How To Exploit Your Brain's Unlimited Power

“There are three different kinds of brains, the one understands things unassisted, the other understands things when shown
by others, and the third understands neither alone nor with the explanations of others. The first kind is most excellent,
the second kind also excellent, but the third useless.” - Niccolo Machiavelli
Tests or no tests, the point is to enhance your intelligence, build up your mind, and train your brain. So, perhaps your I.Q.
score is not that important; it’s real life intelligence that matters. Some will say it’s more important to be book smart
(get an education), while others will say it’s street smarts (experience) that will serve you best in life. How about if we
combine those two? Get the best education you can and learn from every experience in your life. In other words use everything
at your disposal. That’s the best way to train your brain.
We’ve been talking about how your brain is like a computer. It is in fact a three-pound computer. No computer in the world
has so much packed into so small a space. The human brain is an amazing machine, capable of more than you ever dreamed possible.
It’s all in the way you look at things, how you treat that marvelous machine, how you feed it and train it. And remember,
there are no limits to how much you can learn and how far you can take that human brain of yours.
You have the power to make all your dreams come true. You possess everything you need in the way of brainpower to get you
where you want to go, no matter how far that might be.
So stop making excuses, stop the laziness, stop the defeating self-talk. But do ask yourself the tough questions. How smart
do you want to be? Start now, today, training your brain. Feed it foods that help build it up, take good care of it, learn
something new every day, stimulate your brain constantly, and make good choices. Try new things, develop new skills and talents,
and think new thoughts. Keep that red matter constantly churning out new connections, and keep those neurons firing.
We’ve made great strides with our regular computers. They are almost smart enough to do without us. But, they are more than
mere storage devices. Nowadays, we use them for everything. It’s the same with your brain--your three-pound internal computer.
It’s capable of so much more than you realize. Now’s the time to start finding out just how marvelous a machine you possess,
there between your ears.
“I said in Dorian Gray that the great sins of the world take place in the brain; but it is in the brain that everything takes
place…It is in the brain that the poppy is red, that the apple is odorous, that the skylark sings.” - Oscar Wilde