How To Be A Genius
At first glance, the title of this book How To Be A Genius may seem a bit strange. Our usual idea of genius is that it's just something that you are - that you're either born that
way or you're not.
But this book has quite a different point of view. If genius came from genes, for example, then maybe it would be something
completely unchangeable. But, if genius is a result of many factors in a person's life, then we can do something about it
to increase, or rather, reveal our own innate genius that up until now has been hidden.
And in that case, there may be something, or even a number of things that we can do to discover the genius lying hidden within
Now while this title is not a quantitative guarantee that you will be able to increase your IQ by a certain number of points,
you can improve, and in this book I am going to try to help you understand why this is possible, and give you some concrete methods
and techniques to help you do it. In fact, it is my aim to show you that there are capacities within you that go far beyond
what you may have imagined to be possible up till now.
So here is your official invitation to put on your genius cape and start off on a new adventure. Are you ready?
Here we go!