Discover And Unleash Your Power
Magical Tip #7: Seek Support

“Keep away from those who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you believe
that you too can become great.” - Mark Twain
Combined power is stronger power multiplied - sometimes tenfold. You can see this in the victory of sorcerers or other magical
beings battling a common enemy.
Also, when a sorcerer seeks the guidance of a more powerful sorcerer, the sorcerer who asked increases his knowledge and power.
Likewise, the support of other people can dramatically increase your mind power and speed up the realization of your goals.
Surround yourself with people who are supportive of you and who generally have a positive outlook in life. Stay away from
or minimize contact with people who criticize, ridicule your dreams or do not believe in them. Avoid spending too much time
with people who have a negative disposition – their blaming, whining and complaining can bring down the level of your mind
power and optimism. However, when you feel you already have enough strong, positive energy to encourage and energize these
people, then lift them up!
Make a mental note of the people you spend time with everyday. After that, take note of those you regularly spend time with
in a week. Are these people supportive of you and do they have a positive attitude? Or are they generally negative, pulling
your energy level down and making you feel bad after talking to them?
If they are positive and supportive, congratulations! The way to your goals has just been made easier. If they are not, if
you want to keep a positive disposition, then you may have to consider spending less time with them. If the people are loved
ones, possibly living under the same roof as you, then refrain from sharing your dreams and goals with them. If they start
complaining, try to cheer them up or make them laugh (and try to make them see the humor in the situation, if you can!) to
bring their energy levels up before they can bring down yours.
Keep spending time regularly with positive people. Expect that you will meet positive, successful people and visualize talking
to them. Soon, you will have more and more positive people around you.
As long as you have these kinds of people around you, you can seek support from them in various ways. Here are some ways you
can ask for support:
1. Ask a friend or someone close to you. Before making a big decision or doing something you are nervous about, like presenting a report to big clients, you can ask
for encouragement, advice, or just good luck from a friend or someone close to you. Share your dreams and goals with people
you know who will support you and not laugh at them. Just sharing while they listen will already fill you with energy, as
listening is perhaps the simplest way to give support.
Whenever you are down, talk to a person who you know will listen and lift you up. Do not talk to someone who may sympathize
with you but will complain about your situation for you. Your conversation may only let you dwell on the unpleasant situation,
or worse, let you wallow in self-pity.
To get support on a regular basis, you can ask someone to be your “dream partner.” Share your dreams with each other and update
each other on a regular basis on the progress of making your dreams come true. Also encourage each other on a regular basis,
and most especially when the other is doubting and losing sight of their dreams.
2. Join or form a “dream group.” Much like the concept of the dream partner, a dream group helps its members achieve their goals. Aside from the usual update
on the progress of the goal every meeting, you can also do group affirmations. For example, a member can stand up in front
of the other members and say, “I am now happily earning a [amount] salary.” The group can reply “Yes, you are now earning
a [amount] salary!”
You can agree to read a motivational book or article and discuss it at the next meeting to further inspire and motivate one
another in achieving your goals. You can also invite a successful, happy person to one of your meetings and let them share
their story.
With a dream group, the possibilities are endless. You can think up activities that not only support one another but also
contribute to your personal growth.
3. Ask for a mentor. If you know people who are happy and successful, especially someone with great mind power, then by all means, talk to them!
Ask for tips. Ask them to share their secret to success. They will be more than happy to tell you.
If you would like your conversations to be on a regular basis, you can also ask that person to mentor you. Mentors are especially
helpful as they can give you valuable insights for decision-making or during times of trouble. Advice from your mentor can
save you time and effort and also save you from heartache.
Aside from seeking support from people, you can also support yourself by reading self-help and motivational books regularly
and attending success seminars, especially if they have a focus on mind power. All the knowledge and positive energy you get
from these will help you reach your goal.
To get further inspiration, you can create your own “success notebook.” Write down your favorite quotes on success and positive
thinking. Compile and paste articles related to success, especially articles about people who made it. You can also include
poems and other literary works or anything related to success that strikes your fancy. Update your success notebook from
time to time and look at it regularly, especially when you are feeling down.
If for example you still encounter negative people who bring your energy level down, recite affirmations that will help raise
your energy again (e.g. All things good are coming to me right here, right now). Or, you can contact your dream partner or
someone close to you for encouragement or to send you positive energy.
Keep in mind that you are not alone and that there are many people willing to help you and support you. Learn to seek support
from the right people and observe just how much faster your goals are realized!