Thoughts Are Things
The Accession Of New Thought

NEW thought is new life. When an invention, a discovery first breaks on the inventor's mind, it fills him with joy. The blood
in his veins surges with a fresher impetus. The author or poet is lifted into ecstasy of emotion by a new conception; I mean
the relatively few creative authors and poets--not the many who, borrowing the fire of Genius, put it in their own lanterns
and pass it off, often successfully as their own.
"A piece of good news," as we term it in a period of gloom, depression, discouragement; the possible realization of a hope,
the removal of an ill or danger, is but a thought after all--is but the picture in the mind of the thing desired--is not the thing itself, yet how it brings strength to the whole body.
An entertaining spectacle, a drama so perfectly acted as to absorb all one's attention, an interview with one to whom we are
strongly attracted, a pursuit, or exercise, or art, which interests and fascinates--all these are as food and nourishment,
stimulation to the body, and in the absorption of excitement of the moment, hunger for material food may pass away or be forgotten.
So we do not live by bread alone. But our natures demand ever new and newer food of thought. The play so charming when first
seen may become tiresome through repetition. The air so fascinating when first heard, becomes worn through familiarity. There
may even be longed for, a change from the quality of the thought of the mind most attractive to us.
I mean for all these a change, but only for a time. The play, the opera, the artist may in time be seen again and with increase
of pleasure, either from the influence of former association, or from new growths and shadings in the artist's rendering,
or from new capacity in ourselves to see what we could not see before.
Call, then, all new thought, and if you please new emotion, food--food as necessary to make the relatively perfect physical
and mental man or woman as is the bread we eat. We desire ever fresh food; we similarly desire and need always new and fresh
Old thought--constant repetition of the same thought--involves decay, sluggishness of mind, sluggishness of body.
Suppose that we rose each morn with the absolute certainty that each day was to be a day involving to us more or less of the
excitement of discovery in something useful and enjoyable, and also of similar use to others--something endurable for us and
others--endurable for eternity--some unexpected branching out of yesterday's truth, which for yesterday seemed fully grown--something
telling us how life may be made still fuller of durable and harmless enjoyment; some great law principle in Nature recognized
possibly for the first time in some heretofore called "little thing," in the fall of a leaf, in the colouring of a leaf by
the autumnal frost, in its almost equal vividness of colour coming through the heat of Spring.
What must be the pleasure to an open and receptive mind to find today an increase of improvement in the quality almost despaired
of yesterday--an increase of patience in doing the perplexing work --an increase of courage--an increase of perception to
see beauty in what yesterday it passed by with indifference--an increase of power to control unruly appetite--an increase
of power to drive away unpleasant and therefore injurious thought.
Would not such be encouraging, cheering, life giving, health-giving thoughts? This order and accession of ever new thought
knows no stop in any direction. It says: "Are you orderly today? You will find some power and room and capacity to be more
orderly tomorrow. "Was your last effort in music, in painting, in composition, in acting, in oratory, your greatest triumph?"
"You will find some way of making it more perfect tomorrow."
That will take nothing from the last effort. It is only a more beautiful and delicate tint for some already beautiful picture.
The consciousness of such never-ending growth of improvement is also food for the growing mind, other than bread. Yet it is
bread. It is the "Bread of Life," and to be desired as "Our Daily Bread."
Would not also the thought each morning that a Great Power, an infinitely wise mind, was always ready to give more knowledge
to help you through troubles--troubles from without and troubles from within. Would not such thought, and the trust begotten
of it, be as food, strength, and healthy stimulation?
Especially when the reality of this Power and its ability to aid had been proven to you many times, so that the hope had become
a conviction? Grant that new thought is healthy stimulation and also a necessary food to a more perfected life and the question
arrives, "How shall we get it?" In other words, "How may we attune ourselves or how may we become more receptive to all that
is beautiful and useful in Nature?"
For in our religion the useful always implies the beautiful. It is almost farcical to answer, "Live a pure life." That implies
so much; so much in so many cases to be done; so much of inherent tendency to be outgrown; so many difficulties to be met;
so many conditions necessary for such life so difficult to make. The desire for accumulation seems a Law of our Natures.
In its cruder working it accumulates money: in its higher form it would accumulate powers and qualities of mind. "I am $100
or $500 richer than I was this morning," says, with satisfaction and pleasure at night, the money accumulator. That pleasant
thought is to him a bit of the bread of Life--but not of enduring life, or in the end, if at all healthy life.
"I," may say another man at night, "am richer than I was this morning by so much more patience, by a bit more of skill or
dexterity in my art, by certain knowledge of which I knew nothing twenty four hours ago."
