Have you ever heard of this old adage, “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” Well, let me rephrase this a little bit. What if we change some of those words to come out with a saying like this one: “Tell me what you have in your mind and I’ll tell you who you are.” Do you think this saying could be true? Do you think that the mind can really have an adverse effect on who you are and what it does to your physical self? There have been numerous stories supporting this claim – from the mild to the ridiculous to even dangerous situations. Here is an example: An individual who is so engrossed in reading suspense and mystery novels could develop a negative attitude in life because of the books he is reading. This is the same as those people who also play violent video games, and watch disturbing news on television. And then there are those people who take what they watch, read or play to extremes. An episode of CSI: Las Vegas a couple of seasons ago shows a group of young men and women who immortalized the video games they were horridly into by doing exactly what they had played: earning points by gunning down a couple of people without any reason at all. And then there was the most recent incident that happened at Virginia Tech in the US. A loner and an avid violent video game player killed some of his teachers and students and wounded a couple of others at their state school. This brought about countless and numerous emotions, obviously negative ones, from the victims and from their relatives. But let us not forget the emotions that can be brought out from positive experiences as well. Whether you are filled with joy, happiness, or excitement, these can also have a direct or an indirect correlation with the activities that you do. A joyful person is a person who looks at a glass half full rather than half empty. In relation to the mind, do all of these have anything to do with unlimited energy? Does the mind have something to do with how energy is released from the body? With exercise and other relaxation techniques, it’s quite obvious and is even directly related. But in connection with the mind, how is this possible? If you’re angry with the character in the story you are reading and then you take it into action, does this bring out unlimited energy in you? If so, what kind of energy and does it help you or not? If the violent video game influenced you so much and you do want to imitate what you have just played, what kind of energy does it bring out of you? If you are in a joyful or happy mood and you want to share that joy with others, how is unlimited energy connected with this? Can energy, then, stimulate or enhances the brain to bring out the best, or the worst in you? This chapter tackles these questions and more as it delves into how unlimited energy that is stored in the body comes out through the emotions that you feel almost every day – whether it be a positive or a negative one. Positive versus Negative Thinking Let us first discuss how positive thinking affects energy in our lives. There is this thought that was formulated called, “Kabala,” which literally means “to receive.” Kabalists, or the people who are involved with this concept, believe that since every one of us receives everything in the world – from air, water, love, food, and money – it is in our nature to receive and to give. But Kabalists believe that there is a right order and a right way for those involved to do this because everything that we receive in this world is made up of energy. Everything that we eat, everything that we feel, the positive emotions, such as love, giving and receiving, can all be harnessed into the universe and therefore bring out a positive energy within each of us. This can only be accomplished by a desire to receive this energy into the self and the desire to share this energy with others. When you shift the focus of energy from yourself onto others, you create a positive charge of energy. Since Kabalists believe that this energy is indeed in a perfect working balance in the universe, this energy will eventually come back to you – in a similar positive manner. The only way that this energy can come back to you is to restrict this energy so that you may share it with others. This, in turn, will create positive energy in a number of ways, such as building up positive wealth, conferring the power to heal or giving you the desire to accomplish what you want. But the question remains as to how to restrict this flow of energy so that you can share it with others. In the concept of Kabala, true sharing is mainly restricting the flow of energy that comes to you. Simply, you do this by changing your mindset or the way you think, by training yourself to think positive thoughts, to have a desire not just to receive but to give as well because when you give more, you receive something better in return. When you say to yourself something like this, “If I make lots of money this year, I will give it to the poor, I will donate it to the church, I will donate it to charity or will donate it to the nearest poor hospital for sick children,” then you are channeling your energy into a positive direction – by giving up something that you have because you are doing good for others. You are helping sick children get well, or you are helping those who are in most need of your help. But at the same time, if you are feeling a lack of emotions and doing nothing about it, then you could even stimulate and highlight the pain and the anguish that another person is feeling because you are using negative energy. If we learn to channel all our positive energies in our brain to do something good or to help someone in need, then our real desire for wealth, and for happiness are right there in front of our noses. There is, of course, the channeling of negative energy into our bodies. If you donate to charity, for example, just so you can have your picture taken for a local newspaper or you donate to charity because there is a reward that you’ll be receiving or that you’ll be congratulated by a known politician because of the things than you have done for the sick children, then the flow of energy stops there. So, in other words, we all need to tap the positive energy within each one of us because it gives us something much better when we share or when we receive with the right motivation. To gain unlimited energy, our minds must be filled with positive thoughts, with positive motivation and with the purpose or intent of giving something without expecting anything in return because something much better is waiting for us on the other side. Kabala can work in your life – through the act of being generous and through other good deeds that you do in everyday life. Depression, Anxiety and Panic Attacks All of us, in one way or another, experience depression and anxiety, or sometimes panic attacks, especially when dealing with circumstances or struggles beyond our control. It seems as if these negative emotions are interconnected with each other, and they truly are. But in some cases, they differ in terms of their symptoms. However, these emotions bring out unlimited energy within each one of us – energy that is stored and willing to get out, be it in a positive or a negative way. Let us analyze each of these negative emotions one by one. Depression is defined as an expression wherein a person experiences a mild or severe case of loneliness, with feelings of being unloved and unwanted. Symptoms of depression are usually withdrawal, difficulty eating or sleeping, and inability to do the things one used to like to do. Some depressed people also have suicidal tendencies. When a person is depressed, his thoughts are distinctly negative. So how can a person with a mild or severe case of depression bring out the positive energy in himself so that all of these negative emotions will not get the upper hand? Think about this, when you have energy or the lack of it, it influences a lot of things such as your mood, your temper, your attitude or your behavior. When you have energy abundantly, you are very alert and productive and eager to do the things that you like to do. But for a person with severe depression, bringing out the unlimited energy is as difficult as walking on water. But there’s still a lot of hope for depressive people. They still can bring out the unlimited energy stored inside so that they may able to bring back their enthusiasm for life. Here are five processes that help to give you unlimited energy and happiness.
