Your Forces And How To Use Them
The Power Of Subjective Thought

The Path To Greater Things
Dream constantly of the ideal; work ceaselessly to perfect the real. Believe in yourself; believe in everybody; believe in
all that has existence. Give the body added strength; give the mind added brilliancy; give the soul added inspiration. Do
your best under every circumstance, and believe that every circumstance will give its best to you. Live for the realization
of more life and for the more efficient use of everything that proceeds from life. Desire eternally what you want; and act
always as if every expectation were coming true.
The first important factor to consider in connection with the study of thought is that every thought does not possess power.
In modern times, when thinking has been studied so closely, a great many have come to the conclusion that every thought is
itself a force and that it invariably produces certain definite results ; but this is not true, and it is well, for if every
thought had power we could not last very long as the larger part of ordinary human thinking is chaotic and destructive.
When we proceed to determine what kinds of thought have power and what kinds have not, we find two distinct forms. The one
we call objective, the other subjective. Objective thought is the result of general thinking, such as reasoning, intellectual
research, analysis, study, the process of recollection, mind-picturing where there is no feeling, and the usual activities
of the intellect. In brief, any mental process that calls forth only the activities of the intellect is objective, and such
thinking does not affect the conditions of mind and body to any extent; that is, it does not produce direct results corresponding
to its own nature upon the system. It does not immediately affect your health, your happiness, your physical condition nor
your mental condition. It may, however, affect these things in the long run, and for that reason must not be ignored.
Subjective thinking is any form of thinking or mind-picturing that has depth of feeling, that goes beneath the surface in
its action, that moves through the undercurrents, that acts in and through the psychological field. Subjective thought is
synonymous with the thought of the heart, and it is subjective thought that is referred to in the statement, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he."
Subjective thought proceeds from the very heart of mental existence; that is, it is always in contact with everything that
is vital in life. It is always alive with feeling, and originates, so to speak, in the heart of the mind. The term "heart"
in this connection has nothing to do with the physical organ by that name. The term "heart" is here used in its metaphysical
sense. We speak of the heart of a great city, meaning thereby, the principal part of the city, or that part of the city where
its most vital activities are taking place; likewise, the heart of the mind is the most vital realm of the mind, or the centre
of the mind, or the deeper activities of the mind as distinguished from the surface of the mind.
Subjective thinking being in the heart of the mind is therefore necessarily the product of the deepest mental life, and for
this reason every subjective thought is a force. It will either work for you or against you, and has the power to produce
direct effects upon mind or body, corresponding exactly with its own nature. But all thinking is liable to become subjective
at times. All thoughts may sink into the deeper or vital realms of mind and thus become direct forces for good or ill.
Therefore, all thinking should be scientific; that is, designed or produced with a definite object in view. All thought should
be produced according to the laws of right thinking or constructive thinking. Though objective thinking usually produces no
results whatever, nevertheless there are many objective thoughts that become subjective and it is the objective mind that
invariably determines the nature of subjective thinking.
Every thought therefore should have the right tendency, so that it may produce desirable results in case it becomes subjective,
or may act in harmony with the objective mind whenever it is being employed in giving directions to the subjective. In this
connection, it is well to remember that subjective thinking invariably takes place in the subconscious mind, as the terms
subjective and subconscious mean practically the same; though in speaking of thought, the term subjective is more appropriate
in defining that form of thought that is deep, vital and alive, or that acts through the mental undercurrents.
To define scientific thinking, it may be stated that your thinking is scientific when your thought has a direct tendency to
produce what you want, or when all the forces of your mind are working together for the purpose you desire to fulfil. Your
thinking is unscientific when your thought has a tendency to produce what is detrimental, or when your mental forces are working
against you.
To think scientifically, the first essential is to think only such thoughts and permit only such mental attitudes as you know
to be in your favour; and the second essential is to make only such thoughts subjective. In other words, every thought should
be right and every thought should be a force. When every thought is scientific, it will be right, and when every thought is
subjective it will be a force.
Positively refuse to think of what you do not wish to retain or experience. Think only of what you desire, and expect only
what you desire, even when the very contrary seems to be coming into your life. Make it a point to have definite results in
mind at all times.
Permit no thinking to be aimless. Every aimless thought is time and energy wasted, while every thought that is inspired with
a definite aim will help to realize that aim, and if all your thoughts are inspired with a definite aim, the whole power of
your mind will be for you and will work with you in realizing what you have in view. That you should succeed is therefore
assured, because there is enough power in your mind to realize your ambitions, provided all of that power is used in working
for your ambitions. And in scientific thinking all the power of mind and thought is being caused to work directly and constantly
for what you wish to attain and achieve.
