Energy Unlimited
Exercise Programs

A visit to the gym gives you suggestions and ideas on how to get trim, get into shape and bring your energy a notch higher.
You will find machines such as the treadmill, the dumbbells and the stair lifter, as well as instructors of impressive muscular
build; to some people, they are an encouraging sight because who wouldn’t want to look like them? These people could definitely
lift you up on one shoulder in an instant and could protect you from muggers with just a blow.
It is generally thought that if you are of athletic build or in shape with six-pack abs, then you are definitely filled with
energy. In some cases, yes, this is true; people who have been exercising a lot, not only in the gym but in their own homes,
are usually filled with unlimited energy – they could climb a flight of stairs in a few seconds, work twelve hours a day without
even feeling a little bit tired and still have the energy to attend to the needs of their family.
What is basically the secret of someone with unlimited energy? Can the gym really make a person rejuvenated and energized
the whole day? Or is there some kind of technique that is quite hidden from the masses that would make a person feel almost
In some cases, going to the gym or running a marathon does indeed help. This is part of engaging in an exercise regimen not
only to strengthen your stamina and give you lots of energy to fulfill the day but to build you up gradually to sustain you
and your workload. Some specific benefits of exercise are that it lowers high blood pressure, helps burn fat, boosts the immune
system and can improve the mood and reduce the chance of depression.
Generally speaking, when you are in great shape and have lots of energy in a particular situation, the greater your chances
are of keeping a healthy body.
To give you unlimited energy, there are actually several things to help you to be at your prime – without lifting too much
weight. In fact, just staying at home and doing a couple of breathing exercises can make a difference for you.
Here are a couple of ways to get your body and your energy rolling, so to speak.
One type of exercise that is even implemented in the gyms nowadays is yoga. When you think of yoga, different images may
come to mind, such as people in obscure postures or people breathing in rhythmic movements.
There are actually different kinds of yoga, and all of them have different functions that can enhance and vitalize the human
But aside from yoga being a form of exercise that could even cure various kinds of illnesses, there is really more to yoga
than meets the eye. It is a form of exercise which not only minimizes negative feelings such as jealousy and frustration,
but also develops unlimited energy and becomes a source of power.
Let us study one kind of yoga, which gives you unlimited energy.
One of these kinds of yoga is called the Kundalini Yoga, which is also called the “Yoga of Awareness”, and there is actually
reason behind this. There is a hidden or coiled up energy found at the base of the spine when a person is in a sleeping position,
and this awakens the energy hidden underneath it. In a nutshell, this type of yoga focuses on the nervous system only and
this is where all the energy is coiled up and needs to be opened in order to release all that unlimited energy.
There are seven chakras located in the body. This kind of yoga entails different positions and various breathing exercises.
The way it works is that it stimulates the energy of the body from the lower chakra to the upper chakra. The chakras have
essentially seven energy levels, beginning at the bottom of the spine and ending at the top of your head. There is actually
an eighth chakra, which can also be called the “aura” of a person. It is believed that the energy found in the spinal cord
usually awakens and stimulates the nerve cells that are related to this eighth chakra.
When the potential energies are awakened in the body and enhance the higher centers, then creative potential, mental clarity
and improved nutrition result.
The underlying principle in this type of yoga is that it is the understanding of the “pranotthana” which means an “intensified
life energy.” Kundalini, from the name of the yoga, means “the curl of the lock of hair of the beloved” – a fancy way of describing
the flow of energy in a person’s body.
Deep Breathing
Yoga, of course, puts great emphasis on breathing and has several breathing techniques of its own.
But even if you don’t practice yoga or a specific technique that incorporates breathing techniques, you’ll still get more
energy by breathing deeply. The problem is that when we are stressed, our breathing becomes shallow. Could that be a remainder
from our ancestors in the jungle who held their breath to escape notice from a marauding saber-tooth tiger? Or perhaps a way
of saying “Stop the world; I want to get off!” when things are going badly in our lives. In any case, depriving ourselves
of needed oxygen at such times can lead us into a downward spiral. Just at the moment when we need more energy to face and handle our problems, we find ourselves with less energy than we had before, and this state of affairs can lead us to discouragement and a feeling of hopelessness.
The advantage of deep breathing for people who are in this state of mind is that it doesn’t take any equipment or advance
preparation or huge output of effort. You just decide to breathe a bit deeper than usual, and you can start by taking some
deep but easy breaths. And then a few more, and then go on from there. You’re already breathing anyway; you might as well
add a bit more air each time. There’s nothing difficult about it at all.
And if it does feel difficult, then there may be deeper issues that need to be addressed, such as feelings of not deserving
to live a healthy life, or a lack of desire to live, or any number of other emotional issues.
The channeled flow of unlimited energy makes this type of exercise different from the rest. Joseph Pilates incorporated
the involvement of the mind into the practice of physical exercises. In his method, he insisted on the need to control the
body movements with the mind.
The uniqueness of this kind of exercise, which is now gaining in popularity all over the world, is the correlation between
the mind and the body, and that it not only lengthens the muscles of the body but also seeks to stabilize and support the
spine, much like yoga. Pilates was actually developed to improve the health of every aspect of the body – a healthy mind,
a healthy body and a healthy life, which gives unlimited energy to the person engaged in this type of activity.
The objective of Pilates is more than the usual enhancement of strength, agility and balance – it produces efficient workout
techniques that make energy unlimited to an individual. And just like yoga, Pilates also uses breathing exercises, not only
to stimulate the body but to improve the mind and increase energy as well. But unlike yoga, Pilates focuses more on the movements
than on the poses. Pilates also puts emphasis on the lengthening of muscles while strengthening them and helping bones move
efficiently and smoothly.
With Pilates, flexibility, good posture, joint release, as well as strength, all contribute to the energy that is needed
for everyday action, since it doesn’t only develop force and power, it gives the individual a sense of free movement through
the different technique it uses.
In Pilates, the benefits are endless, and involve all the activities that you do every day, giving you unlimited energy.
The fundamentals of Pilates, such as the breathing exercises, the right posture, and the movements can actually be applied
while driving, cleaning, weight lifting, running, hiking, walking, dancing, relaxing, sports, and even standing or sitting.
The list is infinite and Pilates can be the basis in anything that you choose to do.