Your Forces And How To Use Them
The Forces Of The Subconscious

When you think of yourself do not think of that part of yourself that appears on the surface. That part is the smaller part
and the lesser should not be pictured in mind. Think of your larger self, the immense subconscious self that is limitless
both in power and in possibility. Believe in yourself but not simply in a part of yourself. Give constant recognition to all
that is in you, and, in that all have full faith and confidence. Give the bigger being on the inside full right of way. Believe
thoroughly in your greater interior self. Know that you have something within you that is greater than any obstacle, circumstance
or difficulty that you can possibly meet. Then in the full faith in this greater something, proceed with your work.
In using the power of the mind, the deeper the action of thought, will and desire, the greater the result. Accordingly, all
mental action to be strong and effective, must be subconscious; that is, it must act in the field of the mental undercurrent
as it is in this field that things are actually done. Those forces that play upon the surface of mind may be changed and turned
from their course by almost any outside influence, and their purpose thus averted. But this is never true of the undercurrents.
Anything that gets into the mental undercurrents will be seen through to a finish, regardless of external circumstances or
conditions; and it is with difficulty that the course of these currents is changed when once they have been placed in full
positive action.
It is highly important therefore that we permit nothing to take action in these undercurrents that we do not wish to encourage
and promote; and for the same reason, it is equally important that we cause everything to take action in these currents that
we do wish to encourage and promote. These undercurrents, however, act only through the subconscious, and are controlled by
the subconscious. In consequence, it is the subconscious which we must understand and act upon if we want the power of mind
to work with full capacity and produce the greatest measure possible of the results desired.
In defining the subconscious mind, it is first necessary to state that it is not a separate mind. There are not two minds.
There is only one mind in man, but it has two phases -- the conscious and the subconscious. We may define the conscious as
the upper side of the mentality, and the subconscious as the under side. The subconscious may also be defined as a vast mental
field permeating the entire objective personality, thereby filling every atom of the personality through and through.
We shall come nearer the truth, however, if we think of the subconscious as a finer mental force, having distinct powers,
functions and possibilities, or as a great mental sea of life, energy and power, the force and capacity of which has never
been measured. The conscious mind is on the surface, and therefore we act through the conscious mind whenever mental action
moves through the surface of thought, will or desire, but whenever we enter into deeper mental action and sound the vast depths
of this underlying mental life, we touch the subconscious, though we must remember that we do not become oblivious to the
conscious every time we touch the subconscious, as the two are inseparably united.
That the two phases of the mind are related can be well illustrated by comparing the conscious mind with a sponge, and the
subconscious with the water permeating the sponge. We know that every fibre of the sponge is in touch with the water, and
in the same manner, every part of the conscious mind, as well as every atom in the personality, is in touch with the subconscious,
and completely filled, through and through, with the life and the force of the subconscious.
It has frequently been stated that the subconscious mind occupies the Fourth. Dimension of space, and though this is a matter
that cannot be exactly demonstrated, nevertheless, the more we study the nature of the subconscious, as well as the Fourth
Dimension, the more convinced we become that the former occupies the field of the latter. This, however, is simply a matter
that holds interest in philosophical investigation. Whether the subconscious occupies the Fourth Dimension or some other dimension
of space will make no difference as to its practical value.
In order to understand the subconscious, it is well at the outset to familiarise ourselves with its natural functions, as
this will convince ourselves of the fact that we are not dealing with something that is beyond normal mental action.
The subconscious mind controls all the natural functions of the body, such as the circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation,
physical repair, etc. It also controls all the involuntary actions of the body, and all those actions of mind and body that
continue their natural movements without direction from the will. The subconscious perpetuates characteristics, traits, and
qualities that are peculiar to individuals, species and races. What is called heredity therefore is altogether a subconscious
process. The same is true of what is called second nature.
Whenever anything has been repeated a sufficient number of times to have become habitual, it becomes second nature, or rather
a subconscious action. It frequently happens, however, that a conscious action may become a subconscious action without repetition,
and thus becomes second nature almost at once.