To explain further the nature of scientific thinking, as well as unscientific thinking, it is well to take several well-known
illustrations from real life. When things go wrong, people usually say, "That's always the way"; and though this may seem
to be a harmless expression, nevertheless, the more you use that expression the more deeply you convince your mind that things
naturally go wrong most of the time.
When you train your mind to think that it is usual for things to go wrong, the forces of your mind will follow that trend
of thinking, and will also go wrong; and for that reason it is perfectly natural that things in your life should go wrong
more and more, because as the forces of your mind are going wrong, you will go wrong, and when you go wrong, those things
that pertain to your life cannot possibly go right.
A great many people are constantly looking for the worst. They usually expect the worst to happen; though they may be cheerful
on the surface, deep down in their heart they are constantly looking for trouble. The result is that their deeper mental currents
will tend to produce trouble. If you are always looking for the worst, the forces of your mind will be turned in that direction,
and therefore will become destructive.
Those forces will tend to produce the very thing that you expect. At first they will simply confuse your mind and produce
troubled conditions in your mental world; but this will in turn confuse your faculties, your reason and your judgment, so
that you will make many mistakes; and he who is constantly making mistakes will certainly find the worst on many or all occasions.
When things go wrong, do not expect the wrong to appear again. Look upon it as an exception. Call it past and forget it. To
be scientific under these circumstances, always look for the best. By constantly expecting the best, you will turn the different
forces of your mind and thought to work for the best. Every power that is in you will have a higher and finer ideal upon which
to turn its attention, and accordingly, results will be better, which is perfectly natural when your whole system is moving
towards the better.
A number of people have a habit of saying, “Something is always wrong”; but why should we not say instead, “Something is always
right”? We would thereby express more of the truth and give our minds a more wholesome tendency. It is not true that something
is always wrong. When we compare the wrong with the right, the wrong is always in the minority. However, it is the effect
of such thinking upon the mind that we wish to avoid, whether the wrong be in our midst or not.
When you think that there is always something wrong, your mind is more or less concentrated on the wrong, and will therefore
create the wrong in your own mentality; but when you train yourself to think there is always something right, your mind will
concentrate upon the right, and accordingly will create the right. And when the mind is trained to create the right it will
not only produce right conditions within itself, but all thinking will tend to become right; and right thinking invariably
leads to health, happiness, power and plenty.
The average person is in the habit of saying, "The older I get"; and they thereby call the attention of the mind to the idea
that they are getting older. In brief, they compel their mind to believe that they are getting older and older, and thereby
direct the mind to produce more and more age. The true expression in this connection is, "The longer I live." This expression
calls the mind's attention to the length of life, which will, in turn, tend to increase the power of that process in you that
can prolong life.
When people reach the age of sixty or seventy, they usually speak of “the rest of my days,” thus implying the idea that there
are only a few more days remaining. The mind is thereby directed to finish life in a short period of time, and accordingly,
all the forces of the mind will proceed to work for the speedy termination of personal existence. The correct expression is
"from now on," as that leads thought into the future indefinitely without impressing the mind with any end whatever.
We frequently hear the expression, “I can never do anything right,” and it is quite simple to understand that such a mode
of thought would train the mind to act below its true ability and capacity. If you are fully convinced that you can never
do anything right, it will become practically impossible for you to do anything right at any time, but on the other hand,
if you continue to think, "I am going to do everything better and better," it is quite natural that your entire mental system
should be inspired and trained to do things better and better.
Hundreds of similar expressions could be mentioned, but we are all familiar with them, and from the comments made above, anyone
will realize that such expressions are obstacles in our way, no matter what we may do. In right thinking the purpose should
be never to use any expression that conveys to your mind what you do not want, or what is detrimental or unwholesome in any
manner whatever.
Think only what you wish to produce or realize. If trouble is brewing, think about the greater success that you have in mind.
If anything adverse is about to take place, do not think of what that adversity may bring, but think of the greater good that
you are determined to realize in your life.
When trouble is brewing, the average person usually thinks of nothing else. Their mind is filled with fear, and not a single
faculty in their possession can do justice to itself. And as trouble is usually brewing in most places, more or less, people
have what may be called a chronic expectation for trouble; and as they usually get more or less of what they expect, they
imagine they are fully justified in entertaining such expectations. But here it is absolutely necessary to change the mind
Whatever our present circumstances may be, we should refuse absolutely to expect anything but the best that we can think of.
