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Manifest Your Desires Effortlessly

“Life does not consist mainly or even largely of facts and happenings. It consists mainly of the storm of thoughts that are forever blowing through one’s mind.”- Mark Twain

Mark Twain is right about the storm of thoughts that are forever blowing through ones’ mind. This makes focus and concentration a problem sometimes. It’s a matter of picking the priority to focus on and thinking about the rest later.

We can learn to focus on the priorities with a little motivation. The advantages of learning to focus are many and can literally change your life. The trick is learning to concentrate on the here and now, and pushing aside the distractions that constantly assault your senses.

Whether you use meditation, hypnosis, self-talk or special exercises, you can learn to motivate yourself to concentrate. You can learn to accomplish tasks in less time, thereby increasing your productivity. You will gain peace of mind and watch your self-confidence soar. Concentration will improve your quality of life.

So even if it is reluctant, resistant or downright resentful, you can stop the excuses and get your brain to pay attention to you.

“Great men accomplish significant deeds through an enduring effort in a consistent direction. When you wish to achieve an important aim, direct your thoughts along a steady, uninterrupted course.” - Proverb 57 from I Ching