Your Forces And How To Use Them
The Higher Forces In Man

Follow the vision of the soul. Be true to your ideals no matter what may happen now. Then things will take a turn and the
very things you wanted to happen will happen.
The ideal has a positive drawing power towards the higher, the greater, and the superior. Whoever gives his attention constantly
to the ideal, therefore, will steadily rise in the scale.
Take things as they are today and proceed at once to make them better.
Expect every change to lead you to something better and it will. As your faith is so shall it be.
To be human is not to be weak. To be human is to be all that there is in man, and the greatness that as contained in the whole
of man is marvellous indeed.
It is the most powerful among the forces of the human system that we least understand, and though this may seem unfortunate,
it is not unnatural. All advancement is in the ascending scale. We learn the simplest things first and the least valuable
in the beginning. Later on, we learn that which is more important. We find therefore the greatest forces among those that
are almost entirely hidden, and for that reason they are sometimes called the hidden forces, the finer forces, or the higher
As it is in man, so it is also in nature. We find the most powerful among natural forces to be practically beyond comprehension.
Electricity is an illustration. There is no greater force known in nature, and yet no one has thus far been able to determine
what this force actually is. The same is true with regard to other natural forces; the greater they are and the more powerful
they are, the more difficult it is to understand them.
In the human system, there are a number of forces of exceptional value that we know nothing about; that is, we do not understand
their real nature, but we can learn enough about the action, the purpose and the possibilities of those forces to apply them
to practical life; and it is practical application with which we are most concerned.
The field of the finer forces in mind may be termed the unconscious mental field, and the vastness of this field, as well
as the possibilities of its functions, is realized when we learn that the greater part of our mental world is unconscious.
Only a fraction of the mental world of man is on the surface or up in consciousness; the larger part is submerged in the depths
of what might be called a mental sea of subconsciousness. All modern psychologists have come to this conclusion, and it is
a fact that anyone can demonstrate in his own experience if he will take the time.
In the conscious field of the human mind, we find those actions of which we are aware during what may be called our wide-awake
state; and they are seemingly insignificant in comparison with the actions of the vast unconscious world, though our conscious
actions are found to be highly important when we learn that it is the conscious actions that originate unconscious actions.
And here let us remember that it is our unconscious actions that determine our own natures, our own capabilities, as well
as our own destiny. In our awakened state we continue to think and act in a small mental field, but all of those actions are
constantly having their effect upon this vast unconscious field that is found beneath the mental surface.
To realize the existence of this unconscious mental world, and to realize our power to determine the actions of that world,
is to awaken within us a feeling that we are many times as great and as capable as we thought we were, and the more we think
of this important fact, the larger becomes our conscious view of life and its possibilities.
To illustrate the importance of the unconscious field and your finer forces, we will take the force of love. No one understands
the nature of this force, nor has anyone been able to discover its real origin or its actual possibilities; nevertheless,
it is a force that is tremendously important in human life. Its actions are practically hidden, and we do not know what constitutes
the inner nature of those actions, but we do know how to control those actions in a measure for our own good; and we have
discovered that when we do control and properly direct the actions of love, its value to everybody concerned is multiplied
many times.
It is the same with a number of other forces with which we are familiar. They act along higher or finer lines of human consciousness,
and they are so far beyond ordinary comprehension that we cannot positively know what they are, but we do know enough about
them to control them and direct them for our best and greatest good.
In like manner, the unconscious mental field, though beyond scientific analysis, is sufficiently understood as to its modes
of action, so that we can control and direct those actions as we may choose. When we analyse what comes forth from the unconscious
field at any time, we find that it is invariably the result of something that we caused to be placed in that field during
some past time. This leads up to the discovery of unconscious mental processes, and it is not difficult to prove the existence
of such processes.
Many a time ideas, desires, feelings or aspirations come to the surface of thought that we are not aware of having created
at any time. We come to the conclusion, therefore, that they were produced by some unconscious process, but when we examine
those ideas or desires carefully, we find that they are simply effects corresponding exactly with certain causes that we previously
placed in action in our conscious world.
When we experiment along this line we find that we can produce a conscious process at any time, and through deep feeling cause
it to enter the unconscious mental world. In that deeper world, it goes to work and produces according to its nature, the
results coming back to the surface of our conscious mentality days, weeks or months later.
