Discover And Unleash Your Power
Go For It!

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on
your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who'll decide where to go.” - Dr. Seuss
So now that you know what you should do, what are you waiting for? Go use that mind power you are now aware of and make your
dreams come true! Apply the magical tips you learned!
If you are not that confident yet or if you would like to put the magical tips here to the test first, you can start small.
For example, you may visualize seeing and talking with a particular person. Or eating a particular food. Or hailing a cab,
especially in areas with many people waiting for one. Put the magic to the test – and marvel at the results.
For as long as you are clear and specific with an image in your mind and with all the faith in your heart, you will get what
you asked for.
And in case you do not get it the first time you asked, do not be discouraged. Try and try again! Mind power can be compared
with a special skill like playing an instrument or taking up a course in college. You learn it. And you need to practice it as often as you can to really get it.
In case what you want does not materialize, you can ask yourself, based on the earlier magical tips, what exactly is stopping
you from achieving your goal. Review your thoughts and feelings at the time you set your goal and visualized it. Did you have
any doubts, even the slightest, that it will happen? Did you fear that you were not going to get it? Or even – are you afraid
of possible negative consequences once you achieve your goal? Concentrate and try to get to the root.
Be sensitive to your feelings. If you feel anything negative after setting a goal, ask yourself why. If you identify the
reason, you can face it head-on. If it is just doubt, guilt or any of the blocks mentioned previously, just review your affirmations
and do the exercises in the magical tips.
To help you master your mind power, keep a notebook where you write each time you succeed in applying it. No matter how big
or small, record each success you have in your notebook. It will give you assurance that indeed your mind power does work
especially when you feel low in energy or are suddenly doubtful.
And remember, the universe is a very huge, very potent and very giving source of power. Trust that even the smallest effort on your part can generate massive results because you are riding on the
power of the universe.