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How The Mind Works

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Everything that is in action must necessarily work through definite laws. And as the mind is in constant action, alternating its actions at almost every turn of thought or feeling, it is evident that a vast number of laws are employed by the mental process. To know how the mind works, therefore, we must know something about these laws.

In the following pages the most important of the mental and metaphysical laws known to date are considered from every possible viewpoint, the principal object being to ascertain their real nature as well as their power and use. In addition, a number of psychological ideas are presented that will throw light both on the inner and the outer workings of the mind.

No effort, however, has been made to delve into the mysteries of the mind; this will be done in another work, the object here being to present the practical side of mental action, and present it in such a way that anyone may learn to use the powers of the mind properly. And at the present stage of psychological study, this is the most important. We want to know how the mind does work so that we may, in all mental work, use the mind in the best, the fullest and the most effective manner.

The fact that we have, in the past, known practically nothing about the real workings of the mind, and also that there are only a few minds, even in the present, that have gained the power to direct and control mental action according to system, design and law, should make the study of this book both interesting and profitable. In fact, we are convinced that all who understand the purpose and the message of this book will become highly enthused over its practical value; and will accordingly gain more from its perusal than tongue can ever tell.

That this number may be very large in the present, and constantly become larger in the future, is our dearest wish in this connection; for when you know that a certain thing is so very true and so very important, you want everybody else, if possible, to gain all that you have gained from the understanding and use of that particular thing.

And this is natural; we all want to share the truth with others; we all want everybody to gain that power through which the richest and the best that life has in store may be realized; and this fact proves that there is far more of the noble in human nature than we have previously believed. However, it is only as we learn to use the mind in harmony with the natural and orderly workings of mental law, that everything that is noble in human nature will find expression.