When we examine the nature of the subconscious, we find that it responds to almost anything the conscious mind may desire
or direct, though it is usually necessary for the conscious mind to express its desire upon the subconscious for some time
before the desired response is secured. The subconscious is a most willing servant, and is so competent that thus far we have
failed to find a single thing along mental lines that it will not or cannot do. It submits readily to almost any kind of training,
and will do practically anything that it is directed to do, whether the thing is to our advantage or not.
In this connection, it is interesting to learn that there are a number of things in the human system usually looked upon as
natural, and inevitable, that are simply the results of misdirected subconscious training in the past. We frequently speak
of human weaknesses as natural, but weakness is never natural. Although it may appear, it is invariably the result of imperfect
subconscious training. It is never natural to go wrong, but it is natural to go right, and the reason why is simple.
Every right action is in harmony with natural law, while every wrong action is a violation of natural law. It has also been
stated that the aging process is natural, but modern science has demonstrated that it is not natural for a person to age at
sixty, seventy, or eighty years. The fact that the average person does manifest nearly all the conditions of old age at those
periods of time, or earlier, simply proves that the subconscious mind has been trained through many generations to produce
old age at sixty, seventy, eighty or ninety, as the case may be, and the subconscious always does what it has been trained
to do.
It can just as readily be trained, however, to produce greater physical strength and greater mental capacity at ninety than
we possess at thirty or forty. It can also be trained to possess the same virile youth at one hundred as the healthiest man
or woman of twenty may possess. In fact, practically every condition that appears in the mind, the character and the personality
of the human race, is the result of what the subconscious mind has been directed to do during past generations.
It is therefore evident that as the subconscious is directed to produce different conditions in mind, character, and personality
-- conditions that are in perfect harmony with the natural law of human development, such conditions will invariably appear
in the race. Thus we understand how a new race or a superior race may appear upon this planet.
There are a great many people who are disturbed over the fact that they have inherited certain characteristics or ailments
from their parents, but what they have inherited is simply subconscious tendencies in that direction, and those tendencies
can be changed absolutely. What we inherit from our parents can be eliminated so completely that no one would ever know it
had been there. In like manner, we can improve so decidedly upon the good qualities that we have inherited from our parents
that any similarity between parent and child in those respects would disappear completely.
The subconscious mind is always ready, willing and competent to make any change for the better in our physical or mental make-up
that we may desire, though it does not work in some miraculous manner, nor does it usually produce results instantaneously.
In most instances its actions are gradual, but they invariably produce the results intended if the proper training continues.
The subconscious mind will respond to the directions of the conscious mind so long as those directions do not interfere with
the absolute laws of nature.
The subconscious never moves against natural law, but it has the power to so use natural law that improvement along any line
can be secured. It will reproduce in mind and body any condition that is thoroughly impressed and deeply felt by the conscious
mind. It will bring forth undesirable conditions when directed to produce such conditions, and it will bring forth health,
strength, youth and added power when so directed.
If you continue to desire a strong physical body, and fully expect the subconscious to build for you a stronger body, you
will find that this will gradually or finally be done. You will steadily grow in physical strength. If you continue to desire
greater ability along a certain line and expect the subconscious to produce greater mental power along that line, your ability
will increase as expected, but it is necessary in this connection to be persistent and persevering. To become enthusiastic
about these things for a few days is not sufficient. It is when we apply these laws persistently for weeks, months and years
that we find the results to be, not only what we expected, but frequently far greater.
Everything has a tendency to grow in the subconscious. Whenever an impression or desire is placed in the subconscious, it
has a tendency to become larger and therefore the bad becomes worse when it enters the subconscious, while the good becomes
better. We have the power, however, to exclude the bad from the subconscious and cause only the good to enter that immense
Whenever you say that you are tired and permit that feeling to sink into the subconscious, you will almost at once feel more
tired. Whenever you feel sick and permit that feeling to enter the subconscious, you always feel worse. The same is true when
you are weak, sad, disappointed or depressed. If you let those feelings sink into your subconscious, they will become worse.
On the other hand, when we feel happy, strong, persistent and determined, and permit those feelings to enter the subconscious,
we always feel better. It is therefore highly important that we positively refuse to give in to any undesirable feeling. Whenever
we give in to any feeling, it becomes subconscious, and if that feeling is bad, it becomes worse; but so long as we keep undesirable
feelings on the outside, so to speak, we will hold them at bay, until nature can readjust itself or gather reserve force and
thus put them out of the way altogether.