The correspondence between conscious and unconscious mental processes may be illustrated by a simple movement in physical
action. If a physical movement began at a certain point, and was caused to act with a circular tendency, it would finally
come back to its starting point. It is the same with every conscious action that is deeply felt. It goes out into the vastness
of the unconscious mental field, and having a circular tendency, as all mental actions have, it finally comes back to the
point where it began; and in coming back, brings with it the result of every unconscious experience through which it passed
on its circular journey.
To go into this subject deeply, and analyse every phase of it would be extremely interesting; in fact, it would be more interesting
than fiction. It would require, however, a large book to do it justice. For this reason, we can simply touch upon the practical
side of it, but will aim to make this brief outline sufficiently clear to enable anyone to direct his unconscious process
in such a way as to secure the best results.
Every mental process, or every mental action, that takes place in our wide-awake consciousness will, if it has depth of feeling
or intensity, enter the unconscious field, and after it has developed itself according to the line of its original nature,
will return to the conscious side of the mind. Here we find the secret of character building, and also the secret of building
faculties and talents. Everything that is done in the conscious field to improve the mind, character, conduct or thought will,
if it has sincerity and depth of feeling, enter the unconscious field; and later will come back with fully developed qualities,
which when in expression, constitutes character.
Many a man, however, after trying for some time to improve himself and seeing no results, becomes discouraged. He forgets
that some time always intervenes between the period of sowing and the period of reaping. What he does in the conscious field
to improve himself, constitutes the sowing, when those actions enter the conscious field to be developed: and when they come
back, it may be weeks or months later, the reaping time has arrived.
Many a time, after an individual has given up self-improvement, he discovers, after a considerable period, that good qualities
are beginning to come to the surface in his nature, thereby proving conclusively that what he did months ago along that line
was not in vain. The results of past efforts are beginning to appear. We have all had similar experiences, and if we would
carefully analyse such experiences, we would find that not a single conscious process that is sufficiently deep or intense
to become an unconscious process will fail to come back finally with its natural results.
Many a time ideas come into our minds that we wanted weeks ago, and could not get them at that time; but we did place in action
certain deep, strong desires for those ideas, at that particular time, and though our minds were not prepared to develop those
ideas at once, they finally were developed and came to the surface. The fact that this process never fails indicates the value
of giving the mind something to work out for future need. If we have something that we want to do months ahead, we should
give the mind definite instruction now and make those instructions so deep, that they will become unconscious processes.
Those unconscious processes will, according to directions, work out the ideas and plans that we want for that future work,
and in the course of time, will bring results to the surface. To go into detail along the line of this part of our study would
also be more interesting than fiction, but again, a large book would be required to do it justice. However, if we make it
a practice to place in action our best thoughts, our best ideas and our best desires now and every moment of the eternal now,
we will be giving the unconscious mental field something good to work for at all times; and as soon as each product is finished,
or ready to be delivered from the unconscious world, it will come to the surface, and will enter the conscious mind ready
for use.
Some of the best books that have been written have been worked out during months of unconscious mental processes; the same
is true with regard to inventions, dramas, musical compositions, business plans, and in fact, anything and everything of importance
that could be mentioned. Every idea, every thought, every feeling, every desire, every mental action, may, under certain circumstances,
produce an unconscious process corresponding with itself, and this process will in every instance bring back to consciousness
the result of its work.
When we realize this, and realize the vast possibilities of the unconscious field, we will see the advantage of placing in
action as many good unconscious processes as possible. Give your unconscious mental world something important to do every
hour. Place a new seed in that field every minute. It may take weeks or months before that seed brings forth its fruit, but
it will bring forth, after its kind, in due time without fail.
We understand therefore, how we can build character by sowing seeds of character in this field, and how we can, in the same
way, build desirable conduct, a different disposition, different mental tendencies, stronger and greater mental faculties,
and more perfect talents along any line. To direct these unconscious processes, it is necessary to apply the finer forces
of the system, as it is those forces that invariably determine how those processes are to act. Those forces, however, are
very easily applied, as all that is necessary in the beginning is to give attention to the way we feel. The way we feel determines
largely what our finer forces are to be and how they are to act, and there is not an hour when we do not feel certain energies
at work in our system.
All the finer forces are controlled by feeling. Try to feel what you want done either in the conscious or the unconscious
mental fields, and you will place in action forces that correspond to what you want done. Those forces will enter the unconscious
mental world and produce processes through which the desired results will be created.
