Grow Rich While You Sleep
Grow Rich In All Things - While You Sleep

ALTHOUGH EVERY CHAPTER in this book is important, this one will prove to be the keystone supporting all the others.
May I suggest that you do not read this chapter hurriedly? Unless you are in a position to relax thoroughly and read slowly
- and thoughtfully - it is better that you lay the book aside until you can read and absorb what you read.
I also suggest that before reading further, you reread the first few pages of Chapter 1 which gives an interpretation of riches.
Then you will fully understand what I mean when I say "Grow Rich in all things while you sleep." Unless you do grow rich in all things you will not be enjoying a well balanced life.
In Chapter 3 a simple and easy-to-understand description of the Creative Mind was given. The chapter you're reading now will
show you how to make full use of the powers of your Creative Mind, particularly when your conscious mind is in abeyance -
Your Creative Mind never sleeps. It is awake from the time of your birth until you leave this plane of existence. Without
conscious guidance, it takes care of all the involuntary operations of your body. From the food you eat it extracts the necessary
elements for blood, bone, tissue and energy. It keeps your blood in circulation. It supplies fresh oxygen to the lungs through
breathing. But these are by no means all of the responsibilities of the Creative Mind. Your Creative Mind accepts all thoughts
of the conscious mind as instructions and acts upon them. The Creative Mind, as I've said several times before, can reason
independently of the conscious mind. So we find that the Creative Mind is not only in charge of all of the involuntary operations
in the body, but it also does the big job of following instructions from the conscious mind. And, in carrying out those instructions,
it must, necessarily, be capable of reasoning.
The conscious mind is not the storehouse of memory. In fact, information contained in the conscious mind is only that which
is in use. There is a constant flow of information coming from the Creative Mind - as it is needed by the conscious mind.
Here is a very simple illustration: Suppose you should engage a carpenter to do a repair job on your house. He would inspect
the place, then bring with him only those tools he would need: a saw, hammer, auger, etc. He would not get a huge van and
bring with him every tool and machine he had in his shop.
It is the same with your two minds. The conscious mind will bring in only the information you need to enable you to carry
on the work you are doing at the time.
Sometimes there is a "road block" and wanted facts fail to come into consciousness. We call this forgetting. These facts will not come into consciousness until the conscious mind gives the Creative Mind instructions to locate the facts
through some such remark as: "It will come to me in a moment." Never use a negative, such as: "I have forgotten." This is
just the same as consciously instructing your Creative Mind to do nothing about it.
As I've already said, the Creative Mind has reasoning faculties independent of the conscious mind, but with this difference.
The conscious mind, in making a decision, can base its judgment either on facts already stored within the Creative Mind, or
on facts which it finds through research, outside the Creative Mind. The decision, therefore, may come from existing facts,
newly acquired facts, or a combination of both.
The reasoning of the Creative Mind is confined to the facts and information already contained within it. This is important to know and to remember! Decisions reached through the reasoning of the Creative Mind will be good or faulty, depending upon the type of information
it contains. If your mind leans heavily toward the negative side, your decisions will be negative in their nature. If your
mind leans toward the positive side, your decisions will be positive in their nature.
By way of illustration: Suppose you had the opportunity to acquire a business of your own. You might decide to call upon your
Creative Mind for a decision as to whether or not to accept the offer. Before retiring at night, you might hold a thought,
such as: "Tonight, while I am asleep, my Creative Mind will work on my problem and give me a decision when I awaken in the
If you have a Creative Mind which leans toward the negative side, you will be apt to get a decision something like this: "No,
I don't think I had better tackle this business. I have not had very good luck in the past with my ventures; this one would
probably cause me to lose money on it. No, I'd better stick to my present job, as poor as it is."
On the other hand, if your Creative Mind is definitely on the positive, constructive side, most likely your decision will
run something like this: "Boy, this is just the break I have been waiting for. With much study - and not being afraid to work
- I know I can put it over in a big way. My decision is yes."
With this illustration, you can easily understand why it was suggested in an earlier chapter that you hold to the thought:
I CAN be a Success, until it establishes an impenetrable layer of positiveness in your Creative mind.
If you wanted an errand boy to do something for you, what would you do? You would merely give him the proper instruction.
If you wished him to go to the post office and mail a letter, you'd tell him to do so; and with perfect certainty that he
would do just that, you dismiss it from your mind and think no more about it. You wouldn't doubt his ability to do so; nor
would you doubt his willingness to do so. You would instinctively know that the errand would be done.
You can give your Creative Mind instructions with the same carefree certainty.
