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The Mental Highway
The Psychology Of Mental Dominion

I wish that you would hold these sayings of the Master in your mind: "I appoint unto you a kingdom." Jesus said, "is it not
written in your law, I said ye are gods; now if the law said they were gods to whom the word of God came, and the scriptures
cannot be broken, why call ye me a blasphemer because I said I am the son of God." These and many other declarations of a
high visioning point out the fulfilment of the age long promise of dominion over all things. We find this note of mastership
over the fish of the sea, fowls of the air, beasts of the field, over mental, material and spiritual power from the first
to the last chapter of the Bible.
When the Master appointed them to a kingdom, they looked about but saw nothing that looked like a kingdom, neither army, navy,
commissary, treasury nor cabinet. They knew that it must be a kingdom that comes not with observation — a thought kingdom.
His disciples studied him, heard his words of matchless grace, saw his wonderful works, caught something of his spirit, and
they knew that it was a kingdom of spiritual reality. They thought and spoke, lived and wrought and the kingdom came. They
had dominion over sickness, sin, disease, sorrow, poverty, fear, death and every material thing. They had reached that sovereignty
given to every soul that rises into conscious realization of God.
They found that in this kingdom that is God’s real world and in its external expression, law and order govern everything.
The seen comes from the unseen, the temporal from the eternal. The unseen reality exists before the seen unreality appears.
A spiritual universe must exist before a material one can. Every material expression arises from unseen reality, and everything
in manifestation moves forward to its origin in Spirit.
They learned the method of the kingdom of Spirit. The scripture opens with the statement, "In the beginning God created."
There was nothing else but God, Eternal Spirit, Being Love, Truth, Life, Power, etc. This clearly gives the order of all material
becoming. God thought and called by name that which He thought, and became that which He thought, and it was good. It is the
nature of the Divine Being to become that which He thinks and calls by name.
Humanity was a thought before we became thinkers. We are a compound idea of God, many ideas of God synthesized and correlated
into one. God has made us in His image of and we are partakers of the divine nature. We are the embodiments of the Principles
of the Universal Being. Whatever there is in God is potentially in us. Whatever is in the divine original is in the divine
image. Our thought processes show the same divine order. We think and call by name that which we think. The creative powers
of the universe move out to become that which we think and call by name. If we think the thoughts of God, we set all the creative
powers of God in motion to become that which we think. If we think the thoughts of God, then we do the works of God.
What are God’s thoughts? It feels almost like blasphemy when it first occurs that we could think the thoughts of God, but
when we read in the first chapter of Habakkuk that the eye of God is purer than to behold evil, we know that God thinks only
Good. He thinks only truth, love, health, abundance, etc. Thinking these things, only good, truth, love and abundance arise
into external expression. No bad thing existed when God finished the Creation. Now all creation arises in thought and since
(1) God thinks only good, and (2) we are the only other creative thinking beings we know of, and since (3) we do think both
good and evil thoughts, (4) finding the source of evil is not difficult. Just as every good comes into expression by right
thinking so does every evil thing come into his experience by wrong thinking. "As a man thinks in his heart so is he." So
we act, so we look, so we become.
If we will think God’s thoughts, our whole life will vibrate with Divine Life and Power. If we will fill our mind with the
thoughts of God’s good, then we will find that the things over which we have been stumbling and worrying, vanish. Instead
of seeing the mote in our brother’s eye, we will see the goodness and beauty in him. When we call it by name and magnify it,
our brother arises to become goodness and beauty. If we will fix our thought on Eternal Health, health will fill us. If we
fill our mind with abundance, then abundance will fill us. This is the law of creative thinking.
However, let us think human thoughts of duality and limitation, and our thoughts become the channel through which the creative
powers move into external expression. Job said, "The thing I greatly feared is come upon me." Fear sees a clear form through
which the creative power moves into materialization. If we think disease thoughts, disease will fill us. If we think poverty
thoughts, poverty will fill us. If we think worry thoughts, we will be worn to a frazzle. Worry, like a rocking chair, gives
a vast amount of agitation but no progress. No matter what we think we will get it. This is not guess work, but it is law.
