Set Your Motivation On Fire
The Importance Of Maintaining Fiery Motivation

Without motivation, people will not work or function even if they are capable. Theorists speculate that motivation is the
spur of all learned behavior, thoughts and actions. If motivation does not initiate the needed response toward a certain environmental
stimulus, then goals will not be set or the individual will not find the need to act on the learned response.
The learning process may be external or internal, which means that the individual derives his knowledge and skills from past
experiences, observations of other people’s experiences, his own ideas acquired through reading or listening, comparing his
abilities with the possibilities and relating his emotions and thoughts to the present situation. Whatever the person learns
will only be measured once he performs it through activation, control and maintenance by motivation.
The initiation of motivation is equally important to its maintenance or development into a fiery one. Motivation must constantly
be present, and depending on its degree and duration, the results or manner of accomplishing the goal will also differ. If
motivation is somewhat reduced or disturbed, the goal may still be accomplished but may not manifest its rewards or advantages
However, if motivation is set on fire, the individual can only expect that the possibilities can be endless and more opportunities
can arise as the goal is met.
Is fiery motivation helpful to behavior?
Yes. There are several reasons why people do things. Most commonly, there is the presence of reward or punishment, indicating
that you will benefit after the action is done or you can face dire consequences if you fail. You are very much aware of other
people and the environment, which is why you constantly perform different activities and learn.
Fiery motivation will alert you that there are advantages and disadvantages in every deed, which is why you behave according
to the demands and challenges of your surroundings.
Is fiery motivation helpful to one's manner of thinking?
Yes. People often do things in order to satisfy their thoughts. Some of the reasons why you do the things you do may be due
to curiosity, testing or comparing your intelligence, thinking or believing that the goal is attainable and plain interest.
In the cognitive sense, motivation is intertwined with goal-setting since it is only through the accomplishment or failure
of the goal that you will be able to satisfy your thoughts and curiosity.
When you have fiery motivation, you mentally narrow your sights and focus on the goal and eliminate other determinants and
Is fiery motivation helpful to one's personality?
Yes. Your personality is honed through your personal experiences and relationships with other people. However you may have
gone through these, your personality develops and your needs are different from other people's. There are different motivational
needs that spur people to action but when you have fiery motivation, the only need you’ll have is the accomplishment of the
When you’re driven by fiery motivation, you make use of models, representations and thoughts that shape your personality for
the long-term.