Whenever you want to redirect any force that is highly refined, you must feel the way you want that force to act. To illustrate,
we will suppose you have certain emotions in your mental world that are not agreeable. To give the energies of those emotions
a new and more desirable force of action, change your emotions by giving your whole attention in trying to feel such emotions
as you may desire. And here let us remember that every emotion that comes up in the system is teeming with energy; but as
most emotions continue to act without any definite control, we realize how much energy is wasted through uncurbed emotions.
We know from experience, that whenever we give way to our feelings, we become weak. The reason is that uncontrolled feeling
wastes energy.
A great many people who are very intense in their feelings, actually become sick whenever they give way to strong or deep
emotions. On the other hand, emotions that are controlled and properly directed, not only prevent waste, but will actually
increase the strength of mind and body.
Here is a good practice. Whenever you feel the way you do not wish to feel, begin to think deeply and in the most interesting
manner possible, of those things that you wish to accomplish. If you can throw your whole soul, so to speak, into those new
directions, you will soon find your undesired feelings disappearing completely. Every individual should train himself to feel
the way he wants to feel, and this is possible if he will always direct his attention to something desirable whenever undesired
feelings come up.
Through this practice he will soon get such full control over his feelings that he can always feel the way he wants to feel,
no matter what the circumstances may be. He will thus gain the power not only of controlling his emotions and using constructively
all those energies that invariably appear in his emotions, but he will also have found the secret of continued happiness.
Whenever mental energy moves in a certain direction, it tends to build up power for good along that line. We realize therefore
the value of directing all our attention upon those things in mind, character and life that we wish to build and develop.
In building character we find the results to be accumulative; that is, we make an effort to improve our life or conduct, and
thereby produce an unconscious process, which will later on, give us more strength of character to be and live the way we
wish to be and live. This in turn will enable us to produce more and stronger unconscious processes along the line of character
building, which will finally return with a greater number of good qualities. The result of this action will be to give us
more power to build for a still greater character, and so this process may be continued indefinitely.
The same is true with regard to building the mind. The more you build the mind, the greater becomes your mental power to build
a still greater mind: but in each case, it is the unconscious process that must be produced in order that the greater character
or greater mind may be developed from within. In this connection, it is well to remember that the principal reason why so
many people fail to improve along any line is because their desires or efforts for improvement are not sufficiently deep and
strong to become unconscious processes. To illustrate, it is like placing seed on stony ground. If the seed is not placed
in good, deep soil it will not grow.
You may desire self-improvement for days, but if those desires are weak or superficial, they will not enter the unconscious
field; and any action, however good it may be, if it fails to enter the unconscious field, will also fail to produce results
along the line of self -improvement. With regard to the building of character, we must also remember that character determines
in a large measure the line of action of all the other forces in the human system. If your character is strong and well developed,
every force that you place in action will be constructive; while if your character is weak, practically all your forces will
go astray. This is not true in the moral field alone, but also in the field of mental achievement. If the character is weak,
your ability will be mostly misdirected no matter how hard you may work, or how sincere you may be in your effort to do your
This explains why a great many people do not realize their ideals. They have paid no attention to character building, and
therefore, nearly every effort that they may have made in trying to work up towards their ideals, has been misdirected and
sent astray. Whatever our ideals may be therefore, or how great our desires may be to realize those ideals, we must first
have character; and even though we may be able to place in action the most powerful forces in the human system, we will not
get results until we have character. It is character alone that can give the powers of man constructive direction, and it
is a well known fact that those people who have a strong, firm, well-developed character easily move from the good to the
better, no matter what the circumstances.
What may be called the higher forces in man act invariably through our most sublime states of consciousness, and as it is
these higher forces that enable man to become or accomplish more than the average, it is highly important that we attain the
power to enter sublime consciousness at frequent intervals. No man or woman of any worth was ever known, who did not have
experience in these sublime states; in fact, it is impossible to rise above the ordinary in life or achievement without drawing,
more or less, upon the higher realms of consciousness.
People are sometimes criticized for not being on the earth all the time, but it is necessary to get above the earth occasionally
in order to find something worthwhile to live for and work for while upon earth. The most powerful forces in human life can
be drawn down to earth for practical use, but to get them we must go to the heights frequently.
No one can write music unless his consciousness touches the sublime. No one can write real poetry unless he has the same experience.
No one can evolve ideas worthwhile unless his mind transcends the so-called practical sphere of action, and no individual
can rise in the world of attainment and achievement unless his mind dwells almost constantly on the verge of the sublime.