The whole mind, with all its powers and faculties, should be thrown, so to speak, into line with the optimistic tendency,
and whatever comes or not, we should think only of the greater things that we expect to realize. In brief, we should concentrate
the mind absolutely upon whatever goal we may have in view, and I should look neither to the left nor to the right.
When we concentrate absolutely upon the greater things we expect to attain or achieve, we gradually train all the forces of
the mind and all the powers of thought to work for those greater things. We shall thereby begin in earnest to build for ourselves
a greater destiny; and sooner or later we shall find ourselves gaining ground in many directions. Later on, if we proceed,
we shall begin to move more rapidly, and if we pay no attention to the various troubles that may be brewing in our environment,
those troubles will never affect us nor disturb us in the least.
The mental law involved in the process of scientific thinking may be stated as follows: The more you think of what is right,
the more you tend to make every action in your mind right. The more you think of the goal you have in view, the more life
and power you will call into action in working for that goal. The more you think of your ambition, the more power you will
give to those faculties that can make your ambitions come true.
The more you think of harmony, of health, of success, of happiness, of things that are desirable, of things that are beautiful,
of things that have true worth, the more the mind will tend to build all those things in yourself, provided, of course, that
all such thinking is subjective.
To think scientifically, therefore, is to train your every thought and your every mental action to focus the whole of attention
upon that which you wish to realize, to gain, to achieve or attain in your life. In training the mind along the lines of scientific
thinking begin by trying to hold the mind upon the right, regardless of the presence of the wrong, and here we should remember
that the term “right” does not simply refer to moral actions, but to all actions.
When the wrong is coming your way, persist in thinking of the right; persist in expecting only the right. And there is a scientific
reason for this attitude, besides what has been mentioned above. We know that the most important of all is to keep the mind
right or moving along right lines, and if we persistently expect the right, regardless of circumstances, the mind will be
kept in the lines of right action. But there is another result that frequently comes from this same practice.
It sometimes happens that the wrong which is brewing in your environment, has such a weak foundation that only a slight increase
in the force of the right would be necessary to overthrow that wrong completely; in fact, we shall find that most wrongs that
threaten can be overcome in a very short time, if we continue to work for the right in a positive, constructive, determined
It is when the individual goes all to pieces, so to speak, that adversity gets the best of them; but no individual will go
to pieces unless their thinking is chaotic, destructive, scattered, confused and detrimental. Continue to possess your whole
mind and you will master the situation, no matter what it may be, and it is scientific thinking that will enable you to perform
this great feat.
To make thinking scientific, there are three leading essentials to be observed. The first is to cultivate constructive mental
attitudes, and all mental attitudes are constructive when mind, thought, feeling, desire and will constantly face the greater
and the better.
A positive and determined optimism has the same effect, and the same is true of the practice of keeping the mental eye single
on the highest goal in view. To make every mental attitude constructive the mind must never look down, and mental depression
must be avoided completely. Every thought and every feeling must have an upward look, and every desire must desire to inspire
the same rising tendency in every action of mind.
The second essential is constructive mental imagery. Use the imagination to picture only what is good, what is beautiful,
what is beneficial, what is ideal, and what you wish to realize. Mentally see yourself receiving what you deeply desire to
receive. What you imagine, you will think, and what you think, you will become. Therefore, if you imagine only those things
that are in harmony with what you wish to obtain or achieve, all your thinking will soon tend to produce what you want to
attain or achieve.
The third essential is constructive mental action. Every action of the mind should have something desirable in view and should
have a definite, positive aim. Train yourself to face the sunshine of life regardless of circumstances. When you face the
sunshine, everything looks right, and when everything looks right, you will think right. It matters not whether there is any
sunshine in life just now or not.
We must think of sunshine just the same. If we do not see any silver lining, we must create one in our own mental vision.
However dark the dark side may seem to be, we cannot afford to see anything but the bright side, and no matter how small or
insignificant the bright side may be, we must continue to focus attention on that side alone.
Be optimistic, not in the usual sense of that term, but in the real sense of that term. The true optimist not only expects
the best to happen, but goes to work to make the best happen. The true optimist not only looks upon the bright side, but trains
every force that is in them to produce more and more brightness in their life, and therefore complies with the three essentials
just mentioned.
Their mental attitudes are constructive because they are always facing greater things. Their imagination is constructive because
it is always picturing the better and the ideal, and their mental actions are constructive because they are training the whole
of their life to produce those greater and better things that their optimism has inspired them to desire and expect.
