Blueprints For Living

If one is to build a home he is wise to get a clear, well designed set of blueprints, study them carefully and then go ahead
with his building.
The blueprints will not construct the house for him (that is the work of the builder himself) but good plans will greatly
facilitate his work. There are certain laws of construction that should be in any house plan; while the type of house, its
location, materials, colors, size, should be defined by the individual's own taste and requirements.
In the same way, this book is a set of blueprints for living in this new Age— very simple blueprints that anyone can read
and follow, if he or she is drawn to them. They show what the atomic discoveries prove the substance of our world to be and
how to make these discoveries practical in normal everyday life. These blueprints show how to let go of outmoded methods and
conduct. They show how to live beyond the fear of domination from any form of personal bondage.
They show how to free oneself to fulfill his or her own pattern of life with inner peace and security. They are intentionally
concise, leaving the details of personal action to be governed by an individual's own natural inclinations, talents and general
J. P. Wharton