Suppose you needed a large sum of money for some project, or to meet an obligation. You could hold a thought such as: I will be guided in thought and action toward the solution of my problem. It will be easy - and fun - to get the amount of money needed.
Two specific things would happen - quickly.
You would lose the feeling of doubt as to whether or not you could obtain the money. There would be a feeling of assurance
that within a short period of time, the needed money would be available.
Thoughts would begin flowing into your conscious mind not only telling you what to do to get the money, but actually inspiring
you to take immediate steps to obtain it.
Here again I must repeat a statement made before: Your Creative Mind works best when your conscious mind is either in abeyance (asleep) or pleasantly occupied.
The Chairman of the Board of one of this country's largest corporations once said: "I can't possibly do all of the work coming
to me in twelve months of the year - but I can in ten months."
This man knew something about the operation of the Creative Mind; he realized that it worked best while the conscious mind
was either in abeyance, or pleasantly occupied. He would take frequent cruises on his yacht. Before leaving he would instruct
his Creative Mind as to its duties during his sail. He would take the problem or problems and would suggest that while he
was pleasantly occupied as a mariner, his Creative Mind would find the answers for him.
Invariably, upon his return to his desk, all he would have to do would be to put into force those ideas flowing into his consciousness.
When the palatial yacht of the late J. P. Morgan was completed and ready for its trial cruise, I was invited to go aboard.
It was my good fortune to have Mr. Morgan take me on an inspection tour throughout the boat. In his personal cabin, I observed
a specially constructed card table. The top of the table was counterbalanced so that it would remain stationary, no matter
how the ship might roll.
J. P. Morgan told me that whenever he had to make a decision, and the thought would not come to him as to the right decision
to make, he would put the problem entirely out of his mind by getting a deck of cards and playing solitaire for an hour. After
finishing the game, he told me, the right decision to make would be crystal clear in his mind.
Whether Mr. Morgan realized it or not, he was putting his Creative Mind to work for him. While he played cards, his Creative
Mind, with its reasoning faculties, would consider his problem, calmly working out the logical solution.
Robert Updegraff, in his book, Putting Your Subconscious Mind to Work for You, said:
It is not so much a lack of Brain Power or of business capacity or acumen that keeps men from progressing faster toward their
objectives, and toward a solid position in the world. It is rather, because they take only half a mind into business with
them. The result is - that they work their conscious mind too hard - too many hours of the day - and too many days of the
year. We feel virtuous, because we work so hard and so conscientiously that we are tired, whereas we should feel ashamed that
we work so hard - and make so little progress - and we are weary of mind.
Mr. Updegraff meant by "half a mind" that we attempt to do all of our work consciously without taking advantage of the tremendous reservoir of power at our command in the Creative Mind.
From this moment onward you should begin forming the habit of putting the Creative Mind to work for you. This servant is on the job twenty-four hours every day. As you learn to use that great force, that endless source of
intelligence at your disposal, you will find that, consciously, you have more time for recreation and enjoyment.
Have you ever observed that those people who accomplish the most are the ones who seem to work the least?
The President of the United States will usually take several vacation periods each year, and we all know the vast amount of
work resting on the shoulders of the chief executive.
Heads of large organizations will, as a rule, take at least two vacations each year; yet we know the responsibilities they
Let me crystallize the dominant idea in this chapter: The Creative Mind does its best work while the conscious mind is either in abeyance or pleasantly occupied.
This gives you the happy news that to be successful, it is really essential that you take more time for enjoyable diversion,
instead of working harder - and longer. This is possible by utilizing the forces of the Creative Mind to do your constructive
thinking and planning, while your conscious mind puts into action the results from the efforts of your Creative Mind.
"If I work my Creative Mind twenty-four hours each day, won't I always be mentally tired?" you might ask. No! Right now your
Creative Mind is working twenty-four hours each day. If it is not being directed into positive, constructive channels through
constructive thinking, it will be working against you by obeying negative thoughts.
There are two important points I would like to emphasize at this time:
Your Creative Mind, if permitted to, will direct you in your
work, making it better, easier to perform, and far more pleasant.
You can, at will, direct your Creative Mind to assist you in
the solving of problems; to help you make the right decisions; to
create ways and means of great achievement.
At this point, I suggest that before proceeding, you lay the book aside for a few moments and think about the things you have
already learned. If, by chance, you have found yourself growing tense through the emotional excitement these thoughts might
have stirred within you, relax. In the pages to follow you will be given a routine enabling you to begin to live according to these principles, and it is
important that you approach them under ideal conditions.
In a previous chapter you were told that you do not become proficient in any work until after your Creative Mind takes over.
Now you will learn how you can help your Creative Mind to help you.