In this connection, we must remember that there is a group of mental forces at work in every mental attitude, and therefore
if that attitude is downcast, those forces will become detrimental; that is, they will work for the lesser and the inferior.
On the other hand, if every mental attitude is lifted up or directed towards the heights of the great and the true and the
ideal, those forces will become constructive, and will work for the greater things in view.
In the perusal of this study, we shall find it profitable to examine our mental attitudes closely, so as to determine what
our minds are actually facing the greater part of the time. If we find that we are mentally facing things and conditions that
are beneath our expectations, or find that our imaginations are concerned too much about possible failure, possible mistakes,
possible trouble, possible adversity, etc., our thinking is unscientific, and no time should be lost in making amends. When
you are looking into the future, do not worry about troubles that might come to pass.
Do not mentally see yourself as having a hard time of it. Do not imagine yourself in this hostile condition or that adverse
circumstance. Do not wonder what you would do if you should lose everything, or if this or that calamity should befall. Such
thinking is decidedly unscientific and most detrimental. If you entertain such thoughts you are causing the ship of your life
to move directly towards the worst precipice that may exist in your vicinity. Besides, you are so weakening this ship through
wrong treatment, that it will some day spring a leak and go down.
Think of the future whenever it is unnecessary for you to give your attention to the present, but let your thought of the
future be wholesome, constructive, optimistic and ideal. Mentally see yourself gaining the best that life has to give, and
you will meet more and more of the best. Think of yourself as gaining ground along all lines, as finding better and better
circumstances, as increasing in power and ability, and as becoming more healthful in body, more vigorous and brilliant in
mind, more perfect in character, and more powerful in soul.
In brief, associate your future with the best that you can think of along all lines. Fear nothing for the days that are to
be, but expect everything that is good, desirable, enjoyable and ideal. This practice will not only make your present happier,
but it will tend to strengthen your mind and your life along wholesome constructive lines to such a degree that you will actually
gain the power to realize, in a large measure, those beautiful and greater things that you have constantly expected in your
optimistic dreams.
In living and building for a larger future, we should remember that our mind and thoughts invariably follow the leadership
of the most prominent mental picture. The man or woman who clearly and distinctly pictures for themselves a brilliant future
will inspire the powers of their entire mental world to work for such a future; in fact, all the forces of thought, mind,
life, personality, character and soul will move in that direction. They may not realize as brilliant a future as they have
pictured, but their future is certainly going to be brilliant, and it is quite possible, as is frequently the case, that it
may become even more brilliant than they dreamed of in the beginning.
When the average mind thinks of the future, they usually picture a variety of conflicting events and conditions. They have
nothing definite in mind. There is no actual leadership therefore in their mind, and nothing of great worth can be accomplished.
When we look into the lives of men and women who have reached high places, we always find that they were inspired with some
great idea. That idea was pictured again and again in their mental vision, and they refused to let it go. They clung tenaciously
to that idea, and thereby actually compelled every force and element within them to enlist in the working out of that idea.
It is therefore simple enough that they should realize every aim and reach the highest places that achievement has in store.
Such men and women possibly did not understand the science or the process, but they were nevertheless thinking scientifically
to a most perfect degree. Their ambition pictured only that lofty goal which they wanted to reach. All their mental attitudes
were constantly facing that lofty goal, and thereby became constructive; and all the actions of mind were directed toward
the same goal. Accordingly, everything within them was trained to work for the realization of their dream, and that is what
we mean by scientific thinking; that is what we mean by thinking for results.
And anyone who will train themselves to think for results in this manner, will positively secure results; though in this connection
it is well to remember that persistence and determination are indispensable every step of the way.
When we do not secure results at once, we sometimes become discouraged, and conclude that it is no use to try. At such times,
friends will usually tell us that we are simply dreaming, and they will advise us to go to work at something practical, something
that we really can accomplish; but if we ignore the advice of our friends, and continue to be true to the great idea that
we have resolved to work out, we shall finally reach our goal, and when we do, those very same friends will tell us that we
took the proper course.
So long as the man with ambition is a failure, the world will tell him to let go of his ideal; but when his ambition is realized,
the world will praise him for the persistence and the determination that he manifested during his dark hours, and everybody
will point to his life as an example for coming generations. This is invariably the rule. Therefore pay no attention to what
the world says when you are down. Be determined to get up, to reach the highest goal you have in view, and you will.
