forces are fully awakened, all that is necessary is to concentrate the mind upon that part
of the body that is not in health, and to deeply desire health; the finer forces of thought will penetrate that part of the
body and absolutely consume everything that is wrong.
What you deeply desire the power of thought to do, the power of thought will do; and if you have unbounded faith in your own
greater power within, and in your sublime unity with Supreme power, you will give your thought sufficient power to do whatever
you may wish to have done.
The true faith is not a mere belief, but a higher order of consciousness -a state of consciousness that actually connects
the mind with the limitless power of the Supreme. Such a faith awakens all that is large, all that is great, all that is superior,
and all that is masterful in man; and, in consequence, gives man the power to banish from his life everything that is adverse,
inferior, detrimental or wrong. And such a faith any one can attain by thoroughly believing in the great truth that the power
that is within things, back of things, above things, is infinitely greater than anything that can ever happen or appear in
the world. To steadily grow in this faith, however, it is necessary to have faith in faith; that is, to enter into the soul
of faith, the spirit of faith, the hidden secret of faith, whenever we think of faith, or, in any manner, exercise the power
of faith.
When you are healed by faith you are healed by the power of thought, because it is only the power of thought that does heal;
but your faith has so increased the power of thought that the power has become sufficiently strong to fully banish every ill
from your system. When you have faith in the healing power of something that exists outside yourself you are, through that
faith, giving more power to your thought; faith always increases the power of thought, no matter what the faith may be or
the object of the faith may be; and it is the increased power of your thought that removes the ailment.
When you actually believe that you will be healed by a certain element or power, you animate your own mind with healing power;
your own thought becomes charged with this greater power that is aroused by faith; and if this greater power is sufficiently
strong, you will become perfectly well. To have faith in anything whatever is to increase the power of mind and thought, because
the actions of faith invariably expand the mind and arouse the more powerful forces of the mind.
Indirect faith, however, is limited, and does not always arouse all the power that the occasion may demand; but when we express
direct faith in the real, the true and the limitless that exists in all life, and have faith in faith, we shall so increase
the power of thought that every ailment in the system must positively disappear the very moment our thought is directed, with
the desire to heal, toward that place in the body where the ailment may happen to be.