Anxiety and panic attacks are quite similar in the sense that they offer the same symptoms to an individual. The only difference is the cause that brings out these anxiety and panic attacks. To bring out the unlimited energy stored inside the human body, there are several cures to get rid of panic attacks and anxiety. One of them is called EFT or the Emotional Freedom Techniques. Take note of the word freedom. It connotes a lot of things, and one of them is freedom from panic attacks and anxiety and giving unlimited energy in the body to restore that same glow you used to have before, and to be energetic at all times, no matter if there is a discrepancy in your schedule or something unexpected crops up. To some people, these are just some of the symptoms of panic attacks and anxiety. They are already used to a routine and when a friend unexpectedly drops by for a visit, a presentation at work is suddenly put on your lap or a meeting you head blows up in your face, then panic attacks and anxiety may not be far behind. This method was developed because it was believed that all the negative emotions in the body are an interruption in the body's energy system, and therefore, obscures the energy stored in the body. This process is quite similar to acupuncture except that it doesn’t use needles to cure. Instead, the process involves stimulating energy meridian points on the body by tapping on them with fingertips. In addition, EFT also taps the additional source of unlimited energy in the body. This technique could actually eliminate feelings of stress and anxiety in the person. Repressed Emotions While depression and anxiety are rather straightforward reactions to difficult life situations, sometimes people cannot even look at their problem or admit that it exists. And so they go into denial and repress their negative emotions altogether. Pushing the problem into the back of their mind gives a certain sense of relief and reduction of stress, but only in the short run. The problem does not really go away, and at some level, they know it. In fact, they must always struggle to keep denying the problem and to keep it from popping back up to the surface of their consciousness. This demands a huge effort, but since it is an unconscious reaction, the person is not aware of the effort and of the huge expenditure of energy they are constantly putting out. Even though they do not show symptoms of depression, and will insist that everything is fine, thank you, they may complain of fatigue, or of being overworked, or of how exhausting the children are, or just feel that life is a struggle. And in fact, for them, it is, but they don't know the deeper issues that cause them to have that feeling. This can go on for years, and often the only way for them to get out this quandary is to have some kind of crisis where they are no longer able to maintain their defenses and are obliged to look under the cover and face the thing (or things) they have been running away from. If you suspect that something is lurking in your subconscious, remember that shadows are often much bigger and scarier than reality, and look for a good therapist who can gently help you to confront your hidden issues. Once they are finally laid to rest, you'll be surprised at how much energy you suddenly have! Undiagnosed Illnesses In the following section we will be talking about the “mind” side of the mind-body connection, but don't forget that the “body” side of the question may reveal hidden physical issues that could be draining your energy and need to be addressed. So besides delving into your psyche for hidden psychological factors, if you are suffering from fatigue and never seem to have the energy you need, you should get a thorough medical checkup. If you get a clean bill of health, great! Then you can start applying the methods in this book. And if your doctor does find a problem, you can still benefit from these methods in addition to the appropriate medical treatment. If you feel that there is something physical that the medical profession has not detected, then you're going to have to do some research on your own. There are a number of things that can sap your energy that traditional allopathic medicine does not always diagnose. These include chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia, but also parasites, such as candida or pin worms. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also play havoc with your energy level, and may need to be added to a good nutrition program for optimum results. Mind and Body As said earlier in the first few paragraphs of this chapter, there is either a direct or indirect correlation between the mind and the body. Whatever the mind thinks, the body will follow and this is great if the mind thinks positive thoughts! But what if the mind thinks otherwise? What if negative thoughts hound the mind? Now this creates a problem, for when the mind thinks negative thoughts, it is likely to deplete the energy stored in the body. How does that work? Just like depression, panic and anxiety attacks, which are all negative emotions, the person who experiences all of these things will have less physical energy because they are only focusing on the negative thoughts in their minds. To bring out the unlimited energy stored in the body, there is only one thing to do, and it’s quite simple. Since the mind does great things to the body, think of great things too, think of positive thoughts, and in this way, your mind will dictate to your body what you should do for that day – with all those positive energies. Aside from thinking positive thought, here are some additional practical tips to get positive energies into your mind, so that it will bring unlimited energy into your life, and wire your brain to thinking positive thoughts to bring out the energy within you.
In summary, your mind needs only one thing to bring out all that unlimited energy stored up inside of it. Just like what Robin Williams said in the movie “Hook”, “Think positive thoughts.” And it will do wonders for your energy. |