Energy Unlimited
Building Energy And Battling Stress

Do you feel like you have too big a work load and piles and piles of paper are always on top of your desk? Do you feel that
there are so many things to do yet you have little time to do them? Are you having trouble meeting the deadline in school
and at work? Are you disturbed by unexpected circumstances and situations which ruin your schedule? Everyone experiences all
of these things at one time or another, and they can be summarized in just one word: stress.
Stress is basically a pressure on the human body to elicit a response to a given situation. When we respond positively to
a situation, the result could be positive emotions, such as excitement and encouragement.
But to most people, the word “stress” evokes a negative situation where the flight or fight reaction is triggered, accompanied
by the release of hormones in our body, which cause us to have negative feelings, such as anxiety, nervousness and confusion.
When the stressful situation lasts over a long period of time, the stress becomes chronic, and this can eventually lead to
burn-out, discouragement, frustration, and all kinds of emotional baggage. But the bottom line is that stress drains your
There are many sources of stress which could drain our energy, such as being stressed out or pressured too much in a certain
relationship, family conflicts or the passing away of a family member or a loved one, ongoing schedules with your career and
with work, and not having enough time to relax and to rejuvenate, and always being on the move.
But stress can bring out either a positive or a negative response in our feelings. An example of positive stress is if you
have a test for tomorrow, the stress that you feel today might bring you the needed energy to study and cram for the test
with encouragement and excitement. But you could also react in a negative way to the same stressor, which could propel you
to actually do the opposite – you could have the tendency to lose concentration and not focus on your studies. In effect,
it’s the way you respond to the things around you that makes you stressed out or makes you relaxed.
Stress is similar to muscle tension, in that what you need is balance – not too much and not too little. If you don’t have
enough stimulation in your life, you will soon feel bored and wonder whether your life has any meaning. But add a dollop too
much, and then you might go into feelings of overwhelm and loss of control. Both situations will leave you feeling listless
and dissatisfied.
But the point of balance is very different depending on the individual. Some people get excited just wondering what they’re
going to have for dinner tonight or which TV program they ought to watch. Others think there’s nothing better than a good
car race or an afternoon of bungee jumping to make them feel satisfied with their day. The important thing is to learn, by
trial and error, what level of stimulation you feel comfortable with, and then how to maintain a level that is comfortable
and feels right for you.
So what do you do about it when you are stressed out and when you feel your energy is being sapped? How do you bring back
the unlimited energy needed to keep you on the go?
Below are three ways in which to battle stress and to bring out the unlimited energy within you – the scientific approach,
the holistic approach and the practical approach.
Let us discuss each one of them.
The scientific way: Here are a couple of practical tips for you to battle stress and give you unlimited energy all day long.
Massage therapy. Hospitals are now incorporating massage therapy programs into their system to relieve stress and to bring
back the energy needed to revitalize a person. Statistics have shown that 71 percent of massage therapy is being utilized
for stress management, while 67 percent is used for pain management. Massage has been shown to be quite effective in boosting
the human body’s energy system and easing pain in any part of the body.
Meditation. In meditation, you are able to quiet your thoughts – especially negative ones – coming into your head. These thoughts
are filled with everyday unexpected circumstances, decision-making, stress and judgments. In addition, meditation can go deep
into your subconscious. When you are able to tap into your subconscious, you may able to bring out the energy within you to
have that positive glow that you need every day.
Treatment through acupuncture. Acupuncture is known for its ability to treat a patient by having needles stuck in some points
of the body to relieve a person of stress, and anxiety. But more than that, acupuncture aids the patient in opening up the
blockage of the energy flow found within the body. This way, energy flows easily all throughout every system of the body to
strengthen the weak parts and to balance the energy of the body.
There are also other techniques to boost your energy and to bring back the fire and the passion to meet your responsibilities
to your family, with your career, in school and with your relationships.
The holistic approach: Here are a couple of ways to battle stress through sessions with a professional. This is also called
Holistic Stress Management.
CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). This method is applied by looking at a huge problem and by breaking it into smaller pieces.
Doing this will change the way you think, feel and behave, because as you find solutions to each small part of the problem,
you come to realize that you are capable of handling the whole problem, and it will no longer cause you stress. This boosts
the energy that is waiting to emerge from within you.
Time management. This is quite important because when you can manage your time effectively, you manage your workload well
and then you are able to minimize the stress that you feel. When stress is released or diminished, what else to replace it
with other than energy? And unlimited energy at that, which makes you active and agile throughout your day.
Assertiveness Training. Assertiveness training is basically learning how to stand up to people who may be asking too much
of you or taking advantage of you in some way, so that you can say “no” in a particular situation, thus avoiding the stress
that would come from saying “yes” and regretting it later because you had let yourself be too overburdened with work. In this
kind of training, you learn to express yourself in a mild and calm manner, thus also reducing the stress of a confrontation,
and making available the energy you need to face all of these situations head on.
Journaling. Keeping a journal in your home and writing down the things that caused you stress during the day also relieves
you of that stress. You can also write down how you were able to respond to that particular situation and the people involved,
as well as your solutions and how to approach it when it crops up again.
The practical method: Here are a couple of ways to battle stress at your own pace, in your own time and to give unlimited
energy to your body.
Visualization. Try to visualize yourself in an environment where there are no problems and only you and the environment exists.
This will calm and relax you and might even give you the peace of mind that you need. This will help bring back the unlimited
energy needed to boost your life.
Physical Postures. Posture is indeed beneficial in conserving energy in your life. An incorrect way of standing or sitting
can cause fatigue and drain your energy without your even realizing it, especially if your bad posture is habitual. Both the
Feldenkreis method and the Alexander Technique help people to straighten their posture.
Posture is also a circular type of thing, where we take on a bent-over posture when we feel tired, defeated or unworthy, but
at the same time, taking on this type of posture tells that we are tired, defeated or unworthy. So if we make an effort to
change our posture even though we have these feelings, it can help us to get over those same feelings, because our body is
sending us signals of being in control, confident and full of energy, and if we can keep it up long enough (and it’s not that
easy) we eventually manage to change our attitude to a more positive one.
Challenge. Embrace challenge and welcome it with open arms. Try to visualize the challenges that you face each day and also
visualize the solutions that you need to overcome them. This way, when you are faced with a similar circumstance, you will
know what to do. When thinking of a situation as a challenge, it gives you unlimited energy.
Benefits of stress
How astoundingly good do you feel when you are able to relieve yourself of all that stress, and, in turn, tap into unlimited
energy? Getting rid of stress is close to impossible since every one of us experiences it now and then but managing stress
is a different story.
When we are able to manage stress positively, there are benefits that are attached to it, and the most obvious is that it
brings back the vitality and the energy needed to continue working, needed to continue studying, needed to continue living.
There are also other positive emotions that go along with managing stress, such as embracing any situation that comes along
the way with positive thoughts, having the vigor to face life with unlimited energy, and having the ability to clarify your