Every sick person in the world owes their sickness to wrong thinking. Our friends will hardly let us be well. David said,
"The days of our years are threescore years, yet is their strength but labor and sorrow etc." That statement has shortened
more lives than the world war. These are a few of the many ways in which we malpractice upon our friends.
A law of becoming also definitely exists. We think, and call by name that which we think, and our thought goes out into the
great Mind of the Universe. By dynamic power it gathers and correlates to itself its own kind and it materializes in our body,
mind and character. This is not a thing of speculation, but it is a matter for expression. It is not so much a matter of belief
but of knowledge. Just go out and put it to the test and you will know that it is true. You can believe anything, although it is a lie, but you can know only the truth. The only way to know the truth is to prove it by experience. It is a matter of your own consciousness of the
truth. Just think and call your thought by name, and it will come to pass. The power to do this is within you. An absentee
God does not do it, but the God who works in you, both to will and to do. God is evenly present, centering in you. Likewise
every power and possibility for the Infinite centers within you. Send forth your thought into this mind soil of the universe
and it will leap back into your arms, a harvest. When you sow a live seed in the ground you do not sit up and worry whether
the earth will work, or the atmosphere or the moisture, or the sun, or the life in the seed. Neither need you be anxious whether
this thought seed will work. Thought goes forth into the world of God’s Creative Powers and comes back thirty, sixty, and
a hundredfold. This is not a cunningly devised fable, but an absolute truth that you can prove for yourself.
We think in three ways: (1) by the objective conscious mind, such as we use while listening or reading and compare it with
what we have previously thought and known, by induction, deduction, comparison, analysis and synthesis. (2) Subconscious thinking
includes that part of our mental activities that deals with the dream life, the functioning of our bodies, and the instinctive
and intuitive processes. It thinks in one way only, by deduction. (3) The superconscious side of thinking does not reason
at all. It simply knows and is the Divine Mind in humanity. It is the Christ in you, the anointing that abides, by which you
know all things, and that you need no one to teach you. This a tremendous truth, which we need to know.
Our real mind is God’s Mind, by which we know everything instantly, but we do not know that we know it. We are so busy thinking
objectively that we do not give the Divine Mind in us a chance to thrust its perfect knowledge into consciousness. The soul
within us never reasons, never argues, never needs to, because it is at once in touch with all truth. In this higher realm
of divine consciousness, Jesus thought, and from it he taught. There is not an earthly logical formula in all his teaching.
He announced the most tremendous truths without the slightest trace of intellectual heat. It is the simple statement of the
truth as he knew it, and as he was it in consciousness.
Every word that he spoke has stood through the ages because it was the Word of Truth from God. Thinking in this higher realm
of consciousness raised the vibration of his personality to that level that gave him immunity from contagions, infections,
and from the power of any material thing. He touched leprosy and every form of disease, not only with immunity, but with power
to heal.
The rate of material vibration determines many things. The same rate of vibration that produces heat will not produce light.
We must raise the rate of vibration to produce light. Thinking on the lower or material plane produces disease and makes one
open to all contagion and infection. While thinking on the higher or divine side of consciousness raises the rate of vibration
to immunity from all disease, pain and weakness and puts the thinker in the place of triumph and power. It raises us to that
plane of thought and life where we can say, "All power in heaven and earth," that is, mind and matter, is given us. That is
our right. Jesus vibrated in that higher level and he calls upon us to do the same. If we think and work in the lower vibrations,
the reports of pains and ills and things of matter fill us. If we think and live on the plane of divine consciousness, health,
abundance and power fill our life.
Can you be well? You can if you will change your thinking. Can you be happy? You can if you will change your thinking. Can
you be prosperous? Yes, if you will change your thinking.