There are a great many ambitious men and women, who imagine that they will succeed provided their determination is strong
and their persistence continuous, regardless of the fact that their thinking may be unscientific; but the sooner we dispel
this illusion, the better. Unscientific thinking, even in minor matters, weakens the will. It turns valuable thought power
astray, and we need the full power of thought, positively directed along the line of our work if we are going to achieve,
and achieve greatly.
The majority of the mental forces in the average person are working against them, because they are constantly entertaining
depressed mental states or detrimental habits of thought; and even though they may be ambitious, that ambition has not sufficient
power to work itself out, because most of the forces of their mind are thrown away.
We therefore see the necessity of becoming scientific in all thinking, and in making every mental habit wholesome and beneficial
in the largest sense of those terms. But scientific thinking not only tends to turn the power of thought in the right direction;
it also tends to increase mental power, to promote efficiency and to build up every faculty that we may employ. To illustrate
the effect of right thinking upon the faculties, we will suppose that you have musical talent, and are trying to perfect that
Then, we will suppose that you are constantly expressing dissatisfaction with the power of that talent. What will be the result?
Your mental action upon that faculty will tend to lower its efficiency, because you are depressing its action instead of inspiring
those actions. On the other hand, if you encourage this talent, you will tend to expand its life, and thereby increase its
capacity for results.
In this respect, talents are similar to people. Take two people of equal ability and place them in circumstances that are
direct opposites. We will suppose that the one is mistreated every day by those with whom he is associated. He is constantly
being criticized and constantly being told that he will never amount to anything; he is blamed for everything that is wrong,
and is in every manner discouraged and kept down.
What would happen to the ability and efficiency of that man if he continued under such treatment year after year? He simply
could not advance unless he should happen to be a mental giant, and even then, his advancement would be very slow; but if
he was not a mental giant, just an average man, he would steadily lose ambition, self-confidence, initiative, judgment, reasoning
power, and in fact, everything that goes to make up ability and capacity.
We will suppose the other man is encouraged continually. He is praised for every thing, he is given every possible opportunity
to show and apply what ability he may possess; he is surrounded by an optimistic atmosphere, and is expected by everybody
to advance and improve continually. What will happen to this man? The best will be brought out in his power and ability. He
will be pushed to the fore constantly and he will climb steadily and surely until he reaches the top.
Treat your talents in the same way, and you have the same results in every case. To state it briefly, make it a point to encourage
your talents, your faculties and your powers. Give every element and force within you encouragement and inspiration. Expect
them all to do their best, and train yourself to think and feel that they positively will. Train yourself to think of your
whole system as all right. Deal with your mental faculties in this manner, under all circumstances, and deal with your physical
organs in the same way.
Most people among those who do not have perfect health, have a habit of speaking of their stomachs as bad, their livers as
always out of order, their eyes as weak, their nerves as all upset, and the different parts of their systems as generally
wrong. But what are they doing to their physical organs through this practice? The very same as was done to the unfortunate
man just mentioned, and we shall find, in this connection, one reason why so many people continue to be sick.
They are keeping their physical organs down, so to speak, by depressing the entire system with unwholesome thinking; but if
they would change their tactics and begin to encourage their physical organs, praise them and expect them to do better, and
to treat them right from the mental as well as a physical standpoint, they would soon be restored to perfect health.
In training the mind in scientific thinking, the larger part of attention should be given to that of controlling our feelings.
It is not difficult to think scientifically along intellectual lines, but to make our feelings move along wholesome, constructive,
optimistic lines requires persistent training. Intellectual thought can be changed almost at anytime with little effort, but
feeling usually becomes stronger and stronger the longer it moves along a certain line, and thus becomes more difficult to
When we feel discouraged, it is so easy to feel more discouraged; when we feel dissatisfied, it is only a step to that condition
that is practically intolerable. It is therefore necessary to stop all detrimental feeling in the beginning.
Do not permit a single adverse feeling to continue for a second. Change the mind at once by turning your attention upon something
that will make you feel better. Resolve to feel the way you want to feel under all circumstances, and you will gradually develop
the power to do so. Depressed mental feelings are burdens, and we waste a great deal of energy by carrying them around on
our mental shoulders. Besides, such feelings tend to direct the power of thought towards the lower and the inferior.
Whenever you permit yourself to feel bad, you will cause the power of mind and thought to go wrong. Therefore, persist in
feeling right and good. Persist in feeling joyous. Persist in feeling cheerful, hopeful, optimistic and strong. Place yourself
on the bright side and the strong side of everything that transpires in your life, and you will constantly gain power, power
that will invariably be in your favour.