How To Command And Master Your Emotions
Bonus Documentary: The Case Of Neo-Spiritualism

Worldwide, there is an emerging move from diverse groups to carry out spiritualism to the extreme. Some observers call them
neo-spiritualists who tend to “super spiritualize” life. Most of them claim to have extreme command not only of their emotions
but practically anything.
We have been tackling the subject of a mind that commands from the viewpoints of Psychology and Behavioral Science. We have
also considered the rigid discipline and practices of persons who gain certain amounts of mental control over their will and
emotions. Now, we venture to the bizarre world of neo-spiritualism: having extreme command of anything through super spiritualism.
There are different neo-spiritualist persuasions today that hold differing views. Let us consider the most radical view that
claims the ability to command things and situations.
Deist And Theist Schools Of Thought
Neo-spiritualists of the Deist persuasion believe in a God that created the world but has become too overwhelmed to control
his creations. In a sense, he has relegated control to certain laws that now govern life, such as the laws of nature. Actually,
these neo-spiritualists say that people who relinquish control of some aspects of life to certain laws of nature are really
neo-spiritualists in the deist persuasion.
For instance, if you believe that voluntary muscles cannot be controlled by the mind, then you are a neo-spiritualist in the
deist order. Deists are also spiritual. However, they insist that if God could not control all of creation, neither could
they. If God put his trust in some laws to govern parts of creation outside his reach, then they ought to simply trust also
these laws and leave it at that.
The theists are different.
Theist Neo-Spiritualism started in the mid-1970s, though scattered traces of it were apparent as early as the 18th century. Super spiritual feats
were seen in this century mostly in Europe and America. But since the 20th century to the present, the movement has been strong
in Asia and most Third World countries. These spiritualists believe that God has tremendous powers to control everything in
the universe.
In fact, they believe that God has lots of excess powers that he wants to share with anyone who is ready to have his very
own mindset. These neo-spiritualists believe everything in life depends on a mindset. Success or failure is all the result
of a mindset.
They believe that God gave them the ability to be like him in life and power. They also claim the power to command, and that
this power resides in the God “inspired” mental prowess of a person. The basic principle is that, “What the mind can see, can and will happen.” In a more profound statement, they assert that, “According to your faith, it will be done to you.”
The theists do not just study about mind rule. They try their best to live it every day. Basically, they say that a mind
that rules and conquers is a mind that works like God’s mind. Below is a summary of their principles in adopting God’s mindset:
Theists insist that God creates what he first sees with his mind. Thus, they say that if you cannot see it with your mind,
you cannot make it happen. Neo-spiritual theists train their minds to think of spiritual things. Spiritual things are anything
that the human mind thinks is impossible. For instance, the human mind is used to thinking of traveling by plane if he wants
to be on the other side of the world.
Thinking spiritually, to theists, means to just think and believe that you will suddenly be on the other side of the world
right this moment. Without riding anything tangible, the theists believe they could really suddenly appear on the opposite
part of the earth. They call this translation. They allege that actual translations have been happening to them by just using the mind of God. It’s all up to you if you
want to believe this or not.
Theists stress that even God has faith in who he is and what he can do.
They also try to adopt this principle and believe in their God and in themselves. Believing, to the theist, is not just head
knowledge that stays as mere knowledge or imagination. It is a belief that materializes before your very eyes. The theists
say “believing” means really believing with your mind and heart, without any doubt, that what you want to happen will happen.
They train so hard to have their mind adapt to this kind of mindset.
In a nutshell, they maintain that it is the ability of the mind to command the heart (will and emotions) to see nothing except
what the mind (of God) sees.
Theists are actual doers of what they believe with their minds and hearts.
If at first they don’t succeed, they do it again and again. They never mind if they keep on failing. The principle is just
to do it until it’s done. They reveal that though they live in a physical world, spiritual principles override physical laws
even in this material world.
Theists actually testify to having been able to order sicknesses out of people’s bodies. They say they can command disabilities
like paralysis, amputation, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and even the worst of cancers to leave human bodies. They claim to have
commanded the dead to live again — on the spot. Actually, several books have been written to chronicle these claims which
are all supported by eyewitness (and sometimes even medical) accounts.
Power Over People
Theists claim to be able to “see” the past, present, and future of people through the discernment and piercing mental perception
that God gives them. They are said to have also decided beforehand the fate of certain people through the power of “God’s
voice” in their mouths. By merely declaring or announcing, they can appoint the lives of people to certain destinies. They
can declare a person, for instance, to be free from all debts come a certain point in time.
They may also announce that a person would encounter sure tragedy on a particular date. Most of such predictions are said
to have come true in exactly the way they were foretold.
Commanding Nature
Neo-spiritual theists assert that they can command trees to either bear fruit or die instantly, affect sea waves and gusty
winds by a mere command, order a whole mountain to be thrown into the sea, or tell the sun to stop rotating for a moment.
They point to a sacred book they keep — a kind of Neo-Spiritualism Bible. They claim this book holds ancient records of their predecessors’ success stories on how the sun was really made to stop moving,
among other supernatural miracles.
Where Are Neo-Spiritualists Today?
Theist and deist neo-spiritualists are active in the world today, sometimes working together, and sometimes competing with
each other for world dominance. Some of the known religions of the world form part of deist neo-spiritualism. They have the
form of spirituality but lack any real power. The spirituality they possess is mostly ritualistic.
Theistic neo-spiritualists are mostly unpopular and thinly spread across the globe. Some theists are fast becoming reactionary
and gradually joining the deists. The real and radical theistic neo-spiritualists are mostly disdained by all the others because
of their controversial stand on extreme spiritualism. Even so-called cultic religions tend to stay away from the extreme theists.
Can The Intellectual And Spiritual Merge?
The traditional view to whether the intellectual and spiritual could combine is a resounding “NO!” if not “Impossible!” Yet,
there are sectors today that assume a new type of openness and initiate talks on the possibility of a mind and spirit unity
to affect and empower the will to action. If this could be done, the possibilities would be immense.
This book discussed earlier that actions and reactions emanate from an interaction of the mind, will, and emotions. However,
a very recent trend of the brain storming eerie possibilities is the introduction of the spirit as an ally of the mind, not
just to command body parts, but also to create from virtually nothing. This exchange of ideas may actually result in the unheard
of initiative to seat Science and Spiritualism in the same room and actually talk about a joint project.
Science and Religion have tried to work certain things out in the past but have failed more than once miserably. However,
a recent definition of terms has unveiled that religion is really a weakened and adulterated spiritualism born out of a failed
attempt to combine reason and belief in the genuinely spiritual. In short, they found religion has no real power.
A revived interest in empowering man’s intellectual and spiritual potentials in extreme degrees has ruled out religion in
favor of going directly to pure and genuine spiritualism to be partnered with Science. This is an interesting development,
and worth watching out for. Real mind power that goes beyond natural laws has a better chance of really happening if we explore
what Science and Spiritualism can offer us in unison.
However, the discussions on this subject matter are yet to be explored further by the academe.