A man was recently charging $15 for five lessons in How to Make the Other Fellow Do What You Want Him to Do. I would not give
fifteen cents for all that sort of thing ever written. However, I would mortgage the eternal future to find the secret to
make myself do what I know I could do and ought to do, the secret of how to get out of us what we know is in us, how to find
the way to connect with the powerhouse, to employ the truth that God is right here and right now.
It ought to be the high ambition of everyone to know the secret in the life of Jesus, the lost word of power for healing. One person one gets healing immediately, but nine others must try
repeatedly for the same result. The one thing to covet above all else is the secret of Jesus to say to these people, "Rise
up and walk" and have ten out of ten do so. The answer is not so distant if we can just once forget the limitations of matter.
He said, "Father, I pray that they may behold my glory." They saw it, and an answering glory within them rose and he healed
every one of them. The secret is very near that fact. Jesus never saw a paralyzed arm — he saw an arm stretched forth and
whole. He did not see a woman bent double, but one every whit whole. He saw not a man eaten with leprosy, but one in absolute
health. Unless the healer can see beyond the twisted limbs and distorted bodies, the blind eyes, deaf ears and dumb tongues,
and behold a divine soul there, made in the image of God, in whom is nothing but what is in God, and can command that divine
soul, which was never sick, never sinned, to come forth into manifestation, he has not found the secret of Jesus. However,
when he can speak the word of authority and have it come to pass, He shall heal every one of them.
The world is waiting for the spiritual Newton to come forth and write the Spiritual Principia by which the principles, laws
and methods of the spiritual life shall be gathered and formulated so that the spoken word shall have the same miracle working
power that it had when it fell from the matchless lips of Jesus of Nazareth. I believe the person is now born who shall give
the world this superlative service. It is our privilege to seek that word, for we shall surely find it.
The next step is Speaking the Word. In the beginning was the Word, the Logos. The same was in the beginning with God. We were there when that word was spoken.
That is why we are here today. The spoken thought comes into externalization. Thus, "the word is nigh thee, in thy mouth and
in thy heart," and we have only to know the divine law of thinking and speaking and we can speak and have it done, command
and have it stand fast. All religion can be stated in one sentence that has two halves. The first half of all religion is,
"Thus saith the Lord, ‘it shall come to pass,’ " and the second half of all religion is, "and it came to pass." This is a
concrete statement of the power of the spoken word.
God called Jacob a new name, Israel, a Prince with God, when he had just finished cheating Laban out of his cattle. They would
have imprisoned him today for what he did. Yet that spoken word worked in him, and forever afterward he was a prince with
God. He made David His anointed, and it took a long time for the idea to work out. David did things that would today have
sent him to prison, but one day David said in startled wonder, "Thy gentleness hath made me great." Jesus called Peter a rock
at a time when he was more like a jelly fish, but the spoken word worked and Peter became a rock of integrity.
Thought is simply unuttered speech. It must be spoken to have power. It can only become definite and clear by expression.
The thought we speak becomes our own. The truth we think or hear, yet leave unspoken becomes like the talent hidden in a napkin,
we lose it. Tell it and it is ours forever. The only way to give the truth power is to speak it. The only way to keep the
truth is to give it away. One element of power in the life of Jesus was, that he spoke as no one had ever spoken. Learn to
speak and have it done, to command and have it stand fast.
The third step is to enter the kingdom. God promised humanity dominion over all things. He put all things under our feet. In the vision of the winged creatures, Ezekiel
saw the personified powers of the Universe offering themselves for service. When the prophet was down on his face talking
to the Lord, the Lord said unto him, "Son of Man, stand up on thy feet and I will speak to thee." It has taken God a long
time to get us off our face, knees, and other attitudes of fear, to stand and look upward and talk with Him. When Isaiah had
exhausted language and imagery to make us feel our "littleness compared to Him that sits on the circle of the earth," he said,
"Concerning My sons and concerning the works of My hands, command ye Me" Isaiah 45:11.
