Creative Visualization
Who Can Visualize?
As in, every person who has a brain.
You might argue and say, “I cannot visualize.” That’s not a possibility because the brain, by its very nature, visualizes.
You only have to replace the word “visualize” with the term “remember”. If you do this, the problem fades away. When you
are told to remember the face of your favorite singer or actress, you find it a whole lot easier than being asked to “visualize”.
Try it to believe it.
The human brain is an astonishing organ. It is capable of structuring and storing mental images in several ways. Sometimes,
it produces clear, detailed pictures in full color. Then, there are also times when it generates only hazy or fuzzy results.
In rare instances, you can’t see anything in your mind, no matter how hard you try to come up with something. Times like
these, when you have no image, only an instinct that the object is there, you merely supplement it through feelings or flashes
of ideas.
Now that you know the basis for creating reality, you are almost ready to begin with the process. Bear in mind that this
requires the two essential D’s to succeed: discipline and determination. It is not merely a chore to be executed whenever
you feel like doing it so prepare yourself for an intense but enjoyable workout. Are you ready?