Discover And Unleash Your Power
Magical Tip #9: Give

“In helping others, we shall help ourselves, for whatever good we give out completes the circle and comes back to us.” - Flora Edwards
Some sorcerers and people practicing magic give offerings to nature. This is their way of thanking the universe, or a way
of requesting support.
Remember that the universe is power, energy. When you give, you send out energy and the empty space in you where the energy
had been will be replaced by the same - or even greater - energy. This space keeps you open for receiving from the universe.
The nature of energy - and consequently, power from energy - is to flow. So letting energy flow from you will leave space
for energy to flow into you. But if you refuse to give and hoard all the good things that come your way, the energy will get stuck in you and there
will be no room for you to receive more!
So, whenever something good comes to your life, give back to the universe, particularly to other people - to loved ones,
to other people you know, to strangers…. It does not have to be material things but it can be appreciation or support or simply
your time.
Giving also keeps you in a positive frame of mind and can give you a sudden burst of energy - who does not feel good after
giving willingly? This positive state will enable more good things to come to you. Again, remember that positive thoughts
and feelings are good, so through your mind power, you will experience more good.
Here are some ways you can give:
1. Give appreciation. Find a way to thank and show your appreciation to the people you encounter everyday - your family, friends, co-workers and
even strangers. Acknowledge the good they give or do for you. Sometimes just a simple but sincere “thank you” is enough, especially
to the security guard opening doors for you or the salesperson standing on their feet all day. Make it a point to thank and
show appreciation to every person who does something for you. You might just be the only person to thank them during that
whole day. Not only will you give them a lift, you will get one as well.
Even when there is no occasion, you can show your appreciation to your family and friends by writing them a note or giving
them a small gift. For your family, especially, you can show more affection through your words - or simply give more hugs
than usual! Be creative! Find more ways to show them how much you appreciate them.
2. Give your time. Time is arguably the most valuable commodity and some say time is money. To some, giving time is even more difficult than giving money. So to give someone your time freely, without expecting anything in return, is a generous gift.
Spend more time with your family and friends. If you are a parent, take more time to listen to your child. Take more time
to listen to your friends. Avoid looking unapproachable and being in a hurry all the time. Give ample time to the people you
Give time even to strangers. If your work is involved in sales or client servicing, take time answering questions from customers
and clients until they are satisfied. Take time building relationships with them and showing them your appreciation.
Volunteer for a cause or join an organization that you feel would let you contribute to your community, to your country,
or to the world at large. Make it a point to be active by committing regular hours to that cause or organization.
3. Give money. Or more appropriately - tithe your income. Each time you earn from your job or business, automatically set aside a portion
for tithing - to your church, spiritual organization, and/or charity.
Should you be experiencing financial difficulties, keep tithing. Your trust in your mind power and the power of the universe
will provide for your needs. There are inspiring stories of people who tithe even while under financial hardships and miraculously
find themselves receiving money or help from unexpected sources that allow them to pull through.
4. Give to yourself. Yes, giving to yourself is still an outward flow of energy and will thus enable energy to flow back into you. While you are
generously giving to others, don’t deprive yourself. Treat yourself from time to time. Buy an item you like, get a massage,
or eat in your favorite restaurant. If you are used to buying items on sale or looking for bargains, buy something at a premium
price for a change. Doing this shows that you are open to receiving good and better things. It is also a manifestation of
your belief that the universe will give you more even while you spend a little more.
Give more to yourself and to others and see how more good things come to you.