Examine the minds of people of real worth, people who have something in them, people who are beyond the average, people who
are rising in the scale, people whom we truly admire, people that we look up to, people who occupy high positions -- positions
that they have actually won through merit -- and we find in every instance, that their minds touch frequently the sublime
state of consciousness.
When we touch that state, our minds are drawn up above the ordinary, and mental actions are developed and worked out that
are superior to ordinary or average mental actions. It is therefore simply understood that experience in sublime consciousness
if properly employed, will invariably make man greater and better.
When we look upon a man that we can truthfully say is a real man, we find that something unusual has been or is being expressed
in his personality; and that something unusual is hidden in every personality. It is a hidden power, a hidden force, which,
when placed in action, gives man superior worth, both as to character, ability and life. Real men and real women, people who
are real in the true sense of the term, are always born from the sublime state of consciousness; that is, they have, through
coming in contact with higher regions of thought, evolved greater worth in their own minds and personalities; and as this
possibility is within reach of every man or woman, we see the importance of dealing thoroughly with these higher powers in
human nature.
Whenever we touch those finer states in the upper regions of the mind, we invariably feel that we have gained something superior,
something that we did not possess before; and the gaining of that something invariably makes life stronger as well as finer.
The ordinary has been, in a measure, overcome, and that which is beyond the ordinary is being gradually evolved. If we would
rise in the scale in the fullest and best sense of the term, we must pay close attention to those higher forces and make it
a practice to enter frequently into close touch with higher states of consciousness; in fact, we simply must do it, because
if we do not we will continue to move along a very ordinary level.
Then we must also bear in mind that it is our purpose to use all the forces we possess, not simply those that we can discern
on the outside or that we are aware of in external consciousness, but also those finer and more powerful forces which we can
control and direct only when we ascend to the heights.
In dealing with these greater powers in man, it will be worth our while to reconsider briefly the psychological field. As
long as the mind acts on the surface of consciousness, we have very little control of those finer elements in human life,
but when the mind goes into the depths of feeling, into the depths of realization, or into what is called the psychological
field, then it is that it touches everything that has real worth or that has the power to evolve, produce or develop still
greater worth. It is the active forces of the psychological field that determine everything that is to take place in the life
of man, both within himself and in his external destiny. We must therefore learn to act through the psychological field if
we would master ourselves and create our own future.
The psychological field can be defined as that field of subconscious action that permeates the entire personality, or that
fills, so to speak, every atom of the physical man on a finer plane. The psychological field is a finer field, permeating
the ordinary tangible physical elements of life, and we enter this field whenever our feelings are deep and sincere. The fact
that the psychological field determines real worth, as well as the attainment of greater worth, is easily demonstrated in
everyday experience.
When a man has anything in him, his nature is always deep. The same is true of people of refinement or culture: there is depth
to their natures, and the man of character invariably lives in that greater world of life and power that is back of, or beneath,
the surface of consciousness. If there is something in you, you both live and act through the deeper realms of your life,
and those realms constitute the psychological field.
Among the many important forces coming directly through emotion or feeling, one of the most valuable is that of enthusiasm.
In the average mind, enthusiasm runs wild, but we have found that when this force is properly directed it becomes a great
constructive power. When you are enthusiastic about something, it is always about something new or something better -- something
that holds possibilities that you did not realize before. Your enthusiasm, if properly directed, will naturally cause your
mind to move towards those possibilities, and enthusiasm is readily directed when you concentrate attention exclusively upon
that something new that inspires enthusiasm. By turning your attention upon the thing that produces enthusiasm, the mind will
move forward toward those greater possibilities that are discerned.
This forward movement of the mind will tend to renew and enlarge the mind so that it will gain a still greater conception
of those possibilities. This will increase your enthusiasm, which will in turn impel your mind to move forward still further
in the same direction. Thus a still larger conception of those possibilities will be secured, which in turn will increase
your enthusiasm and the power of your mind to take a third step in advance.
We thus realize that if enthusiasm is directed upon the possibilities that originally inspired that enthusiasm, we will not
only continue to be enthused, but we will in that very manner, cause the mind to move forward steadily and develop steadily,
so that in time it will gain sufficient power to actually work out those possibilities upon which attention has been directed.
