How The Mind Works
When Mind Is On The Heights
When the great soul transcends the world of things it invariably begins to dream of that which is greater, finer, more perfect;
more beautiful and more sublime than what the life of present experience has been able to produce. But those dreams are not
mere dreams; they are actually glimpses of what is possible or what may be near at hand; that is, prophetic visions of what
is to be. The dreams of the small soul are usually temporary creations of an unguided, imagination. But the dreams of the
great soul are flashes of light emanating from the realms of supreme light, revealing secrets that man shall someday be able
to make his own.
What the great soul discerns in his visions and dreams is nothing less than that greater life and those greater things into
the possession of which he is being prepared to enter. But if we would gain those greater things which are in store we must
proceed to claim our own, and not simply continue to dream. The prophetic vision of the great soul does not reveal what will
come to pass of its own accord, but what such a soul is now competent to bring to pass, provided he will use the powers that
are in his possession now. In brief, a prophetic vision does not reveal something that is coming to you, but reveals something
that you now have the power to bring to yourself if you will.
The soul that can transcend the world of passing things and dream of the world of better things is now in possession of the
necessary power to make his dreams come true. For the fact is, we cannot discern the ideal until we have the power to make
it real, nor can the mind arise into worlds sublime until it has gained the power to make its own life sublime. Therefore
the soul that can look into the mystic future and discern a more beautiful life is prepared for such a life, has found the
secret path to such a life, has the power to create such a life, though not merely in ages to come, but now. For what we see
in our visions today we have the power to bring to pass in the present. This is indeed a great truth, and than this, nothing
could possibly bring greater joy to the soul of man.
If we can see better days while our minds are, on the heights we can rest assured that we have the power to create better
days. But we must proceed to use that power if we would enter into the pastures green that are before us. The law is that
what we see in the ideal we must work for in the actual, for it is in this way alone that our dreams can come true without
The dreams of the great soul always appear when the mind is on the heights. And it is such dreams alone that can contain the
prophetic vision. What we dream of while on the low lands of life has no value. The fact is that if we would know the next
step; if we would know what today can bring forth; if we would know what is best now; if we would know what we are able to
attain and achieve now; if we would know those greater things that are now in store for us, we must rise to the mountain top
of the soul's transcendent existence. It is there, and there alone, that these things are made known.
And every mind can at times ascend to those sublime heights. The great soul can readily rise to these mountaintops; in brief,
such a soul has no other visions than those that appear on the mountaintops. Therefore the dreams of the great soul are not
mere dreams; they are positive indications of what can be done, of what will be done; they are glimpses of the splendors of
a greater day.
The soul that can rise to the mountaintops and see the splendor of greater things can indeed rejoice with great joy for such
a soul is not destined for an ordinary life.
Greater things are at hand and a wonderful future will positively be realized. But such a future, with its richer possibilities
and its more worthy attainments, will not come back to us where we now stand. We must move forward and work for what we have
seen in the vision. That which is greater does not come back to that which is lesser. We must press on into the life of the
greater if we would realize such a life. And if we dreamed the dreams of the great soul those dreams will indicate that we
can. What we have seen on the heights reveals what we can do if we will. We have gained the power; the gates are ajar, and
in the beautiful somewhere our own is waiting.