Discover And Unleash Your Power
Magical Tip #2: Be Specific

“I don't care how much power, brilliance or energy you have, if you don't harness it and focus it on a specific target, and
hold it there you’re never going to accomplish as much as your ability warrants.” - Zig Ziglar
When a sorcerer casts a spell, he has a very specific outcome in mind. And he has very particular words for it to happen.
To release balls of fire, for example, a sorcerer uses specific spell words with the exact intention of creating the fire
as he wants it to look.
You would not see a sorcerer floundering and calling out vague words that would pass for a spell. For those who even change
a syllable of the spell word, the consequences can be disastrous, achieving an entirely different result.
Like a sorcerer, you have to be very specific with the thoughts you want realized. If you are not specific, you might not
get it. Or, you might get it but not really get it – meaning, the outcome is not as good as you wanted it to be. Or in some cases, the outcome may not really be good
at all. The cliché “Be careful what you wish for” is actually true.
One joke is a good illustrative example of the last point:
A man rubbed a lamp and a genie appeared.
“Your wish is my command,” the genie said. “What is your wish?”
“I want to be irresistible to women!” the man exclaimed.
“Wish granted.”
Poof! The man turned into a Visa credit card.
So, how specific should you be with what you want? As specific as you can get!
The way to make a dream specific is to turn it into a goal. A goal is a dream in detail, with a deadline. You have your list
from the magic wand exercise – it is now time to make these items specific. To illustrate the difference between a dream and
a goal, see the sample statements below:
1. I will move into my new white two-storey house with six bedrooms, a pool, a library, and a tennis court at [location] by
March 30, 2009.
See how specific goals are? Setting definite deadlines is particularly important – not only does it let you take responsibility
and gives you a sense of urgency – not to mention excitement – it also gives more power to your thoughts. How, you may ask?
Compare a goal that has a deadline with a goal that does not have one. Often the goal with no deadline gets stuck in the “someday”
part of a person’s mind. And sometimes – or most of the time – that “someday” never comes.
So, take out your magic wand list and start clarifying your dreams into goals. Some items may be easy to clarify, while others
may take longer as they may require research.
Going back to the sample statement on the job above, notice how very specific it was phrased when it was considered as a goal
– it already had a particular company and salary. Before arriving at that goal, though, the person had to first find out what
their dream company was and determine their ideal salary.
In many major, life-changing goals, you need to do research first to determine what you really want. To get your dream house,
for example, you should know in detail what it would look like and determine its ideal location.
The idea of doing research may look like a lot of work and can even appear boring at first for some, but you have to do it
in order to set clear, specific goals.
If it really feels like a burden doing research, you may have to go back to the question, “Do I really, really want this?” Maybe you are not as passionate about your dream as you originally thought.
If you are really passionate, though, researching may not appear much of a chore but a process you may actually enjoy. If
it still feels like a bit of a burden even though you know you would really like to achieve your dream, think of researching
as shopping. You are given an array of choices – be it of fruits, vegetables, sweets, clothes – and you just have to choose
the one you like best from each group.
In the same manner that you are setting specific goals, set goals for specific areas in your life as well - relationships,
career, money, spiritual life and leisure. Do not be afraid to turn your seemingly impossible dreams into goals. Remember
that you have the mind power to achieve that, as you will find out later.
A note of caution, by the way – at this point where you are setting goals, do not think about how you are going to reach them.
Doing so might even distract you and get you so stuck on the how that you would not be able to see the end result. Just concentrate
on making your desired outcome as clear and specific as possible in your mind.
Once you have written your goals down, you can now read them aloud. Declare them, the way a sorcerer shouts a spell. Feel the power coming from your words. Do you sense a sudden shift in your energy
or your perspective?
You can also declare your goals in the presence of a close friend. Notice how you feel at that moment. Do you not feel power
and a certainty that your goal will materialize now that you have declared it to another person?
Now that you have the power of passion and clarity in your thoughts, you will learn about a magical tip that will further
intensify your mind power and accelerate your progress in realizing your dreams.