In this connection, we must also remember that we can grow and advance only as we pass into the new. It is new life, new thought,
new states of consciousness that are demanded if we are to take any steps at all in advance, and as enthusiasm tends directly
to inspire the mind to move towards the new, we see how important it is to continue, not only to live in the spirit of enthusiasm,
but to direct that spirit upon the goal in view. It is invariably the enthusiastic mind that moves forward, that does things,
and that secures results.
Two other forces of great value, belonging to this group, are appreciation and gratitude. Whenever you appreciate a certain
thing you become conscious of its real quality, and whenever you become conscious of the quality of anything, you begin to
develop that quality in yourself. When we appreciate the worth of a person, we tend to impress the idea of that worth in our
own minds, and thereby cause the same effect to be produced, in a measure, in ourselves. The same is true if we appreciate
our own worth, in a sensible and constructive manner. If we appreciate what we already are, and are ambitious to become still
more, we focus our minds upon the greater, and employ what we already possess as stepping-stones towards the greater attainment;
but when we do not appreciate ourselves, there are no stepping stones that we can use in attaining greater things.
We thus realize why people that do not appreciate themselves never accomplish much, and why they finally go downgrade in nearly
every instance. When we appreciate the beautiful in anything, we awaken our minds to a higher and better understanding of
the beautiful. Our minds thus become, in a measure, more beautiful. The same is true with regard to any quality. Whatever
we appreciate, we tend to develop in ourselves, and here we find a remarkable aid to the power of concentration, because we
always concentrate attention perfectly, naturally and thoroughly upon those things that we fully appreciate. Thus we understand
why it is that we tend to develop in ourselves the things that we admire in others.
Whenever you feel grateful for anything, you always feel nearer to the real quality of that particular thing. A person who
is ungrateful, however, always feels that there is a wall between himself and the good things in life. Usually there is such
a wall, though he has produced it himself through his ingratitude. But the man who is grateful for everything, places himself
in that attitude where he may come in closer contact with the best thing; everywhere; and we know very well that the most
grateful people always receive the best attention everywhere.
We all may meet disappointment at some time and not get exactly what we wanted, but we shall find that the more grateful we
are, the less numerous will those disappointments become. It has been well said that no one feels inclined to give his best
attention to the man who is always "knocking," and it is literally true. On the other hand, if you are really grateful and
mean it, it is very seldom that you do not receive the best attention from everybody wherever you may go. The most important
side of this law, however, is found in the fact that the more grateful you are for everything good that comes into your life,
the more closely you place your mind in contact with that power in life that can produce greater good.
Another among the finer forces is that of aspiration. No person should fail to aspire constantly and aspire to the very highest
that he can possibly awaken in his life. Aspiration always tends to elevate the mind and tends to lift the mind into larger
and greater fields of action. And when the mind finds itself in this larger field of action, it will naturally gain power
to do greater things. We all realize that so long as we live down in the lower story, we can not accomplish very much; it
is when we lift our minds to the higher stories of the human structure that we begin to gain possession of ideas and powers
through which greater things may be achieved.
The same is true of ambition. Ambition not only tends to draw the mind up into higher and larger fields, but also tends to
build up those faculties through which we are to work. If you are tremendously ambitious to do a certain thing, the force
of that ambition will tend to increase the power and ability of that faculty through which your ambition may be realized.
To illustrate, if you are ambitious to succeed in the business world, the force of that ambition if very strong, will constantly
make your business faculties stronger and more able, so that finally your business ability will have become sufficiently great
to carry your ambition through. You cannot be too ambitious, provided you are ambitious for something definite and continue
to give your whole life and soul to that which you expect or desire to accomplish through that ambition.
When we know the power of ambition, and know that anybody can be ambitious, we realize that anyone can move forward. No matter
what his position may be, or where he may be, he can, through the power of ambition begin to gain ground, and continue to
gain ground indefinitely. The average mind, however, has very little ambition, and makes no effort to arouse this tremendous
force; but we may depend upon the fact that when this force is fully aroused in any mind, a change for the better must positively
come before long.
The force of an ideal is another among the finer forces that should receive constant and thorough attention. When you have
an ideal and live for it every second of your existence, you place yourself in the hands of a drawing power that is immense,
and that power will tend to draw out into action every force, power and faculty that you may possess, especially those forces
and qualities that will have to be developed in order that you may realize that ideal.