Are we yet fully awakened to the thought that we are receptacles for thought and with thought knowledge, and with knowledge
Power, and that our capacity for receiving all these may be limitless, and that the supply of knowledge, power, new thought
in the Universe is limitless also, and that it is all ours to draw from, and that the Bank can no more break than Eternity
can end.
There are thousands of things, events and scenes in your past life which it is more profitable to forget than to remember.
By so forgetting you allow entrance for new idea, which is new life. By remembering you prevent the coming to you of such
new idea and life.
By "forgetting," I mean that you should avoid living in unpleasant past scenes and remembrances. Absolutely to forget or wipe
out completely from memory anything it has once taken note of is impossible. For everything you have seen, learned, sensed
or heard is stored away, and is capable under certain circumstances of being brought to view again.
In place of the term forgetting it would be better to say you should cultivate the power of driving from your mind and putting
out of sight whatever makes you feel unhappy or whatever you discover that is unprofitable to remember.
It is impossible absolutely to wipe out anything your memory has once written on its tablets, for whatever the scene, event
or experience may have been, it has become a part of your real self or spirit. In other words your spirit is made up of all
its experiences and consequent remembrances extending to an infinite past.
Of these some are vivid, some vague, and much is buried out of present sight, but capable under certain circumstances of being
called to remembrance. To destroy such remembrance, if possible, would be to destroy so much of your mind.
All experiences are valuable for the wisdom they bring or suggest. But when you have once gained wisdom and knowledge from
any experience, there is little profit in repeating it, especially if it has been unpleasant. You do actually repeat it when
you remember it or live it over again in thought. This is what people are doing who brood over past misfortunes and disappointments.
It is what people are doing when they recall with regret their youth as bright and joyous as compared with the gloom of their
middle or old age. Live in the pleasant remembrance of your youth, if you so desire. That will do you good. But do not set
it in its brightness and freshness against a dark background of the present. Do not think of it in that vein.
Remember that the time of your infancy and youth, with all its freshness and newness, was also the time of some other people's
old age when the world seemed stale and joyless, when to them all that life seemed capable of yielding seemed exhausted, when
nothing seemed to remain but to wither and die.
Remember also that today if the world seems less bright than formerly, if the sun seems setting instead of rising, it seems
now to the boy and girl of ten or fifteen as it did to you at that age.
No person could hold his or her physical body and enjoy life who as they lived on lived in the past and refused to set or
open their minds to the future. In so doing they accumulate more and more of the old and relatively lifeless thought, and
this element materializes itself on the body. Their flesh, bone and blood then become an actual expression of the dead and
inert spirit.
To live carrying such an ever-increasing load must result only in weakness and misery so long as the spirit can carry it.
But the mind rejecting the old which it has no use for and ever pressing on to the new, adds the new thought to itself, and
this newness of idea will materialize a newer body.
You do actually make the "things beforeā pleasant or unpleasant for you according as you think of them in advance.
There is a class of people who, if in difficulties and anyone suggests a way out, instantly raise objections and find difficulties
in the plan proposed. When in thought we so find difficulties, we actually make them. To lay awake nights and brood, devise,
turn over or invent possible coming troubles is force and industry ill employed in preparing the way for those troubles.
In all business we must press on in mind to the successful result. We must see in mind or imagination the thing we plan completed,
the system or method organized and in working order, the movement or undertaking advancing and ever growing stronger and more
To spend time and force in looking back and living past troubles or obstacles over again, and out of such living and mental
action to conjure more difficulties or oppositions, is literally to spend time and force in destroying your undertaking, or
in manufacturing obstacles to put in your own way.
Forgetting the things behind and pressing on to those before is a maxim having a thousand intensely practical applications.
Every business success is founded on it.
Men who cease to live in old methods and press forward to new, achieve the greatest financial success. But men who having
started out during their physical youth with the new, allow themselves with advancing years to hold on to what was new in
their youth, but which is relatively old now, are really on the back track. Money may continue to pour in upon them, but their
methods are really out of date, and a few more years will see their business superseded by the newer system.
If you were debilitated, weak or sick yesterday at any hour, do not commence today with living in thought in the same weakness
or debility at that hour. Forget it, live away from it, and press onward to the thought of being strong, well and vigorous
at that hour.
When you in mind look behind and live behind the thought of the sickness, weakness or indisposition of yesterday, you are
actually making the conditions for having the same physical troubles.
When you at the day's commencement in thought look before to the new thing, the thought of health and strength at the time
your lack of vigour commenced, you are making the conditions for realizing such health and strength.
