The Great Within
Use Of The Conscious And Subconscious

The great within is the source of all inspirations, all real music, all permanent art, all poetry with soul, all rich thought,
all ideas of genuine worth, all invention, all discovery, all science, and the truth that is absolute.
Everything that has worth, be it in a small degree, or in a very great degree, comes directly from the richness of the subconscious;
therefore, to do the greater, the mind should enter into the closest touch with the great within, and should expect the very
best that the limitless within can produce.
When in need of ideas, plans, methods, ways and means, call upon the subconscious; the call will not be in vain; the subconscious
can supply every need, and will invariably do so when properly directed.
While directing the subconscious, however, all conscious action must be in absolute poise; it is not only necessary to impress
what we desire but to impress that desire in such a way that it will actually produce an impression.
When in the presence of the great fact that the within is limitless, the mind will naturally become enthusiastic; feeling
will run high and is very liable to become overwrought; but such a feeling has no depth, it is simply superficial emotionalism;
it will waste any amount of energy, but will never produce a single impression upon the subconscious.
To impress the subconscious, the mind must be calm, the entire personality must be in poise, and this feeling of poise must
have that great depth that touches the very soul of life itself.
Not the slightest trace of emotional enthusiasm must be permitted, nor must feeling run toward the surface at any time; the
actions of mind, especially those of feeling, must move toward the great within if the subconscious is to be reached.
There must be no anxiety connected with the desire to impress the subconscious, and every form of doubt must be eliminated
To properly impress the subconscious, faithful application is necessary; also constant practice, and a perseverance that will
not give up; but the prize is worthy of the effort.
To realize that the subconscious can, and will, do anything when properly impressed, is to persevere until the proper impression
has been made; and it is those who work in this realization that secure the marvelous results.
To eliminate the tendency to feel emotional while acting upon the subconscious, cultivate the substantial feeling; train yourself
to feel substantial at all times, and wild, empty, overwrought feelings will entirely disappear.
It is the proper feeling that determines the proper impression; the attainment of the deep, substantial feeling is therefore
extremely important, though it is equally important to be able to feel the vibrations of the finer forces of the system.
It is the finer forces that impress the subconscious and the subconscious is invariably impressed whenever these forces are
To develop the consciousness of the finer forces, attention should be frequently concentrated upon that life that permeates
the tangible elements in every part of being; and during this concentration the feeling of consciousness should be deepened
and expanded as much as possible.
Every conscious action should be trained to penetrate to the very depth of life, and during this process the mind should act
in the realization that the more deeply it penetrates any element in the personality, the finer will be the forces into which
consciousness will enter.
To awaken or arouse any force or element, attention should be concentrated upon that state in which the desired force or element
is known to exist, and the mind should think of the nature of that force or element according to the best possible understanding
that can be formed of that nature.
The same method may be employed in the development of the subconscious side of any desired faculty or talent. The creative
energies of the system always build up those qualities of which the mind may be thinking; therefore, to actually and continually
think of the real nature of a great talent is to develop that talent into the same degree of greatness that is discerned in
The power of this method in the development of ability, talent and genius is practically unlimited, because the mind is capable
of discerning higher and higher degrees of greatness, and the subconscious is capable of providing creative energies of as
high a state of fineness and power as may be required.
To secure the best results from any method through which the great within is to be unfolded and expressed, it is extremely
important to use properly the conscious and the subconscious factors of mind at the various stages of the process.
While impressing the subconscious, the conscious mind should be strong, firm, positive and highly active, but should become
perfectly quiet and receptive while expecting a response from the subconscious.
Harmony, serenity and poise are indispensable states both when the impression is being made and when the expression is expected.
The right use of the will is of extraordinary importance; and neither time nor effort should be spared in establishing this
right use, because where the will is misapplied the subconscious expressions are interfered with to such an extent that results
are completely neutralized.
While the subconscious is being impressed, the will should act firmly and directly upon that consciousness that is felt in
the subconscious, but when the subconscious is expected to respond the will should be relaxed into a state of complete inaction.
It is not the purpose of the will to control the outer person by acting directly upon the outer person; the will controls
the outer person by causing the subconscious to produce in the outer person whatever may be desired; but when the subconscious
begins to express what the will has desired and directed, the will must, for the time being, cease to act.
The true function of the will is to act upon the finer states of consciousness; that is, the subconscious states, those states
that are felt in the deeper life of the personality or the mentality; and while in such action, to impress upon the subconscious
those causes that can produce the desired effects.
When these causes have been impressed, and the time has come for the expected results, the will must withdraw so that the
personality may become sufficiently receptive to give the subconscious response the fullest and freest possible expression.
The subconscious expression will come of itself, at the time designated, if the impression has been properly made; but every
attempt of the will to help draw forth that expression will interfere with results.
When the desired subconscious expression fails to appear at the time designated, the impression has either not been properly
made, or the subconscious response is being prevented by too much active will force, anxiety or objective commotion.
The subconscious cannot express itself, or do what it is directed to do unless the outer mentality and personality are in
poise; but perfect poise is not possible so long as will power is applied upon the external side of mind or body.
Train the will to act upon the subconscious, and the subconscious only, and this is readily accomplished by always turning
attention upon the subconscious whenever the will is being employed.
When acting upon the objective, the will only interferes with normal functions, and can accomplish absolutely nothing. To
move a muscle the will must act upon the subconscious life that permeates that muscle; should it act upon the muscle itself,
the muscle would become rigid, and muscular motion be made impossible.
No one can do anything by objectively willing to do it; he can do what he wants to do only by causing the will to act upon
that part of the subconscious that can do what he wants to have done. This law is absolute in all human actions, be they physical
or metaphysical, intellectual or emotional, mental or spiritual.
To train the will to act only upon the subconscious, will increase the power of the conscious mind to impress the subconscious;
the conscious action will not be divided, acting partly upon the objective and partly upon the subjective, but will give its
power and attention absolutely to the idea that is being subconsciously impressed.
When the will acts only upon the subconscious, there will be no will force in the outer mind or body to disturb the normal
functions of the systems; and when the entire system is normal the subconscious can readily do whatever it may be directed
to do.
The conscious mind should employ the will solely for the purpose of impressing and directing the subconscious, but should
give the subconscious unrestricted freedom to take full possession of the personality when expressions from within are expected
to appear.
Those who hesitate to give the subconscious expressions full right of way, should remember that to move a muscle, the subconscious
must take full possession of that muscle; and to think, the subconscious must exercise complete control of the mental faculty,
and also, that the subconscious will only do what it is directed to do.
Though the personality must be controlled completely by the subconscious, the subconscious must be directed, in all its actions,
by the conscious mind; therefore, the wide- awake self continues to be the master.