Jesus Taught It Too (The Early Roots Of The Law Of Attraction)
Chapter Three

The Law of Attraction is not just about the acquisition of things. Much of the recent criticism surrounding such phenomena
as the film and the book “The Secret” is that the concept is egocentric and too materialistic. Yes, the Law of Attraction
does deal with humanity’s material needs and desires but it also focuses upon humanity’s spiritual needs. Detractors, utilizing
the scare tactics of old, attempt to cast this idea as anti-spiritual, something other than godly and bordering on satanic.
At first glance the first quote discussed would appear to support the contention of the critics.
“Take these things hence; make not my Father's house a house of merchandise.”
Many are probably familiar with the story when Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple. Some would say that based
upon the above, that material things have no place in spiritual teachings. Out of context with the entire stream of thought
it could be argued that detractors are correct. Even though the plate is passed every Sunday, and the Catholic Church is one
of the richest and most powerful organizations in the world, they would say that things of this world should be shunned.
However, there is another way to look at this quote and that is that Jesus was talking about our own consciousness and that,
in that context, Jesus was saying that when you are focused upon higher spiritual thoughts, it is appropriate to not be concerned with the troubles, the cares and the physical burdens of your life. To think clearly one must remove the “merchandise”
or excess baggage from the mind in order to gain a clear focus. This is a part of any true meditative state and enables one
to focus upon the work at hand.
“Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may
rejoice together.”
This is perhaps the first saying that directly begins the discussion of the unlimited abundance that is readily available
to all. Fundamentalists will be quick to claim that this is a reference to the “word of God” and has nothing to do with material
needs and wants. That is one interpretation and it is also partially correct, but one must bear in mind that Jesus also ate,
drank and sustained his material body with material sustenance.
The powerful people of this world would have us believe that resources are limited and that we must be thankful for anything
that we have. Religious authorities, who are often awash in worldly riches, also promote the scarcity of resources fear but
promise that greater riches will be awarded to those who are faithful to their doctrine. After all, if everyone sought the
riches of others, conflict would arise. In fact, this has historically been the case.
The Age of Exploration was all about finding gold and wealth. The Colonial Age was about controlling the resources of other
“less advanced” nations. Many will recall the Nazi demand for living space and the Industrial Revolution generated war and
conflict as the corporate machines demanded the natural resources of others. We are all too familiar with notion of the “have
and have nots.”
Jesus is saying that there is no scarcity. All that we could possibly desire is already available and waiting to be claimed.
The money is in the bank in our name and all that is needed is the withdrawal slip. Who is “he that soweth”? The sower is
the mind. The disciples did not see the fields ripe with harvest with their physical eyes and Jesus was telling them to lift
their eyes, open their minds and with their inner vision truly see and visualize the harvest. Abundance is always available.
Of course, because we live on the physical plane we are also the reaper of the harvest. We must take physical action to reap
the harvest we have sown with our opened eyes and our mind. This is the art of visualization. See what is desired not in the
future but in the now. See what is desired as manifest in the now and develop a mindset that is ready to harvest the mental
crop. Jesus did not say, “See the harvest being planted.” He did not say, “watch the crop grow.” He said, “The fields are
ready to harvest.” When the mind and the body work together, when mind and matter work as one, we will have all that we need
as long as we live. There are no limits, there is no scarcity and there is no need to take from others since all that we desire
is available in the mental fields that are “white with harvest.” What you see in your mind you attract on the physical plane.