How To Command And Master Your Emotions
The Power Of Anchors

Imagine having the power to do a very simple act and you'll instantly be able to change your mood, emotion, or even energy
level. Sounds exciting, isn’t it?
With this power, you can even influence other people without them being consciously aware of it. This is probably the most
powerful technique to help you change your emotions and the feelings of other people around you.
This method is being used by persuaders to get anything they want through their own actions or by subconsciously commanding
First, let me present a scenario to you.
Let’s say you went to watch a sad movie. While you’re so engrossed with one of the most dramatic scenes, sad background music
was being played.
A few weeks later, you hear a friend sing the same sad song you heard from that movie. In a brief moment, you’re shifted back
to the experience. You suddenly remember that particular dramatic scene, the actors who tore your heart out, and even your
friends who went to that movie with you.
You feel the sensation all over again. You recollect the sentimental mood because of that same music.
That sad music is called an anchor.
What is an anchor? An anchor is a compelling and influential connection of something seen, heard, touched, smelled, or tasted
with a specific memory or representation.
You associate an emotion experienced in the past with a state correlating to the present.
How To Use An Anchor
Let’s say you want to experience happiness.
Go to a quiet room. Reflect on a time when you had a very happy experience. It can be a joke so funny it brought tears to
your eyes. It can be an experience when you ran out of breath because of too much laughter.
Now focus in reliving that funny experience. Engage yourself thoroughly on that fantastic feeling. See the joker’s funny face,
hear the humorous antics, taste the food you’re eating at that time, smell the odor, and feel everything else going on around
you as you’re laughing your heart out.
Then create an anchor. You can slightly slap your face, shake your hands in exhilaration, squeeze your thumb and middle finger
together, twirl your head, or just do anything you can think of, as long as it's something that creates intensity within you.
After around a minute or two, let go of the anchor while still engrossed in that state. Wait for a few seconds before breaking
out of that state.
The more passionate or lively the experience, the better anchor you will create.
You can use any of the anchors below depending on your situation and preference. You may even invent one or two of your own.
Clench your fists.
Stroke your hair, chin, nose, or eyebrow.
Press two fingers together.
Whistle a tune.
Rub your hands.
Shake your legs.
Shout a lively word, such as “power,” “domination,” or “super!”
Pat yourself at the back.
In case you’re still a little tied up, here’s another case.
Let’s say you want to finish a very important project, but you’re too tired and bored of doing it. Here’s how you can conquer
your negative emotions.
Go to a quiet room. Recall a time when you feel so passionate or enthusiastic about a certain endeavor. It can be a time when
you’ve persistently studied hard to ace the Board Exams. It can be a time when you’re assigned an exciting project that you
did with so much energy and commitment. Remember to relive the emotions you’ve felt with intensity. Really feel it.
Then create an anchor using any one of the anchors listed above. You can create one of your own that you think will be most
effective. Be imaginative.
After around a minute or two, let go of the anchor while still engrossed in that state. Wait for a few seconds before breaking
out of that state. Remember, the more intense or concentrated the emotions are while you’re recalling the experience and employing
the anchor, the better the outcome.
How To Use Anchors On Other People
Let’s say you want to ask a big favor from a co-worker.
Wait for a time when you can do something special or unforgettable for him. Give him an awesome gift during a special occasion,
volunteer to do some of his tasks, or do anything you can’t think of that will make him trust you and feel grateful.
Then rub his shoulders when he’s so happy thanking you for your thoughtfulness.
When the time comes that you want to ask help from him, rub his shoulders. His appreciative feelings will return and you will
have a much easier time asking him for any favor.
You may succeed the first time you apply an anchor, or you may not. Some people succeed during the second, fifth, or even
the twentieth time. The important thing to do is practice. Don’t give up when the first few attempts have failed. With sheer
determination, you can do it!