The best revelation of God was in the person of Jesus of Nazareth, who said, "I am among you as one who serves." That is the
secret formula of genius, the revelation of God as He is, the Universal Servitor. Every creative power of God waits the word
of those who have the faith to see it and the courage to command it. Faith is that perception of spiritual reality that makes
us know that the spirit of a thing is the reality, the thing hoped for is now reality, waiting to be perceived and called
into material form.
Jesus commanded the Vital Abundance and multiplied the loaves and fishes. He touched with the finger of God, and the blind
eyes saw. He commanded the powers of God and devils went out. He spoke to the regions of perfect health, and leprosy ceased.
He spoke to the unseen Realm of Reality and Lazarus came back to live in his body. A certain Centurion came to him for his
servant and said, "I am not worthy that thou shouldst come under my roof, just speak the word and my servant shall be healed,
for I also am a man under authority. I say to one man come, and he comes, to another go, and he goes," etc. Jesus said that
he had not seen so great faith in all Israel. The Centurion knew that when he spoke every Roman legionary stood back of the
command and he saw that when the Master spoke, every power of God stood back of his word to make it good.
Elijah rose to the heights of divine command and the barrel of meal wasted not, neither did the cruse of oil fail. Daniel
commanded the invisible and the lions’ mouths were shut. Peter commanded the infinite deliverance and prison doors were opened.
Paul and Silas called upon the Infinite and the doors of that Philippian jail shook from their hinges. When are we going to
learn to command the invisible powers to make this world what it should be? We should just as easily speak the word to a thousand
at once and have the works of God manifest in them all. This is the promised kingdom.
Mimicry is a principle by which all this comes to pass. We have all seen insects, birds and animals that have become so like
the leaves and grass and bark about them that we mistook them for a part of the growing things. This is unconscious mimicry.
The polar bear is like the snow amid which he lives, but others change with the seasons. When we come to human life, we find
mimicry used both consciously and unconsciously. We have a proverb about children, "Monkey see, monkey do." We are all mimics.
We take on the physical, mental and spiritual likeness of those about us. Two people in constant association become like each
other in appearance, in voice, in mannerisms, in methods of thought. The principle operates in its greatest power in the realm
of character building.
No better illustration exists than that of Jesus and the twelve. They were uneducated, uncultured, spiritually dense. Their
roughness and spiritual blindness grieved him often. Yet they walked with him across fields, they heard his matchless words,
they saw his wonderful works, they drank in his spirit of love, gentleness and compassion. Their dark unlikeness to him began
to drop away, and at the end of three years they had become so like him that they were ready for him to entrust them with
carrying forward his kingdom. We are all ready to admit this fact.
He had passed from their sight. They no longer had him to point out as the exemplar of what they taught. No longer could they
say "Here is the Master, hear and see him."
All they could do was to draw mental pictures of him. Peter made one of these mental snapshots, "He went about doing good."
So they pictured the life of Jesus with all the richness of imagery that their experiences with him had inspired, and we have
the result. One day they found some of these same people who had heard and received the truth standing boldly up for the cause
of Christ. "They took knowledge that they had been with Jesus and had learned of him." They had not seen him but they had
held this mental image of him, and the creative mimicry within had made them like him. It works. If it worked there, it is
a principle upon which we can formulate a science.
"For we all with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror, the glory of the Lord, are changed after His image from glory to
glory by the Spirit of the Lord." Fill your mind with a clear mental ideal of the Master as the Son of God. As you study that
ideal, the fact that you are as the Son of God will rise unto your consciousness, a being made in His image, with every thing
in the image that is in the divine original.
Go forth then to take your kingdom. Picture prosperity and make it a kingdom of abundance. Dwell on good alone and make it
a kingdom of good. Picture the infinite harmony and make it a kingdom of harmony. See your neighbor as a divine being who
was never sick, nor sinned, nor was unhappy. Your kingdom will come and you will reign with him whose name is forever enthroned
in earth and in heaven — Jesus the Christ.