If it does not come the first day of such trial, try the next, and the next after that. The state you seek will come in time.
Perhaps you say to me in mind: But how can you prove these assertions? They have not been realized in our time. "Decay and
death at last overtake all"
You can commence yourself to prove them. If you experiment with any of the methods here suggested for working thought to profitable
result and you prove for yourself ever so little, you must thereby gain some faith in this law. If the law is by you proven
a little, is it unreasonable to say it will prove more if followed in this direction?
Unreasoning prejudices are bred out of this continual living in the past. The man of sixty or seventy often lives in moods,
usages and customs peculiar to his youth. He accepts these as the most fit and proper thing for him. He would probably regard
with disfavour and prejudice the man who at his daily business should wear the knee breeches, stockings, waistcoat, ruffled
shirt and cocked hat of the eighteenth century.
Yet such style was common one hundred years ago. His great-grandfather probably wore such a suit. Yet his great-grandfather
would probably have regarded with the same disfavour and prejudice the man dressed in the fashion of today. So a few years
relatively have begotten these two unreasoning prejudices with the great-grandfather and great-grandson, founded only on the
fact that they were fashions peculiar to the youth of each.
It is, of course, impossible for a person to fly in the face of popular custom or usage--to dress differently or in certain
ways live differently without bringing on him unpleasant and even injurious results. For the action of many minds sending
toward you ever the thought of prejudice, dislike or ridicule would tend to injure mind and body.
But the sentiment which sends this kind of thought toward another, who departs from any established custom, when that person
thereby affects no one's peace or comfort, is a gross error. It is an unreasoning mental tyranny which so regards with hostile
mind a man who, e.g., should today adopt the costume of the ancient Greeks--a garb, by the way, more sensible and comfortable
than ours.
Less than two hundred years ago such a sentiment mobbed the man in England who carried the first umbrella. This sentiment
comes of that fossilized condition of mind which persists in living in the things that are behind and averts itself from such
as are before.
Life is a continual advance forward. If we are advancing forward, it is better to look forward. And all are advancing, even
the dullest, the grossest, and most perverse. A mighty, eternal and incomprehensible force pushes us all forward. But while
all are so being pushed, many linger and look back. Unconsciously, they oppose this force. So to do is to court evil, pain,
disease and distress.
Whatever the mind is set upon, or whatever it keeps most in view, that it is bringing to it, and the continual thought or
imagining must at last take form and shape in the world of seen and tangible things.
I repeat this assertion often in these books and in various forms of expression because this fact is the cornerstone of your
happiness or misery, permanent health and prosperity, or poverty. It needs to be kept as much as possible in mind.
Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible. As we realize this more
and more clearly, we shall become more and more careful to keep our minds set in the right direction.
We shall be more and more careful to think happiness and success instead of misery and failure. It is very wonderful that
the happiness or misery of our lives should be based on what seems so simple a law and method. But so-called "simple" things
in Nature on investigation generally turn out incomprehensible and ever deepening mysteries. What most concerns us is to know
a cause or agency that will produce a given result.
When we realize that we can and do think ourselves into what we are, as regards health, wealth and position, we realize also
that we have found in ourselves "the pearl of great price," and we hasten to tell our neighbour that he may seek and find
in himself this pearl and power also, for no one is made poorer through his finding that which can belong to him alone, and
all are made richer and happier as each finds his or her pearl, through the power it gives them to add to the general wealth
and happiness.
Life is fuller of possibilities for pleasure than has ever been realized. The real life means a perpetual and ever increasing
maturity. It means the preservation of the physical body, so that it can be used on this stratum of existence whenever the
spirit desires to use it.
It means the preservation of that body, not only free from pain and sickness, but free from the debility, weakness and decay
of what we call "old age," which is in reality only the wearing out of the instrument used by the spirit for lack of knowledge
to ever recuperate and regenerate it.
Life means the development in us of powers and pleasures which fiction in its highest flights has never touched. It means
an ever-increasing freshness, an ever-increasing perception and realization of all that is grand, wonderful and beautiful
in the universe, a constantly increasing discovery of more and more that is grand, beautiful and wonderful, and a constantly
increasing capacity for the emotional part of our natures to sense such happiness.
Life is eternal in the discovery and realization of these joys. Their source is inexhaustible. Their quality and character
must be unknown until they reach us. In the words of the Apostolic record, "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have
entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him."
In so-called ordinary things we get out of our lives and our senses but the merest fragment of the pleasure they can be made
capable of giving us. Our food is capable of giving far more pleasure to the sense of taste than it may now. We do not get
nearly as much pleasure from the ear and eye as they are capable of giving.