Know that your Creative Mind is occupied every hour of the
day; and that it is working for or against you.
Know that your Creative Mind is working for you because you
hold nothing but positive, constructive thoughts.
Be specific in the instructions you give to your Creative Mind.
If it is better health you want, know that your Creative Mind is
directing the glands and organs of your body to bring you better
health, and that thoughts will come into your consciousness directing you to do the things necessary to promote better health.
If you
desire further advancement in your work, know that your Creative
Mind will direct you to take the steps necessary to assure advancement. If problems stand between you and your happiness,
that your Creative Mind, with its reasoning faculties, will provide
a practical solution for you. Know that your Creative Mind stands
ready, able and willing to assist you in any way you may desire.
Free your mind from worry. As you now know, your Creative
Mind is the seat of intelligence. If you have been thoughtful as you
read these pages, you will know that the maximum amount of
intelligence which one may have - consciously - is nothing at all
compared to the amount we all have in our Creative Minds. Worry
prevents you from doing the things which would provide the means
to prevent the worry! This is literally true. To worry is to doubt
the intelligence and power of your Creative Mind. "How can I keep from worrying when I have so many troubles?" you may ask.
The answer to this question is simple indeed. Worrying will not help the problem in the least. It will make it worse. Instead
of worrying - take the time which you might use for worry and devote it constructively to working out ways and means of overcoming the problem.
Have faith. Make certain you are not merely wishing for better conditions through your Creative Mind. Sense the feeling of self-mastery which comes when you fully understand the truth of the statement made earlier, to the effect that the conscious mind is the master - the Creative Mind the Servant.
A worried little woman once came to me for counsel regarding her problems. She could not get along with her husband. She received
practically no money for clothing, and had no chance to earn money, because of the time required to care for her children.
She definitely felt that my teachings were for the other fellow - not for her. She considered her case hopeless. She was emphatic
in saying that she could find no time to study for self-improvement.
I told her that the answers to her problems were contained in her Creative Mind, and that if she would have faith in it, she
would find happiness. My talk of an hour or more seemed to make no impression on her, so set was she in her own opinions.
But, six months later, she came back to me, and she had changed so amazingly that I did not recognize her. She had difficulty
in making me remember the sorrowful creature she had been on her first visit to me.
This woman did accept the thought that her Creative Mind held the answers to her problems; so she proved it by giving her Creative Mind an
opportunity to solve them. She started by knowing that her Creative Mind would guide her to do the necessary things to enable her to find harmony with her husband. She began
to visualize a fine wardrobe, and knew she would obtain it. She knew that the problem of rearing her children would cease to be a problem.
This woman related - with marked enthusiasm - that her married life was now ideal. She had plenty of fine garments in her
wardrobe, and her children were now a joy instead of a care. And, that was not all. With her blessings and freedom from worry,
she began to feel - and look - far younger than she had before.
If I had cited this case earlier in this book, it could have appeared too good to be true; but with what you have learned
so far, the results obtained by this woman are only normal and to be expected, by those who make use of the Creative Mind.
We can now focus the knowledge gained so far in this chapter on its title: Grow Rich - in All Things - While You Sleep.
Five rules are given here for you to follow in gaining full and satisfying cooperation from your Creative Mind.
Before retiring, relax thoroughly - both mentally and
Think of your problem. Think it through - but do not
fear it. If you were to give a job to another person, you would
have to explain what you wanted done. This is true with your
Creative Mind. You are about to give it a special assignment,
so it is necessary that you have clearly in mind just what it is
you desire from your Creative Mind. Do not fear it, because you
will be turning it over to an intelligence far greater than the
intelligence of your conscious mind.
Gain a Success Attitude. If you have developed faith in
your Creative Mind, it will be easy to have a success attitude.
You will know that it is able, ready and willing to serve you.
After you have gone this far, remove all thoughts of the
problem from your conscious mind, knowing that the solution
will be forthcoming at the right time.
Let's say, for example, that you have an important appointment at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, at which time you must make
a momentous decision. You are calling upon your Creative Mind this evening to help you to make the right decision. After you
have progressed through the routine given above, merely turn the whole thing over to your Creative Mind - knowing that before ten o'clock tomorrow you will have the answer.
You'll be amazed to find what will happen. Tomorrow morning you will awaken and find thoughts coming into your consciousness
as to what you should do, and with this knowledge will be the reasons why you should take such a step - or why you should avoid it. The succession of ideas will be so logical you will not be able
to doubt it.
What you have read in this chapter is priceless. Make it a part of your consciousness by rereading it before taking up the
next chapter. Will you - please?