Have an ideal, and the highest that you can picture. Then worship it every hour with your whole soul. Never come down, and
do not neglect it for a moment. We all know very well that it is the people who actually worship their high ideals with mind
and heart and soul that finally realize those ideals. It is such people who reach the high places and the reason why is easily
Give your attention, or rather, your whole life to some lofty ideal, and you will tend to draw into action all the finer and
higher forces of your system -- those forces that can create greater ability, greater talent, greater genius -- those forces
that can increase your capacity, bring into action all your finer elements and give you superior power and superior worth
in every sense of the term -- those forces which, when aroused, cannot positively fail to do the work you wish to have done.
A fact well known in this connection is that when the mind is turned persistently upon a certain ideal, every power that is
in you begins to flow in that direction, and this is the very thing you want. When we can get all that is in us to work for
our ideals and to work towards our ideals, then we shall positively reach whatever goal we have in view.
Closely connected with our ideals, we find our visions and dreams. The man without a vision will never be anything but an
ordinary man, and the people who never dream of greater things, will never get beyond ordinary things. It is our visions and
dreams that lift our minds to lofty realms, that make us feel that there is something greater and better to work for; and
when we become inspired with a desire to work for greater and better things, we will not only proceed to carry out those desires,
but will finally secure sufficient power to fulfil those desires. "The nation that has no vision shall perish."
This is a great truth that we have heard a thousand times, and we know the reason why; but the same truth is applicable to
man. If he has no vision, he will go down; but if he has visions, the highest and most perfect visions he can possibly imagine,
and lives constantly for their realization, he will positively ascend in the scale. He will become a greater and a greater
man, and those things that were at one time simply dreams, will, in the course of time, become actual realities.
The power of love is another force in this higher group that is extremely valuable, and the reason is that it is the tendency
of love to turn attention upon the ideal, the beautiful and the more perfect. When you love somebody, you do not look for
their faults; in fact, you do not see their faults. Your whole attention is turned upon their good qualities, and here, let
us remember that whatever we continue to see in others, we develop in ourselves. The power of real love always tends to draw
out into expression the finer elements of mind, character and life. For that reason, we should always love, love much, and
love the most ideal and the most perfect that we can discover in everybody and in everything that we may meet in life.
We have all discovered that when a man really loves an ideal woman, or the woman that constitutes his ideal, he invariably
becomes stronger in character, more powerful in personality, and more able in mind. When a woman loves an ideal man, or her
ideal, she invariably becomes more attractive. The beautiful in her nature comes forth into full expression and many times
the change is so great that we can hardly believe that she is the same woman.
The power of love, if genuine, constant and strong, tends to improve everything in human life; and as this power is one of
the higher forces in human nature, we readily understand the reason why. We can therefore without further comment, draw our
own conclusions as to how we will use this power in the future.
The last of these finer forces that we shall mention, and possibly the strongest, is that of faith; but we must remember if
we wish to use this force, that faith does not constitute a belief or any system of beliefs ; it is a mental action -- an
action that goes into the very spirit of those things which we may think of or apply at the time we exercise faith. When you
have faith in yourself you place in action a force that goes into the very depth of your being and tends to arouse all the
greater powers and finer elements that you may possess. The same is true when you have faith in a certain faculty or in a
certain line of action. The power of faith goes into the spirit of things and makes alive, so to speak, the all that is in
The power of faith also produces perfect concentration. Whenever you have faith along a certain line, you concentrate perfectly
along that line, and you cause all the power that is in your mind or system to work for the one thing you are trying to do.
It has been discovered that the amount of energy latent in the human system is nothing less than enormous, and as faith tends
to arouse all this energy, we realize how important and how powerful is faith.
The effect of faith upon yourself therefore is beneficial in the highest and largest sense, but this is not its only effect.
The more faith you have in yourself, the more faith people will have in you. If you have no confidence in yourself you will
never inspire confidence in anybody; but if you thoroughly believe in yourself, people will believe in you and in your work.
And when people believe in you, you can accomplish ten times as much as when they have no confidence in you whatever.
When a man has tremendous faith in himself, he becomes a live wire, so to speak. It is such a man that becomes a real and
vital power wherever he may live or go. It is such a man who leads the race on and on. It is such a man who really does things,
and it is people of such a type that we love the best. They invariably inspire others to love the nobler life and to attempt
greater things in life, and for this reason their presence is of exceptional value to the progress of the race.
To go into details, however, is not necessary. We all know and appreciate the value of faith. We all know that it is one of
the highest and one of the greatest forces that man can exercise; we therefore realize how important it becomes to train ourselves
to have unbounded faith in everything and in everybody at all times, and under all circumstances.