With bodies more highly developed and refined, food when taken into the stomach should act as a healthy stimulant and give
that impulse, vigour and bounding life which it gives to the young animal. The movement of every muscle, as in walking, can
be made to give pleasure.
Through following the Spiritual Law, that peace of mind "which passeth all understanding" is in the future to come to many.
That it has not in the past been realized is no proof it will not be. Life, then, whether its forces are in activity or at
rest, will be perpetual Elysium.
But millions of our race do not look forward to such joyous possibilities at all. They have never heard of them. The great
majority would not believe did they hear of them. They press on in mind to what?
To a belief which grows stronger with years that life is short, that old age and decay are absolute certainties and must come
to all, that at a certain age of the body its powers must decrease, and that as weak and feeble old men and women now are
before their eyes, so, in time, they must be, and that one great aim of life should be to lay up a store of money to "provide
for old age."
These are not pleasant things to contemplate. The many do not contemplate them. They shut their eyes to these gloomy views
of their future, but they believe in them just the same. They believe and dread. If they believe, they must in mind press
on to such belief. It is this pressing forward that makes of the thing believed in, a material or physical reality.
"Providing for old age" makes the old age of the body, because the person so "providing" sees him or herself for years as
helpless and decrepit. What the mind so projects for the future it is making for the future. A material thing (money) is relied
on to secure one from ills, when all material things are quite powerless to prevent such ills. The rich man with an aged,
worn, diseased body can only buy with his money a better room and bed to live in than the poor man. His money does not prevent
disease and weakness. It cannot give him an appetite for the costliest food. In pain and anguish the Emperor is in all respects
on the same level with the pauper, for in extreme misery a soft bed and numerous attendants give little or no comfort.
Now in all this, thought element worked in ignorance in the wrong direction proves that it brings a result, but a woeful one.
It is only the cultivation of the power of the spirit over the body that can prevent these ills. That power we first begin
to cultivate and increase when we come to recognize and believe that mind or spirit is the power governing our bodies, and
that whatever mind persistently images, thinks or imagines, it makes.
Now, unconsciously, we image in the wrong direction. We think the old age or wearing out of the body must be, because, so
far as we know, it always has been. We press on in imagination and unwelcome belief to gloom and physical decay. We hold these
sad pictures ever in our minds. Having no faith in the brighter view, we do not look toward that view to life, and ever increasing
In the New Testament (the last revelation) we find the Christian and Apostolic teaching full of the sentiment of life, and
life everlasting. Death is not argued or implied as an absolute necessity, but as an "enemy" which is ultimately to be destroyed.
It was never said or implied that the advent of "greater revelations" was not to be until millions on millions of years in
the future. The dawn of such advent may be now. It is now, not because of any one man's writings or assertions, but because
many minds are now open to the reception of the greater revelation, which for centuries has been knocking at humanity's door,
but could not enter by reason of the obtuseness and dull ear of those whom it sought to arouse and benefit.
The only dead people in the Universe are the spiritually dead, those "dead in trespasses and sins" who have not as yet learned
to forget or rather to refuse to live in and depend on the relatively dead or inert element of earth instead of that drawn
from a higher source.
Still the few in the vanguard pressing onward are crying out: "Why, here under our noses is the greatest of all motive powers!
Why, human thought is a real element, a real force, darting out like electricity from every man's or woman's mind, injuring
or relieving, killing or curing, building fortunes or tearing them down, working for good or ill, every moment, night or day,
asleep or awake, carving, moulding and shaping people's faces and making them ugly or agreeable.
Before you give so much of your thought to others, ask, in view of these possibilities, if some is not due to yourself. If
you can build yourself up into a living power--if you can, with others, prove that physical health and vigour can take the
place of old age--that all disease can be banished from the body--that material riches and necessities can come of laws and
methods not now generally practised, and that life is not the short, unsatisfactory, hopeless thing which at the best it now
is, will you not to the world at large do a thousand-fold more good than if you expended your thought in feeding a few hungry
mouths or relieving a few physical necessities of others?
Our richest men, our rulers, our famous men in art, science and war, our professors, our ministers, our greatest successes,
what is their end? Weakness decay and disease. Our more thoughtful people admit that by the time they have learned something
of life, it is time to die. The obituary from the living is at best an apology for the unsatisfactory ending of a human life.
Mankind demand something better. That demand, that cry has been swelling and increasing in volume for many centuries. Demand
must always be answered. This demand is now being answered, first to the few, next to the many. New light, new knowledge and
new results in human life and all it involves, are coming to this earth.