We should never give in to sickness, though that does not mean that we should continue to work as hard as usual when not feeling
well, or cause mind and body to continue in their usual activities. When we find it necessary, we should give ourselves a
complete rest, but we should never give in to the feeling of sickness.
The rest that may be taken will help the body to recuperate, and when it does the threatening ailment will disappear. When
you feel tired or depressed, do not admit it, but turn your attention at once upon something that is extremely interesting
-- something that will completely turn your mind towards the pleasing, the more desirable or the ideal. Persist in feeling
the way you want to feel, and permit only wholesome feelings to enter the subconscious. Thus wholesome feelings will live
and grow, and after awhile your power to feel good at all times will have become so strong that you can put out of the way
any adverse feeling that may threaten at any time.
In this connection, we may mention something that holds more than usual interest. It has been stated by those who are in a
position to know, that no one dies until they give up; that is, gives in to those adverse conditions that are at work in their
system, tending to produce physical death. So long as he or she refuses to give in to those conditions, they continue to live.
How long a person could refuse to give in even under the most adverse circumstances is a question, but one thing is certain,
that thousands and thousands of deaths could be prevented every year if the patient in each case refused to give in. In many
instances, the forces of life and death are almost equally balanced. Which one is going to win depends upon the mental attitude
of the patient. If he or she gives over the mind and will to the side of the forces of life, those forces are most likely
to win, but if they permit the mind to act with death, the forces of death are most certain to win.
So long as one continues to persist in living, refusing absolutely to give into death, they are throwing the full power of
mind, thought and will on the side of life. They thereby increase the power of life, and may increase that power sufficiently
to overcome death. Again we say that it is a question how many times a person could overcome death by this method, but the
fact remains that this method alone can save life repeatedly in the majority of cases; and all will admit after further thought
on this subject that the majority will be very large.
This is a method, therefore, that deserves the best of attention in every sickroom. No person should be permitted to die until
all available methods for prolonging life have been exhausted, and this last mentioned method is one that will accomplish
far more than most of us may expect; and its secret is found in the fact that whenever we give in to any condition or action,
it becomes stronger, due to the tendency of the subconscious to enlarge, increase and magnify whatever it receives. Give in
to the forces of death, and the subconscious mind will increase the powers of that force. Give in to the forces of life, and
the subconscious mind will increase the power of your life and you will continue to live.
Concerning the general possibilities of the subconscious, we should remember that every faculty has a subconscious side, and
that it becomes larger and more competent as this subconscious side is developed. This being true, it is evident that ability
and genius might be developed in any mind even to a remarkable degree, as no limit has been found to the subconscious in any
of its forces. In like manner, every cell in the body has a subconscious side, and therefore, if the subconscious side of
the personality were developed, we can realize what improvement would become possible in that field.
There is a subconscious side to all the faculties in human nature, and if these were developed, we understand how man could
become ideal, even far beyond our present dreams of a new race. It is not well however to give the major portion of our attention
to future possibilities. It is what is possible now that we should aim to develop and apply, and present possibilities indicate
that improvement along any line, whether it be in working capacity, ability, health, happiness and character can be secured
without fail if the subconscious is properly directed.
To direct the subconscious along any line, it is only necessary to desire what you want and to make those desires so deep
and so persistent that they become positive forces in the subconscious field. When you feel that you want a certain thing,
give in to that feeling and also make that feeling positive. Give in to your ambitions in the same manner, and also to every
desire that you wish to realize. Let your thought of all those things that you wish to increase in any line get into your
system, because whatever gets into your system, the subconscious will proceed to develop, work out and express.
In using the subconscious, we should remember that we are not using something that is separated from normal life. The difference
between the individual who makes scientific use of the subconscious and the one who does not, is simply this; the latter employs
only a small part of their mind, while the former employs the whole of their mind. And this explains why those who employ
the subconscious intelligently have greater working capacity, greater ability and greater endurance. In consequence they sometimes
do the work of two or three people, and do excellent work in addition. To train the subconscious for practical action is therefore
a matter of common sense. It is a matter of refusing to cultivate only a small corner of your mental field when you can cultivate
the entire field.